How To Stop Talking To Someone Without Hurting Them

If you want to stop talking to someone without harming them, the most important thing is to be honest and clear with your reasons and intentions, but communicating it in a kind and respectful way. Also, avoid blaming or judging the other person and, whenever possible, try to end the relationship on good terms. Sometimes we establish relationships with certain people who, in the long run, cause us discomfort and discomfort. However, this discomfort does not always mean that the person has done something wrong. This approach is important to keep in mind that it is not always about judging and blaming this person for our discomfort, but sometimes our internal states do not allow us to relate constructively and it is more convenient to take a certain distance.

In the following online Psychology article you will find 8 tips on how to stop talking to someone without hurting them

Take a certain distance progressively

A first step to respectfully end a relationship that is mutually harming us is take a certain distance progressively It is important to do it little by little, although sometimes it happens that we reach a certain level of saturation that, from one day to the next, we stop talking to the person in question.

To avoid this, it is important to take a continuous internal look at our states of balance and emotional adjustment to detect our internal discomfort in a certain relationship in time and begin to progressively distance ourselves.

Stop feeding attachment to the relationship

Sometimes we cling to certain relationships by becoming attached to them and when, for various reasons, they begin to go wrong, the same attachment makes it difficult for us to distance ourselves assertively. Stop feeding attachment in this and any other relationship It will help us fluctuate between our acquaintances in a constructive way, but without generating any dependency on any of them.

In the following article we explain what assertiveness is and examples.

Nurture varied relationships

In relation to the previous section, for human beings it is much more positive to nurture different relationships and alternate between them (friendship, romantic, family…). This does not mean that we relate superficially to people, but that we can establish good concrete, meaningful and constructive relationships with many people without creating relationships of mutual dependency due to nurtured attachment.

Include this relationship as one more

Although this does not work in all cases, you can try interacting with the person less frequently, considering them as one of the varied and alternating cordial relationships you have in your life. While it is true that our current relationship as it exists impoverishes us, maintain punctual contacts It can be enriching for both of you.

In turn, this can allow us to be nourished, unexpectedly, by knowledge or internal revelations resulting from these small moments shared with that person.

Learn to end conversations respectfully

If, despite this new attitude adopted, a moment of interaction occurs that begins the process of mutual (or at least personal) deterioration, it will be essential learn to end the conversation respectfully

Ending conversations in a respectful manner avoids harming our interlocutor or at least reduces the consequences.

Kind silence helps

An aspect that helps a lot to reduce the toxic relationship that is occurring between two people is keep silent but with an internal attitude of respect and kindness.

This is not always an easy task, since due to the irritation that this relationship generates in us, we tend to judge the person internally. However, it is important to make an effort to be kind so that the effects of this toxic relationship lose their intensity.

Do not isolate and turn your back

If you want to stop talking to someone without harming them at any time, you should isolate yourself and turn your back on the person. This is a behavior that can easily occur as an automatic response to avoid the discomfort that this interaction causes us.

However, isolating and turning away causes great inner pain for those who receive this rejection. For this reason, it is recommended resort to gradual and progressive withdrawal as a more respectful form of disengagement.

How to stop talking to someone without hurting them - Don't isolate and turn your back

Maintain cordiality at all times

Finally, to avoid harming the person with whom we want to stop interacting It is important that we maintain cordiality at all times with him or her. Cutting these types of relationships does not mean rejecting people and turning your back on them.

As we have mentioned previously, at certain times certain interactions become toxic for the people involved due to the particular characteristics of the moment and the individuals themselves. Temporarily cutting off these relationships and resuming them more constructively later can be another way to care for and nourish the internal balance of both people. involved.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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