What Are Mental Blocks And How To Overcome Them

Sometimes people can go through times when they stop having inspiration or ideas to continue their projects. This happens quite often in art, for example, a writer may run out of ideas to write his literary novel or a painter may lack imagination to portray a painting. Although this phenomenon is usually present mostly in the creative field, it can also occur at other moments in life that generate uncertainty.

However, there are some solutions that can help you deal with these blocks. If you want to know them, in this PsychologyFor article we explain What are mental blocks and how to overcome them

What are mental blocks

Mental blocks consist of interruption of thoughts in different situations. For this reason, it corresponds to an anxiety disorder characterized by a lack of ideas at a large number of specific moments.

When this occurs, it is important to pay attention to the manifestations that may occur in order to recognize mental blocks and look for tools to overcome them.

How to recognize a mental block

How do I know if I have a mental block? Next, we show you the main physical and psychological symptoms of mental blocks:

  • Physical symptoms: muscle pain, fatigue, diseases without an organic basis, difficulties falling asleep, eating dysregulation, etc.
  • Psychological symptoms: nervousness, catastrophic thoughts, lack of desire, low self-esteem, anguish, loneliness, among others.

Causes of mental blocks

In order to give greater depth to the topic we are describing, it is essential to understand what the main causes of mental blocks are. In the following items, we will develop them:

Environmental factors

In general, mental blocks are linked to unpleasant situations from the past, such as family arguments, family violence, loss of loved ones, traffic accidents, among others. All of these situations have a clear influence on the development of typical symptoms.

On the other hand, it is also possible to acquire behavioral patterns from someone in the family environment who is having a mental block. That is, mental blocks can come from the observation of significant others

Genetic factors

There are various areas of the central nervous system that regulate human emotions. In cases of patients with severe depressive symptoms, some neuronal components that present alterations. For this reason, the way of processing information What we get from the environment also plays an important role in the origin of mental blocks.

However, in order to confirm more precisely the origin of the mental blocks, it will be necessary to make a consultation with a professional of mental health, in order to obtain an adequate diagnosis.

Types of mental blocks

It is important to know that there is no single pattern of mental blockage because its mode of presentation is subject to the characteristics of the person. Next, we will explain the different types of mental block:

Environmental lock

Environmental blockage consists of the lack of ideas as a consequence of feelings of loneliness and questions about life This can be reflected in people who are not able to think about various situations and do not recognize their feelings.

An example of an environmental mental block may be the case of a person who cannot resolve what is happening to them because it is difficult for them to describe their emotions.

emotional block

As its name suggests, this type of lock is related to emotions Motion blockage usually appears when the person has experienced a traumatic situation in their life that has triggered a mental block. For example, a person who has experienced a traffic accident and cannot find the words to express what happened.

Cognitive block

Cognitive blockage arises when the person lacks ideas about how to react to a given stimulus. In other words, cognitive blockage occurs in moments when different ideas cannot be connected to each other

Generally, these blocks manifest themselves within a task that requires mental effort, to which the person is not able to respond.

What are mental blocks and how to overcome them - Types of mental blocks

How to overcome mental blocks

Fortunately, today there are solutions that improve the quality of life of people who suffer from mental blocks. Here’s how to get out of a mental block:

Psychological therapy

In cases where mental blocks occur for a long period of time, it is advisable to go to a mental health professional to offer you the necessary tools to get out of the block.

In this sense, therapy is a space in which the emotions, behaviors and thoughts that generate the symptoms are worked on in the person. In this way, after a while, it is very likely that the person will be able to break the mental block.


Breathing is a technique that consists of inhale and exhale air continuously and relaxed After doing the exercise for a while, ideas may begin to emerge that will help you get out of the mental block.

It should be noted that there are several ways to breathe and this exercise can be practiced in activities such as meditation or yoga, among others. However, it is also possible to breathe in a particular way.

Change of focus of attention

If the blockage persists after a time of having been in front of a stimulus, another alternative is leave the activity that generates the problem.

Sometimes, changing the focus of attention and taking the opportunity to do other activities, such as reading a book or watching a movie, will make it easier for new ideas to appear.

Physical activity

Finally, another option to combat mental blocks is to carry out physical activities, since exercise allows the body and mind to rest of daily tension. Likewise, when doing sports the body generates endorphins that will help new ideas arise.

What are mental blocks and how to overcome them - How to overcome mental blocks

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (2013). Self-help guides for depression and anxiety disorders. Seville: Notebook of experiences.

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