How To Be More Optimistic

Negative thoughts are mental barriers that can limit your actions, without you even realizing it. Therefore, having a positive attitude can make the difference between success or failure in the different tasks you undertake. The good news is that optimism is a skill that we can develop and strengthen over time to be happier and healthier on a physical and mental level.

There is a lot of research that confirms that optimistic people manage stress and anxiety better and have a fuller life. In this PsychologyFor article we will tell you how to be more optimistic so that, through some recommendations and strategies, you can see the positive and beautiful side of life.

Identify your emotions and accept reality

It is normal for human beings to go through some moment of emotional depression due to some inconvenience. The key is to know find the origin of emotions to identify and analyze them assertively.

This means that to be optimistic we do not have to deny reality, but rather focus on the positive of each moment, without forgetting that, inevitably, problems will occur throughout our lives. That is, try to see adversity as just another part of the journey and remember that rainbows always come out after the storm.

Think about your strengths

Another strategy to be more optimistic is recognize capabilities and strengths that we have and that help us face bad times. For example, analyze what you can do when faced with a certain problem or in what aspects you stand out the most to get the most out of it. Also, imagine the future in a positive way, remembering that the bumps in the road are necessary to increase your learning so that you can face the same situations later, but with greater wisdom.

In the following article you will find a list of a person’s strengths.

Recognize and isolate your negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are not always bad, since they can also serve as a method of adaptation to certain events. Now, when they become something extremist, they can become a very dangerous obstacle to reaching your goals, since you will always have the tendency to expect the worst in every situation.

Therefore, you must learn to filter out the negative aspects of your thoughts to give them the value they really have. This will allow you to have a realistic and optimistic view of situations.

Likewise, you can create alternatives to your negative thoughts by replacing phrases like “I will never finish doing it” with others like “I am going to divide everything into smaller tasks to finish my activities.” In this way, little by little you will have a logical basis to start replacing your limiting thoughts with empowering thoughts.

Control your responses

Do you want to know another recommendation to be more optimistic? Pessimists see all problems as permanent, while optimistic people know that everything is temporary and things will get better very quickly. Therefore, learn to control your emotions and the level of response to adversity.

Likewise, recognize that failures are moments that are resolved and do not have a lasting impact. Therefore, in the most difficult situations, he reflects for a moment before having any reaction. Remember that you cannot control everything around you and that negative moments affect you to the extent that you allow them to.

Surround yourself with optimistic people

Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are! This is a popular saying closely related to this aspect, since, by surrounding yourself with optimistic people, Your attitude will change and you will learn to smile more easily Positive people radiate a contagious energy that lifts spirits and expectations.

Furthermore, optimism is a habit that is learned and transmitted. Look for a friend who has a good mood and who likes to do things for others, since that is a stimulus that is learned and consolidated over time.

How to be more optimistic - Surround yourself with optimistic people

Keep it real

To learn to be more optimistic you have to Be aware that in life there will be many ups and downs That is, you must be realistic to understand that not every day will be sunny and colorful and that you will have to prepare to accept the rain on the road and reality as it is.

Your positive attitude must be maintained in difficult situations. Therefore, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best in every dilemma.

Practice gratitude and choose happiness

When you are a pessimist, you probably don’t appreciate the good things you have in your life. For this reason, practicing gratitude is an excellent strategy to learn to value everything that surrounds you and that is positive for you. Dedicate a few minutes of the day to value and be grateful for aspects such as health, family, work, friends, family, etc. You can also have your own gratitude journal to write down everything you feel grateful for.

Lastly, choose to be happy despite the circumstances and make the decision to be optimistic, since only you can make that choice.

How to be more optimistic - Practice gratitude and choose happiness

Live in the present

Many people become obsessed with the past or the future and stop living in the present, forgetting about their own reality. You won’t be able to appreciate anything if your thoughts are trapped in another place and time.

In this sense, if you want to be more optimistic, try to cultivate full concentration so that your mind does not escape from the “here and now.” In addition, maintain healthy lifestyle habits that include a healthy diet and an exercise routine, as well as spending a little time doing your favorite hobby, since recreation is also essential to staying optimistic.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Marcos, LR, & Miralles, F. (2010). The strength of optimism. Aguilar.
  • Seligman, M.E. (2014). Learn Optimism: Make Life a Wonderful Experience. DEBOLS! LLO.

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