Do Women Prefer Strong Or Thin Men? Science Answers

Much is said about the importance of physical appearance when seducing other people, especially when it comes to relationships. While some people argue that physical appearance is extremely important when it comes to flirting, others think that women value other things: intelligence, socioeconomic status, cultural level, signs of affection, etc.

Psychologists have also been trying to learn more about what seduces and captivates us, what attracts us to the opposite sex. In today’s article, we will review the results of some studies that deal with this topic, and especially, physical attractiveness.

Is physical attractiveness important?

Trying to answer this question is not entirely easy. For a start, Ugliness or beauty are extremely subjective concepts Surely you have ever heard the popular saying “colors for tastes”. Because while a guy may seem attractive to one girl, he may not be so attractive to another.

Surely, guys with good genetics will be liked more, but that doesn’t mean they will conquer all women. Each person is a world and gives importance to some things or others. So, Is physical attractiveness important? It could be. But is it essential or the only thing that matters? Obviously not.

Well, what really hooks you? Surely what attracts the most is a special personality. There are people who are a real magnet for women because of how they act and how they behave. Possibly the most valued quality is that they have great self-confidence.

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Confidence makes us show ourselves as we are in front of others and improves our non-verbal language and our communication in general. Tone of voice, a big smile and a relaxed attitude help create a good connection with others. If on top of that we treat them with respect, they will surely like us and remember us positively. It is clear that if we combine these qualities with a good physique, we will have more possibilities of seducing

Now, there will continue to be people who value other things and have other tastes. For example, intelligence or a common hobby.

Muscular or thin guys? Some scientific data about it

But, regarding physical attractiveness, what exactly does science say? We might think that a strong and muscular body attracts women, which is why many men step into the gym with the intention of leaving girls speechless just by taking off their shirt. However, These attempts to seduce in this way could be called into question if the data of a study are confirmed published in the British newspaper Daily Mail.

For this study, the researchers used three boys as models, with three different types of physical build: Laszlo, the muscular one; Danny, looking youthful and thin; and Daniel, a hipster with a slim build. The results showed that women preferred Danny with 40%, followed by Daniel with 31% and Lazlo, with 29%, came in last place. Obviously it could be that they liked Daniel’s face more and that’s why they chose him. What is clear is that women did not opt ​​for physique or muscles in particular

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And what happens between the muscular ones and the “fofisanos”?

In the previous case, the thin subjects still had a good physique, they were just not as bulky as the muscular body. But what about kids who are neither thin nor strong, who are just normal?

This is what dating expert Hayley Quinn asked herself. To answer this question she devised an experiment in which the female subjects of her experiment had to choose between three models. Two with a normal body, what is known as fofisano, and another with a muscular body. The results showed that women preferred guys with normal bodies The expert concluded that “we all differ in our tastes. “Not all women want an Olympic athlete as a partner.”

Another investigation, carried out by sexologist Tracey Cox, concluded that women prefer real men and do not seek perfection either in bed or physically. According to the results of her study, 75% of British women prefer a guy with belly fat over a perfect body because they value other qualities such as signs of affection.

Now, he argues that this could be because we feel insecure about our bodies, and being with someone who has a perfect body means we have to live with very high expectations. Besides, It seems that women are bored by guys obsessed with their physique, and in a way they reject them

And what about the ugly ones?

And if physical appearance were everything in a relationship, ugly people would have no chance of hooking up As already mentioned, each person has different needs and particular tastes. For example, women who have a hobby of going to the gym and who are obsessed with their body are very likely to choose a muscular guy. The same will not happen with a girl who has concerns about astrophysics.

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We just have to take a look around us to realize that physical appearance is not everything, and that there are ugly people who are very successful. According to some studies, ugly people flirt because they have longer relationships, show more affection, are better lovers or have more self-confidence.