How To Support Gay Teens

Support gay teenagers

Homosexuality continues to be a source of stigma in the vast majority of countries in the world, not to mention that it is in practically all of them. Beliefs based on tradition, which spread an essentialist and anti-scientific vision of what human sexuality is, mean that for some people, being homosexual means going against nature (even though that means nothing).

The effects of discrimination against sexual preferences that fall outside heterosexuality They especially target homosexual teenagers who are in the process of forming their own identity and are more vulnerable to attacks that undermine their personality and prevent them from expressing themselves as they are.

Tips to support gay teens

In the following lines we will see some guidelines to follow to help that homosexual adolescents in our environment feel accepted, supported and respected in addition to ensuring that they are not afraid to show their tastes and preferences just as any person would do.

1. Learn the basics of gender and sexuality

This step is essential, since it will avoid confusion when dealing with these young people. The fact that for centuries heterosexuality has been considered “normal” has made this is associated with many other things linked to gender which have also been considered normal and socially desirable.

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For example, there are those who understand that being homosexual means feeling of a gender that does not correspond to that denoted by their genitals, or having attitudes and actions associated with those of the opposite sex to their own.

Thus, we must distinguish between biological sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender roles. Gender identity consists of the gender to which one’s identity is associated (although there are also people who do not identify with any), and gender roles are the set of tasks, actions and behavioral styles that have been socially assigned. to a genre.

2. Keep in mind that homosexuality is not something exotic

You cannot treat a homosexual teenager as if he were a museum piece. That is, behaviors like asking him a lot of questions about his lifestyle and her sexual preferences. It’s one thing to worry about making him feel comfortable, and another to overwhelm him reminding him again and again of his orientation; In that context, it is normal for him to consider that there is something strange about him.

3. Help him understand that he is not to blame for the discrimination

Unfortunately, it is still normal for homosexual people to suffer psychological or even physical attacks for being gay. But the main harmful effect of this is usually not the acute discomfort that each attack generates, but the way in which these experiences can lead to thinking about oneself. The just world theory explains to us that there is a tendency to think that in clear cases of suffering, it is likely that the victim has done something to deserve it, and this also applies to self-concept.

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Thus, in the face of continued attacks, the idea that if there is so much hatred it must be for a legitimate reason, gains strength, and this not only undermines self-esteem, but also leads to confusion about what one is and what one is. must do to deserve to live in peace.

4. Listen to their real concerns

Each case is unique, so you have to know how to adapt to the person you are dealing with. In the case of young homosexuals, it is easy that stereotypes make us assume things that really are not

Therefore, we must listen carefully to what they explain about themselves, without letting our beliefs and schemes distort the content of their message. Only in this way will we know how to support homosexual adolescents correctly and without falling into simplistics.

5. Promote their integration into groups, but do not force them

In adolescence it is very important to feel accepted by a group. Unfortunately, young people of new generations do not have to be more respectful than adults with the diversity of sexual orientations. In fact, in the case of men, There is a toxic masculinity that makes abuse frequent who falls outside the prototype of a hard, violent and, of course, heterosexual man.

That is why it is good to help these young people who are most likely to be excluded find a group in which they can integrate well. However, you have to be respectful of their preferences and interests, and not pressure them to join a specific group if they don’t want to.

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6. Show references beyond heterosexuality

It is very positive that adolescents find references that inspire them to develop their personality. In this sense, knowing someone who is homosexual and shows positive or even admirable values ​​is beneficial because it shows that this sexual orientation does not have to be a reason to be ashamed.