Side Effects Of Stopping Antidepressants Cold Turkey

Side effects of quitting antidepressants cold turkey - Is it safe to quit antidepressants cold turkey?

At some specific moments in life, feelings of sadness, hopelessness and social isolation may arise. A lack of will to carry out personal projects appears, we feel that nothing makes sense and that no one can understand what we feel in those circumstances. One of the most used resources in these cases is the intake of psychiatric medication, in order to reduce the symptoms of depressive symptoms of varying intensities. After a while, the effects of antidepressants generate an increase in certain hormones that produce a feeling of happiness. Therefore, many people may think that they no longer need to continue taking these medications and choose to stop taking them suddenly, which can lead to problems that affect their physical and mental health.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain to you what the side effects of stopping antidepressants cold turkey

Is it safe to stop antidepressants cold turkey?

First of all, it is important to clarify that each antidepressant has its own indications and contraindications, so its effects could be different for each person. That said, the general answer we can give in this regard is that It is not safe to stop antidepressants cold turkey since this could cause physical, behavioral and emotional changes that would have a negative impact on a person’s life.

Likewise, for the interruption in the consumption of antidepressants to be safe, it must be carried out under the supervision of a specialized health professional.

Side effects of quitting antidepressants cold turkey - Is it safe to quit antidepressants cold turkey?

Physical symptoms when stopping antidepressants

What happens if you stop antidepressants suddenly? Like all psychiatric medications, after stopping antidepressants, some physical manifestations may occur that are important to take into account. Knowing this data allows solutions to be established in time that avoid these consequences.

Below, we show you the main physical symptoms when stopping antidepressants:

  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Mood alterations.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Reappearance of symptoms associated with depression.
  • Anxiety.

How long do the effects of stopping antidepressants last?

The duration of the effects after stopping antidepressants suddenly will depend on factors such as the time of consumption, the dose implemented, the presence of other diseases and the qualities of each person, however, it is possible to mention that this period varies. between three days and up to a few weeks

The presence of side effects from stopping taking antidepressants after this time may be an alarming factor that must be taken into account. In those cases, it is recommended go to a mental health center to rule out other underlying causes.

Side effects of quitting antidepressants cold turkey - How long do the effects of quitting antidepressants last?

How to quit antidepressants safely

So that the interruption in taking antidepressants can occur safely, it is necessary to have viable alternatives that do not put the person’s physical and mental health at risk. Next, we leave you five tips that can be of great help to stop taking these drugs safely and relieve antidepressant withdrawal symptoms:

Gradual dose reduction

First of all, it is convenient gradually lower the dose that the person consumes instead of withdrawing the medication suddenly. This will allow the body to gradually adapt to the hormonal changes that occur in the process to avoid adverse effects.

Consult with mental health professionals

Before stopping antidepressants suddenly you should consult with a mental health professional to identify the causes that lead the person to make this decision. In these types of situations, the support and objective perspective of other people is essential.

Consider personal goals

As we have already mentioned before, in many cases people who make the decision to stop antidepressants on their own usually do so because they feel that the medication is no longer necessary. However, we must keep in mind that this class of drugs can cover the symptoms of depression.

For this reason, consider personal goals It is important to prevent relapse of depressive symptoms after stopping antidepressants.

Understand the changes

Although it sounds redundant, knowing that bodily, behavioral and emotional changes will occur It is part of the process of stopping antidepressants. This is a logical period of adaptation of the organism that must be gone through.

Understanding the possible changes that may occur will help the person experience the situation with less uncertainty and discomfort.

Replacement with a lower intensity medication

Sometimes it is best to switch to other medications with a lesser effect in the organism. In this way, side effects on the body are avoided and the adaptation time can be longer. If this possibility is considered, it should be done in contact with a health professional who evaluates the person’s clinical conditions.

If you want to know more about this topic, in the following article you will find more information on How to stop antidepressants.

Side effects of quitting antidepressants cold turkey - How to quit antidepressants safely

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Side effects of stopping antidepressants cold turkey we recommend that you enter our Neurosciences category.


  • Baeza, S., Quijada, J., Santander, J. (2002). Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. Chilean Journal of Neuro-psychiatry, 40 (1), 56-66.

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