What Does It Mean To Be An Intense Person And What Are Its Qualities?

Living life with great intensity is not the same as being an intense person. Although it is normal for people to have different personalities, those who are intense consume a lot of energy around them, since their emotions are deep, focused and even exacerbated. Therefore, before you start interacting with someone who has this attitude, you must know very well what you are going to face.

If you have ever been told that you are very intense or you think that someone close to you has this personality, in this Psychology-online article you will see What does it mean to be an intense person and what are its qualities?. In addition, we will give you some tips to leave that intensity behind.

What is an intense person in psychology?

According to psychology, intense people are those who experience very deep and passionate sensations, both those that are positive and those that are negative. Therefore, by being very aware of their inner world, they can develop continuous thought patterns that lead them to be obsessive.

According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy(1)intense people are those vehement and lively who feel intensely This definition makes it clear that this quality not only has a negative connotation, but also refers to terminology that is associated with depth of experiences. For example, at work sometimes a certain level of intensity is required to accomplish certain tasks.

Now, how does an intense person act? When focus gets out of control and lose the perspectives of emotions, you can fall into an obsessive behavioral pattern. Obviously, this causes harm internally, as well as to the people around.

Coupled with that, intense people are unable to hide or disguise what they feel In fact, they don’t even try. This attitude overwhelms them and makes them not be masters of their emotions. Furthermore, when they want something they do everything to get it and are not afraid to express their thoughts.

Qualities of an intense person

Intense people never hide their feelings. In addition, they present certain notable features. Next, we will show you the main qualities of an intense person:

  • They are highly sensory: what is described as a high sensitivity for emotional processing.
  • They tend to be melancholic or very euphoric in nature: Therefore, they experience emotional extremes very strongly.
  • You can contact and send messages to the person you are interested in: They do this without measuring themselves in terms of time and how many times they do it.
  • They are compulsive talkers: They rarely let other people speak.
  • They focus on a goal: in fact, they do not look beyond it to know if they are harming third parties or not.
  • They frequently seek sensory contact from those who listen to them: either through slaps, touches on the back or shoulders, which can be very annoying.
  • They throw inappropriate comments or words in front of whoever.
  • They are possessive dominant, suffocating and jealous.
  • They respond with a lot of drama: They take all news or circumstances to heart.
  • They exaggerate the meaning of all their relationships interpersonal and emotional.
  • They are not afraid of challenges: They are always willing to accept any challenge. Because of this, they are also incredibly motivated, which becomes a positive quality.

What it means to be an intense person and what are its qualities - Qualities of an intense person

How to stop being an intense person – 5 Tips

The first step to stop being an intense person is respect the space of others and the decisions they make. Only in this way can you maintain an appropriate boundary with each person’s individuality. In addition, we also recommend following these tips:

  • Limit your expectations: Try not to get hooked too easily on emotions and feelings. That is, relax a little about what you expect from other people, since everyone does not feel or think the same as you.
  • Learn to identify emotional triggers: When you identify situations that can overwhelm your emotions, it is easier to learn to put a little control in the attitudes you will have towards them. That is, practice emotional intelligence.
  • Recognize that intensity can cause damage in your relationships: Contrary to what you believe, being intense is not positive for maintaining balance in a relationship, since other people can feel suffocated. Therefore, it is essential to take a step back and evaluate the consequences that the intense attitudes that tend to cause around you.
  • Trust: Trust is the crucial point for a relationship to last over time. However, trust is respecting personal space and accepting that no one owns anyone.
  • Seek help: If you feel that the problem is getting out of your hands, it never hurts to seek help from an expert. It will provide you with the most assertive strategies to get out of an attitudinal circle that can distance you from those you appreciate and love most.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What does it mean to be an intense person and what are its qualities? we recommend that you enter our Personality category.

  1. Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Definition of intense. https://dle.rae.es/intensidad


  • Street, R. A. (1998). Practical guide to emotional health: how to heal your negative emotions to access a fuller and happier life (Vol. 507). Edaf. Available at: https://books.google.co.ve/books?hl=es&lr=&id=7oNCJ6D3HBEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA9&dq=como+dejar+de+ser+una+persona+intensa&ots=bFVtMPB7Co&sig=HG1VOIu3qkhT0r7MiCkvQo0Asno#v=onepage&q&f =false

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