Orfidal: Uses And Side Effects Of This Medicine


Anxiety is, along with depression, one of the most frequent psychological problems Worldwide. Our lifestyle can cause a deep activation and reaction of both the mind and the body. This anxiety may be a mere temporary annoyance for some, but others may find themselves facing a disabling obstacle that they are unable to fight against.

Fortunately, there are various therapies to help manage it and reduce its impact, both at the psychotherapy level and at the pharmacological level. Among the latter we can find one of the anxiolytic drugs best known to the general population: Orfidal

Throughout this article we are going to see what this drug is, how it works and what it is prescribed for, in addition to its possible side effects and contraindications.

What is Orfidal?

It is called Orfidal, one of the most popular and used psychotropic drugs, which It is part of the group of medications with a psychoactive effect known as anxiolytics, and within these benzodiazepines. The main active ingredient of this drug is Lorazepam: actually Orfidal is one of the trade names of this substance.

As a benzodiazepine, Orfidal is a drug mainly prescribed as an anxiolytic and is also considered a hypnotic-sedative, in addition to having effects at the level of muscle relaxation and as an anticonvulsant. It is a highly effective drug, although it also has some addictive potential and can cause some side effects.

This medicine It is part of the intermediate-life benzodiazepines which implies that it remains in the body for a period of time between twelve and twenty-four hours and its effects remain in force for a relatively long time throughout the day.

Mechanism of action

The operation of Orfidal, whose active ingredient is, as we have said, Lorazepam, is mainly based on a mechanism of action in which the drug acts as an indirect agonist of type A gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors.

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In other words, Orfidal acts at a neuronal level by favoring and increasing the activity of one of the brain neurotransmitters that plays the greatest role in inhibiting or reducing neuronal activation, GABA. It is the increase in the latter that reduces anxiety symptoms and generates relaxation and sedation effects. The effect is especially relevant in the limbic system the main area of ​​the brain that governs the emotional sphere, as well as different regions of the cortex which allow information processing and reasoning.

The usefulness of this drug is enormous and it is highly effective, with the advantage that it generally does not generate excessively disabling side effects and allows us to continue with our daily lives normally.

Therapeutic indications: in what disorders is it used?

The main indication for Orfidal or any drug with the same active ingredient is fundamentally the short-term treatment of anxiety, regardless of whether or not there is an anxiety disorder or if we are dealing with a reaction to a specific stimulus or situation. Yes, this drug It should only be used in situations of great stress and distress (with medical indication), since it also has its disadvantages and risks.

In addition, as a hypnotic-sedative, it is also especially useful. when performing pharmacological treatment for insomnia or other sleep disorders in which it appears by default.

It is also often used during depressive symptoms, given that sleep problems and the comorbid appearance of anxiety symptoms are common in them, and also in other disorders in which a level of intense emotionality appears. It is also used in people with problems derived from withdrawal from substances such as alcohol.

It is also not strange that it is used in the treatment of some organic diseases linked to anxiety problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome or the presence of ulcers, or even to treat problems such as nausea in chemotherapy treatment for cancer. Likewise, and although it is not an indication as such, sometimes used to treat epilepsy due to its anticonvulsant properties.

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Side effects

Although highly prescribed and very useful, the truth is that the consumption of Orfidal is not free of risks or the emergence of possible undesirable side effects. Likewise, there are specific sectors of the population that should not take it, having it contraindicated.

As the main and most noticeable side effects we can find, first of all, the existence of sedation. Although depending on the case and the situation it may be useful, It is possible that the sedative action of the drug makes it difficult to maintain wakefulness during the day and decrease performance and productivity in various areas, in addition to a feeling of fatigue and reluctance. Another possible side effect is the emergence of a state of emotional dullness, and a slight feeling of suffocation.

It may appear loss of muscle tone, confusion, or slowness In addition, it is not uncommon for dizziness or difficulties in the coordination of movements and speech to appear. Although it is sometimes used in depression with anxious characteristics, the truth is that it can also lead to the appearance of depressive symptoms.

It is also not uncommon for specific memory problems to appear, often at the level of difficulties in learning new things or remembering a specific event, since it also has amnesic properties. It can also generate an alteration at a sexual level, causing a decrease in libido in both sexes or erection problems in men. Vertigo and digestive problems and nausea are also possible.

Less common but also possible are hypersensitivity reactions and allergies, decreased body temperature, hypotension, hyponatremia (lack of sodium) and constipation. Sometimes paradoxical reactions may occur, that is, contrary to what the drug would generally do: generate anxiety, nervousness, panic, agitation, muscle tension, emotional lability and irritability.

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In addition, it is also possible that conditions may appear that can be life-threatening such as thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis, in which there is a decrease in platelets and white and/or red blood cells (thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis).


Orphidal It is contraindicated in people with heart problems, bradycardia and depression or cardiorespiratory failure, given that their actions favor the appearance of this type of problems. Also people with liver failure.

Likewise, people with hypoxia or lack of oxygen should also avoid its use. Pregnant women should also avoid it, at least during the first quarter. It should also not be consumed by children or nursing mothers, since it facilitates the acquisition of dependence and withdrawal syndromes by minors to this drug. You should not drive or use heavy machinery after consumption due to sedation.

Likewise, the combination with alcohol and other drugs should be avoided, and if another type of medication is used, it will be necessary to inform the doctor due to the possible interaction between drugs and their possible effects.

Finally, it should be taken into account that Lorazepam is a substance that, like the rest of the benzodiazepines, has addictive potential, so its consumption must be extremely prescribed by a professional and not last longer than twelve weeks. Likewise, the cessation of its consumption must be scheduled and carried out gradually, never suddenly, due to the risk of the appearance of withdrawal syndromes.