How To Encourage Reading In Children: 5 Essential Tips And Keys

Promote reading in children

Reading is an activity that has many important repercussions for human development. Among other things, it allows us to understand the elements that surround us as well as interact with them.

It is also a habit that can be acquired from early childhood. In this article we present some tips that can be useful to encourage reading in children as well as the importance of promoting their interest in said activity.

The importance of reading in childhood

Early childhood is considered the period from 0 to 6 years of age. Within this period, children go through different stages where some stimuli attract them more than others, which means that they have a greater willingness to learn certain things, or through certain techniques.

For example, From 0 to 2 years old, learning is mediated by interaction with adults, especially towards those who are their caregivers or educators. Furthermore, this stage is crucial because the skills necessary for communication are developed.

Between the ages of 3 and 4, socialization begins to occur outside the family nucleus, generally because children begin school. From the age of 4, learning occurs in a more structured way. The important reference at this moment is the educational system, always on a par with the family or the closest emotional nucleus.

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In all these stages, Language plays a crucial role in child development, both for cognitive processes and for interaction with others. Language in this sense is not limited to the verbal use of words, but is a whole process through which children give meaning and meaning to the things around them. The latter is what allows them to establish both a personal identity and establish communication with others.

One of the practices that especially encourages the development of language, as well as communication and even affection, is reading. Therefore, encouraging reading from early childhood is important because it allows the child understand and interact with the world and also, understand the place it occupies within it.

How to encourage reading in children?

Reading not only has to do with the ability to decipher linguistic signs, but is related to different manifestations of the culture that are found around these signs and the narratives they construct (Ramírez and de Castro, 2013). This is essential to interact, and to establish desires, emotions and feelings, as well as to externalize them.

1. Make reading a meaningful encounter

When dealing with young children (especially between 0 and 2 years old), reading is encouraged as long as it is about an activity that also strengthens the bond between the child and caregivers

That is, reading must mean something shared, because as we have seen, Younger children learn especially in relation to adults Encouraging meaningful encounters with reading is something that encourages reading itself, as it influences how children perceive and feel this activity, and therefore, how they will receive it or seek it out later.

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Something that can be very simple is to read with them at bedtime, before taking a nap or after an activity that requires rest. Doing this long term also allows them to associate reading with a moment of relaxation.

2. Use attractive materials and a striking tone

Children learn through their senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste), so it is important to choose stories and materials that are attractive. For example, There are many books that have textures or that have sounds and it is important to look for those that do not have many complex words or phrases.

When narrating the stories ourselves it is important to maintain a tone and volume of voice that is striking and that changes as the story does so. In this way we encourage the recognition of emotions and attract the child’s attention to reading.

Another related activity is making stories with the children themselves, especially when they are a little older. For example, create a story about animals with images that the child chooses himself, or with photos of the family. In the same sense, present the parts or elements of a book (pages, cover, drawings…) in an attractive way.

3. Allow the child to choose freely

Many times children are drawn to the same book over and over again. It is important to give them the freedom to choose for themselves the story that most attracts their attention, so that their interest in reading is not interrupted.

Likewise it is important offer different reading modalities There is literature that is written by children, and there is literature that is written or adapted for children. Something that encourages children’s interest in reading is having several options on hand and presenting them one by one, so that we allow them to explore their interests and freely address them.

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4. Allocate a special and comfortable space for reading

While reading is not an activity that is reduced to understanding words or drawings, but rather our emotions, desires, needs or moods come into play; It is also important to read in a comfortable place.

Something that may be attractive to children is to allocate a special space for reading, which depending on our possibilities may have, for example, a sofa of their size, small pillows or a rug, along with a basket, drawer or bookcase with different books.

5. Make sure your daily routine includes reading (create the habit)

The reading can become a habit, and as such, it is a practice that can be reinforced through continued repetition. Especially when it comes to older children, the habit of reading can be encouraged if we dedicate time to it daily.

If the child is not used to reading on his own initiative, it is important to do it together with him, and invite him through books that are attractive to him (although not to us) and at a pace that is prudent. In this way he can explore reading under his own interest, instead of understanding it as a tedious, obligatory or boring activity