What Is It To Be Lithsexual? A Little-known Way Of Living Sexuality


When we fall in love with someone or, at the very least, feel some type of attraction towards a man or a woman, what we would like most in the world would be for them to reciprocate, that is, for them to feel the same way we feel for him or her.

There are many times when love is not reciprocated, hurting most of us in the depths of our souls, but there is a small group that is precisely what they want.

There are people who are attracted to people who don’t like them and, the moment it seems like they do, they go and stop being interested in them. They are lithsexual people people with a curious pattern of sexuality that we are going to talk about next.

What is it to be lithsexual?

Sex has been a taboo topic in our society for a long time, so much so that today we continue to be surprised by some of the findings that scientists make about what human sexual behavior is like.

If in the past heteronormality was considered the only healthy form of sexual behavior, today we understand that homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality are other equally healthy realities, although there is still a long way to go and many prejudices to overthrow.

Every professional who is dedicated to the treatment of sexual dysfunctional diseases, both in men and women, must know the different sexual inclinations and also paraphilias of all kinds. It is only possible to offer good treatment by understanding that sexual behavior is diverse and adopting an open view of the problems that patients may present.

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One of the least known sexual behaviors is lithsexuality. It is a pattern of atypical sexual behavior and, in fact, people who identify as lithsexuals have a rather peculiar behavior towards those they feel attracted to: their desire remains alive as long as the other person does not reciprocate. This word is considered synonymous with lithosexual, lithromantic, lithoromantic, acoisexual and acoirromantic.

A lithsexual person is anyone who feels desire or attraction for another human being, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, but does not want to have a “real” or consummated relationship. If at any point the person you are attracted to begins to show signs that they want to reciprocate that desire, then something really curious happens: the lithsexual stops feeling attraction for that person His desire is based on platonic love and, if that platonic love becomes real, the desire simply ceases to exist.

Understanding this we can understand that lithsexuality is somewhat ironic. While most people dream that the person they fall madly in love with will love them back one day, lithsexuals seem to want just the opposite. When lithsexuals feel attracted to someone, they do not need that person to reciprocate and, in fact, the situation of rejection or indifference on the part of the other is even stimulating, maintaining that desire or attraction for the other person without there being mutual attraction.

Unlike idealized love, in which there is a minimal hope that one day it will come true, the lithsexual person feels satisfaction simply by desiring someone without being desired. He doesn’t want or need anything else, since if he had it the magic would disappear. There is no frustration or discomfort, since the lithsexual is not interested in succeeding in conquering the person in whom he feels interest. There is also no masochism, since it does not seek suffering.

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Origin of the term ‘lithsexuality’ and symbology

In accordance with the curious nature of its associated behavior, the term “lithsexual” has an also interesting etymological origin. It is the combination of the Greek word “lith”, which means “stone”, with the sexual ending

The reason why this specific word was chosen to describe this peculiar behavior is somewhat mysterious, but it can be deduced that the stone is a narrative device, a way of describing the person for whom one feels the attraction. He or she, like a stone, He does not realize that there is someone who feels an intense attraction towards him

People who identify as lithsexuals have their own symbol, consisting of a flag with five colored stripes, each with its own meaning:


Akoisexuality: the variant in men

As we have explained what lithsexuality is, This term is applicable to any person regardless of their gender identity Whether man, woman or non-binary gender, lithsexual is someone who feels attraction towards someone who does not correspond to them.

However, it seems that in recent years this word has become popular to refer to women who have this behavior more than men.

As there have been people who considered that the term “lithsexual” may imply some confusion and is not generalizable to all gender identities, It was considered necessary to invent a new word, in this case of preferential use for men: akoisexual or acoisexual Acoisexuals, like those who identify as lithsexuals, constitute an organized collective that has its own flag, values ​​and principles.

Lithsexuality, achoisexuality and erectile dysfunction

It should not be thought that lithsexual and acoisexual people do not have the need to have sex The fact that they dream of platonic loves and that they stop feeling interest when they are reciprocated should not make us think that they feel sexual aversion or that these types of people do not enjoy fornicating at all. Quite the opposite, since there may be times when they feel interested in having sex but, unfortunately, they do not perform due to a sexual problem.

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Whether a lithsexual person has erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, Peyronie’s disease, vaginismus or other sexual dysfunction may seem like a minor thing. One may wonder how serious it can be that a person with this peculiar predisposition cannot use his genitals well if, after all, he is not going to use them with another person.

In reality, this is not true, since people with this type of sexuality will use their sexual organs, especially when they are dreaming about the person with whom they are feeling attraction, love and desire at that moment.

It is for this reason that every professional in sexology or who addresses sexual dysfunctions in one way or another must be aware of lithsexuality, understanding that There are people who, although they do not have sex with other individuals or whose romantic interest disappears when they see that they are reciprocated, are individuals who continue to have sexual interests and that they need to be satisfied alone.