How To Be A Good Leader

How to be a good leader - Carry out introspection and self-knowledge work

Being a leader is a highly valued and desired role today because it is usually occupied by people with a strong personality that allows them to go far. However, if we look closely at what a true leader is, it has nothing to do with old images of manipulative people who controlled large masses of people and achieved great personal success. This profile is more related to a dictator than what a leader really is. The true leader is one who, due to his intrinsic characteristics and those others worked on daily, forms a clear and transparent personality, full of inner strength that drives the group of people around him or who are in his charge to give their best. themselves with a single objective: the common good.

How to be a good leader? In the following PsychologyFor article we will present 15 keys to working on our interior and becoming “leaders” whose main function is to make the world around us better.

Carry out introspection and self-knowledge work

One of the main characteristics of true leaders is that they are people with a high degree of personal self-awareness Their leadership does not come from nowhere and, although it is possible that innately or due to the good upbringing received, they present certain characteristics typical of leaders.

These are people who have integrated as part of their daily functioning the work of introspection and personal self-knowledge without which it would not be possible for them to be the people they are and what they become every day. It is precisely this internal work of personal improvement that allows them to become aware of what is happening at each moment and correct errors with the intention of achieving better results on the next occasion.

How to be a good leader - Carry out introspection and self-knowledge work

Have great inner strength

They are people with great inner strength precisely because They take advantage of every life experience as learning personal, which allows them to equip themselves with a large number of psychological, emotional and problem-solving tools to face subsequent life situations. This is reflected in great inner strength.

Face life with joy and optimism

Their basic vital attitude is joy and optimism. Is about very vital people who, with great joy and hope, They always see the best part of all life situations. It is not about an excess of fantasy and little realism, which would cause an evasion of the reality that surrounds them, but rather an optimistic vision that always allows them the light, the beauty and the good of each situation.

Faced with a certain problem, they will easily be able to find a way out that will allow them to move forward in an improved and strengthened personal state.

Have a great capacity for resilience

If resilience is “the ability of a living being to adapt in the face of a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation”, good leaders They are resilient people with great capacity d to successfully deal with any critical situation or problem.

It is thanks to your personal self-awareness, your flexibility, your optimistic attitude, your inner strength, etc. who manage to get ahead in the face of any life crisis.

Establish clear, fluid and coherent communication

The leaders They communicate clearly and there is a great coherence between your verbal message and your communication non-verbal (which does not usually occur in most people due to consciously or unconsciously used masks).

Their fluid, respectful and coherent expression is the result of their personal self-awareness and is one of the main traits of good leaders that generates trust in people and causes them to faithfully follow their instructions.

How to be a good leader - Establish clear, fluid and coherent communication

Know how to stay calm

Whatever the external situation, your personal gifts favor the maintenance or rapid recovery of calm. This state of permanent calm, which if altered by critical situations is immediately reestablished, is the basis on which many of the rest of its characteristic features are based.

It is precisely by staying calm that these people can process information clearly and objectively see the positive side of the situation and move forward with situations successfully.

Adapt to life changes with flexibility

For all that has been said and all that remains to be mentioned, these are people with great flexibility who easily adapt to any type of change, adapting constructively to the new situation that has arisen.

Propose effective solutions in times of crisis

On the other hand, when faced with any problem, leaders have great ability to discard what is useless and harmful and take advantage of everything from which a new situation can be created that benefits all the people involved.

Try hard and be humble

True leaders with good results and whose behavior is beneficial for the institution, company or society, are humble people who consider effort as an indispensable part of life In other words, any step in life, no matter how small, requires personal effort.

It is precisely the permanence on the path of improvement and personal achievement, humility and the constant effort to move forward despite the obstacles that may arise along the way that leads these people to achieve the proposed goals.

Act responsibly and conscientiously

Leaders are people whose behaviors are guided by well-considered choices that give them, over time, high levels of sobriety and wisdom. They are aware that good results only arise from responsible actions that take into account all the elements involved.

The action based on good conscience that considers favorable results as those that go far beyond solely personal and/or economic achievements will allow for much more beneficial and lasting achievements from which everyone benefits.

Have great empathy

Leaders feel the impulse to guide their colleagues with the ultimate intention of improving the personal situation of each of them.

Beyond institutional, business or economic achievements, True leaders are motivated by deeper motivations that lead them to understand the personal situation of their neighbors and guide them so that they achieve good personal states. Only in this way is how, subsequently and finally, business achievements and objectives are achieved.

Promote good interpersonal relationships

These types of leaders have great ability to create good personal relationships with others due to their empathy and great personal openness,. But, beyond creating a good personal social network, their true interest lies in promoting good relationships between all the people around them.

Good weather and good relationships between people is a priority point that guides their behavior in their daily work. In this article we explain what openness to experience is in psychology.

How to be a good leader - Promote good interpersonal relationships

Always look for the best solution for everyone

One of the main objectives of the actions of a person with good leadership is to improve the personal situation of the people around him or under his responsibility, not just his personal situation. To achieve this, they usually look for a solution for each situation that benefits all people involved

They are aware that taking personal improvement into account in isolation in the medium and long term leads to failure because it only generates competitiveness, rivalries and personal struggles. However, when taking into account group improvement, they assume that true success and personal progress is achieved when it globally affects everyone involved. In other words, the joint force is much more powerful and effective than personal forces isolated and opposed to each other.

Contribute to the personal growth and improvement of others

Beyond the specific improvement of each situation that occurs and the professional, institutional, economic or social achievements and successes, the guidance of good leaders seeks personal improvement and that of each of the people involved since it will be precisely this personal growth that will lay good foundations for subsequent and continuous growth, progress and social and/or professional improvement.

Use your own example as a tool for social change

The leader model that we have described throughout this article is not limited to achieving business progress with no more benefit than what it brings to a single company or professional group, but also feels the impulse to accompany your social group to carry out personal improvement work that leads to a work of common effort for social improvement that benefits everyone.

In this way, it is your own example of behavior that motivates others to follow your guidance with the ultimate purpose of advancing, progressing and improving in a social and joint way. Leaders with these characteristics are the ones who should actually occupy political positions in our countries. People who, with their good example, drive and inner strength, would guide us along the path of good behavior and continuous personal improvement as the only means of improvement and true social progress.

How to be a good leader - Use your own example as a tool for social change

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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