Is Intelligence Inherited From The Mother Or The Father?

Intelligence is the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The reality is that both maternal and paternal genes can influence a person’s intelligence, and that there are multiple genes that are involved in the development of cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, the environment in which a person grows and develops also plays an important role in determining their intelligence, mental, emotional and physical capacity to make life decisions. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about whether intelligence is inherited from the mother or father

From whom is the intelligence gene inherited?

The inheritance of intelligence is a complex process that involves the contribution of multiple genes, as well as environmental factors. There is no single “intelligence gene” that can be definitively identified.

Intelligence is inherited polygenically, which means that several genes contribute to its expression These genes interact in complex ways with each other and with the environment to influence a person’s cognitive development. There are recessive and dominant genes in every human being. Next, we will locate the differences between the two:

  • Recessive gene: consists of a copy of the DNA present in a person’s genetic material, but which is not manifested in a concrete way. Although it is not expressed in physical and/or personality characteristics, this does not mean that it is absent.
  • dominant gene: represents the genetic material that manifests itself in the human being through physical, mental and behavioral aspects.

In summary, both genes are linked to intelligence and come from parents as ancestors. Therefore, stating that intelligence is inherited of the mother is correct, but it cannot be attributed solely to that, since it is the result of a complex interaction between genes and the environment. If you want to know more, don’t miss this article on What is epigenetics in psychology.

Is it true that intelligence is inherited from the mother?

The idea that intelligence is inherited specifically from the mother is not a completely accurate statement. Historically, it has been suggested that genes related to brain development and intelligence were linked to the X chromosome which is inherited from both the mother and the father.

Furthermore, it has been argued that some specific genes related to brain function are more actively expressed on the maternal X chromosome than on the paternal one. However, the reality is that intelligence is the result of a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors, and cannot be attributed solely to the maternal line

More recent research has shown that several genes on different chromosomes can influence intelligence, and the contribution of each parent can vary depending on a number of genetic and environmental factors.

Is intelligence inherited from the mother or the father? - Is it true that intelligence is inherited from the mother?

What percentage of intelligence is inherited

Determining a specific percentage of how much intelligence is inherited is extremely difficult due to the complex nature of this trait and the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Some estimates suggest that genetic inheritance may contribute between 40% and 80% to variability in intelligence, while the rest is attributed to environmental factors and other non-genetic factors.

It is important to keep in mind that these percentages These are estimates only and may vary depending on the population studied and the methods used to measure intelligence. Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that intelligence is a multifaceted trait that can manifest itself in various ways, such as verbal skills, mathematical skills, spatial reasoning, or memory, among others.

Does genetics alone define our intelligence?

The intelligence It is not determined solely by genetics While genes play an important role in the development of intelligence, environmental factors are also critical. Education, nutrition, family environment, life experiences, cognitive stimulation and other factors can significantly influence a person’s intellectual development.

The studies(1) have shown that the environment in which a person grows and develops can have a substantial impact in his intelligence. For example, quality education, exposure to different types of cognitive activities, emotional support, and intellectual stimulation can help develop and improve cognitive skills.

Put another way, an environment that encourages education, emotional support, and opportunities for growth can foster the development of intelligence. In short, while genetics can provide an initial basis for intelligence, environment and life experiences play a crucial role in how it develops and manifests in a person over time.

Is intelligence inherited from the mother or the father? -Does only genetics define our intelligence?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. González Serra, DJ (2003). What is human intelligence? Cuban Journal of Psychology, 1 (4), 39-49.


  • Arias Gallegos, W.L. (2013). Theory of intelligence: a neuropsychological approach from the point of view of Lev Vygotsky. Psychology Notebooks, 7 (1), 22-37.

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