If You Want To Quit Smoking, You Can Do It

If you want to quit smoking, you can do it

How many people do you see at the end of the day on the street with a cigarette in their hand? Don’t be fooled, even if these people say they like to smoke, they are actually addicts.

Tobacco contains many substances that are not at all healthy for the body, and yet smokers continue to consume. Maybe it’s happened to you yourself, or you have people around you who it happens to: any occasion is perfect to light up your cigarette and take a couple of drags. And well, since you can leave it whenever you feel like it, nothing happens.

Now, think about it: what really happens when you try to quit smoking? Can you do it without problems or is it difficult for you? What’s more, our question is this: have you ever tried it? And here’s another question for you to answer: what happened when you left him?

No, smoking is not a habit A habit is to go for a run in the morning, or read a good book after eating. Smoking is an addiction. And it is very difficult to overcome it and not relapse.

But is tobacco really an addiction?

Well yes, it is, even though people who smoke think it isn’t. Tobacco addiction is caused by nicotine, and, like any other addictive substance, it makes you constantly look for the perfect “excuse.” to take a cigarette. It doesn’t matter if it’s to “relax” after a work meeting or because you “like” to smoke.

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When you consume nicotine, your body gets used to it and needs you to give it to it to “feel good.” On the other hand, we cannot forget that the mere fact of smoking is considered a social act, and as it is, excuse the redundancy, socially accepted, because nothing happens. We continue smoking.

The addiction of smoking

A complicated process

We do not want to stop insisting that quitting smoking is difficult because it is an addiction, and just as it happens with other addictions, When you try to stop there are a series of symptoms that can affect you From irritability to loss of sleep, they make up the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. However, each person is different, and it does not have to affect everyone the same.

It is a fact that The most difficult thing is to overcome the initial period since this is when your body will most ask you to smoke, but if you manage to do so, you will already have a long way to go.

Is there an easier way to quit tobacco?

No, there is not. Be wary of the miraculous methods that you can find out there. However, there are some questions and practices that can help you finally overcome smoking.

First of all, It is important to know the reason why you want to stop smoking By eliminating these substances that are harmful to your body, your body will feel better, and some of the problems you had will go away.

Let us ask you a question: how many times have you sworn that you were going to quit smoking, but on Monday? And what happened when Monday arrived? Did you leave it? Surely not, and that happens because we do not set a fixed date (near, as soon as possible). If you decide to quit smoking, why not do it today? It will always cost you a lot of work, but with a firm decision and a strong will nothing can stop you.

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On the other hand, there are times when we make resolutions for ourselves. And precisely because they are for ourselves, they remain in borage water. However, when you promise someone When you tell other people that you want to stop smoking, it is like a commitment you make with those people. But it’s not only that, you can also ask them for help.

Avoiding temptations is also a very good practice for quitting tobacco For example, if you smoked when you were with certain people, stop going with them for a while.

There is a very good motivation these days when the economy is such a complicated topic for many people: smoking costs a lot of money. The price of tobacco is high, and stopping consuming it will undoubtedly be an economic relief. Think about it, when you buy tobacco what you do is literally burn money. If you stop smoking, what you spend each month on an addiction you can save or spend on anything else. Precisely that, Spending the money you wasted on tobacco on something else is a reward for your effort And you deserve it. You’re going to enjoy it much more.

In conclusion

Many people will tell you that quitting smoking is very easy because they believe that it is simply something you can quit whenever and however you want. The reality is very different: Tobacco addiction is as complicated as any other, and requires a lot of effort and help to achieve But it’s worth it.