Consequences Of Living With A Psychopath

Psychopathy is a personality disorder that damages social ties and interferes with daily life, so living with a person with manipulative and narcissistic characteristics can be controversial. Over the years, the effects of the various treatments that occur in the relationship have been studied. In most cases, it is not easy to deal with this type of personality because they try to control any situation that happens to obtain a benefit in their favor. In this sense, it is common for these people to carry out actions to harm the environment that surrounds them and cause the relationship with their environment to become tense and lead to serious coexistence problems.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain 10 consequences of living with a psychopath

ambiguous seduction

Psychopathic people have great abilities to captivate their victims. In this sense, one of the most used methods to achieve what they want is to implement seduction tools with the person they live with. However, this type of manipulation is not intended to highlight positive aspects, but rather to emphasize something that needs to be improved.

For example, it is possible that a psychopath emphasizes that the other person has very good intentions to collaborate, but that it is not enough for the purpose of establish a relationship of dominance about the victim. In this article you will find other psychological manipulation techniques.

Low self-esteem

Compared to the manipulative and narcissistic traits of the psychopath, another logical consequence involves emotional deterioration that can be extremely harmful. This includes the unpleasant and traumatizing comments that represent contempt for any action of the person who lives with the psychopathic person.

The person with psychopathic traits may also use facial expressions, hurtful words, and/or harmful body contact to lower the other person’s self-esteem.

Consequences of living with a psychopath - Low self-esteem

Fear of abandonment

This personality disorder negatively alters any social contact you establish in life. On some occasions, it is possible that the psychopath abandons the person with whom he lives. However, this does not necessarily mean that he moves away from the residence, but may just avoid collaborating with any decision that should be taken.

In this way, responsibility for future consequences would seem to be linked to what a person has done. However, this is a manipulative trait that comes into play.


In situations like these, it is common to experience difficulty pursuing your own personal desires. These difficulties arise when being in close proximity to a person with psychopathic tendencies, which can have a negative impact in your ability to solve problems effectively.

As a result, those who share their lives with someone who has this type of mental pathology may experience insecurities that affect their daily routine and generate discomfort. Furthermore, due to the lack of empathy and the difficulties that psychopaths often have in establishing genuine connections, it is understandable that doubts about the authenticity of his behavior and about whether they are being true to you.

Physical and/or verbal violence

Psychopaths can often use violence to obtain any benefit from their victims, showing a lack of empathy and understanding towards the person who lives with them. Therefore, it is possible that in moments of tension they apply violent methods that exceed established limits, such as threats and even resorting to physical violence against the person.

Development of psychiatric problems

If the person does not go to a mental health professional for help, you may develop mental disorders that put their integrity at risk. Regardless of the diagnosis they receive, the lack of resources against the psychopath can lead to problems linked to depression, anxiety, suicide attempts, addictions, among others.

For this reason, the tools that a therapeutic device can provide allow you to cope with stressful situations in a more pleasant way.

Consequences of living with a psychopath - Development of psychiatric problems

Difficulty establishing social relationships

Due to the lack of trust that a person who has been linked to a psychopath may have, another consequence that occurs in these cases is complexity to encourage socialization

In this sense, it is common for people who have lived with this mental health disorder to feel afraid of repeating the same modality. In other words, it is thought that all people will be equal and, therefore, isolation is chosen.

Legal issues

Psychopaths try to transgress social norms permanently, which can lead to other people becoming involved in legal problems In short, it is notorious that they try to blame their victims so as not to assume responsibility for their actions.

Financial difficulties

On the other hand, problems may arise in relation to the gmoney season Psychopaths are experts in managing businesses that allow them to obtain a return in exchange and can request financial loans and/or money from the people they live with that generate debt.

Loss of social spaces

Finally, the psychopath tries to monopolize the places of belonging of the person who lives next to him or her using precise tactics that allow him or her to properly integrate into each space. However, this is an emotional manipulation that alters daily activities.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Dujo López, V., Horcajo Gil, PJ (2017). Psychopathy today: clinical-legal approach and forensic repercussions in the criminal field. Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychopathology Magazine, 17 (2), 69-88.

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