How Does Self-deception Work In Addictions?

How self-deception works in addictions

Anyone who has worked with addictions (or lived with a family member with addictions) knows to what extent a person can deceive themselves to continue taking drugs.

In this article I am going to explain to you what cognitive dissonance is, why it is a very important concept to understand how addictions work and I am going to give you examples of how this phenomenon occurs among people with different types of addictions.

What is cognitive dissonance?

Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon coined by psychologist Leon Festinger back in 1957. This term refers to the psychological conflict that a person faces when they encounter information that challenges their already established beliefs That is, when you are faced with information that calls into question what you already believe.

Many popularizers, such as the brilliant psychologist Ramón Nogueras, have pointed out how cognitive dissonance explains fake news, anti-vaccine movements or that victims of sects refuse to abandon them.

How cognitive dissonance affects self-deception in people with addictions

When a person develops dependence on a substance or behavior, will tend to filter reality in such a way that it justifies their actions

For example, when a family member reminds you that you are drinking too much, a common response from a person with alcoholism might be “there are many people who drink as much or more than I do” or “my grandfather drank alcohol every day his entire life and lived many years” or “you just hate that I have fun.”

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To people watching, the signs of addiction will be obvious, except to the person themselves. Self-deception is a defense mechanism to avoid shame or fear of acknowledging loss of control in one’s life.

Besides, no one would like admit that you have wasted part of your life, your money, your health or your relationships for something that also makes you feel like a slave

Therefore, cognitive dissonance will cause the person to put up mental barriers in the face of any evidence that they have an addiction problem. You will reject any information that calls into question your current view of the world and they will use all their imagination to continue their destructive habits.

Cognitive dissonance among people with marijuana addiction

The case of cannabis consumers is very curious. Since the popularization of this drug in the Western world in the 60s and 70s of the last century, Many communities of marijuana enthusiasts have developed They even have a day (April 20) to celebrate their love of marijuana, a movement known as 420.

When someone starts using cannabis (in the form of marijuana, hashish or any other form) they find themselves in a global community of consumers who deny the harmful effects of this drug, and only pay attention to the possible benefits They share advice on self-cultivation of marijuana, on the different varieties and promote a lifestyle around the habitual consumption of this drug.

This is the perfect example of cognitive dissonance among people with drug dependence, because when their family members, their partner or even psychologists confront them by pointing out how extreme marijuana use is destroying their lives, they will defend their use with arguments such as:

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AND Most of these arguments will have been supported by the 420 “community”, which spreads all kinds of hoaxes about the supposed benefits of marijuana consumption (and ignore the serious problems of addiction or psychosis that thousands of people around the world suffer from).

Let’s also not forget that the marijuana business moves a lot of money, between merchandising, cultivation paraphernalia, seeds, etc.

As you can see, the person will ignore almost any scientific evidence that is put in front of them, to justify the least uncomfortable story (psychologically speaking).

Nobody likes to admit that we are wrong, so we will have a tendency to manipulate information so that we are always right Cognitive dissonance is one of many psychological biases that all people fall into (psychologists too), but it is more accentuated in certain profiles, especially in people with addictions who do not want to recognize their consumption problem.

Cognitive dissonance among people with tobacco addiction

Among tobacco smokers, Cognitive dissonance can be observed in arguments like these:

  • “If smoking were so bad, it would be illegal.”

  • “Better to smoke than to take drugs.”

  • “I smoke very little, less than X cigarettes a day.”

  • You may be interested: “The 4 lies that do not allow you to quit smoking”

Cognitive dissonance among people with alcohol addiction

Among people with alcohol problems cognitive dissonance can be observed in arguments like these:

  • “Everyone drinks.”
  • “If you don’t drink, you’re a boring person.”
  • “My father drank all his life and lived many years.”

How to deal with self-deception in a person with addictions

As you may have observed in the different examples, the person with cognitive dissonance will try to minimize the perception of harm delegitimize the data offered (consider it invalid), change the focus of the conversation, or use the strength of the group/community to justify its consumption.

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The most important thing is not to humiliate or disrespect the other person, no matter how wrong we think it is. Many of our arguments will cause rejection in the other person, make them become defensive or even distance themselves from us even further.

The best thing is to generate conversations from love and with a lot of patience. Overcoming an addiction problem is not easy, and recognizing that we have a problem is not easy either.

When the person has recognized the problem, you should encourage them to go to a professional that can help you take the next steps to overcome your addiction.

My name is Luis Miguel Real, and I am a psychologist specialized in addictions. Contact me and I will make an appointment online as soon as possible.