How To Survive In Troubled Times In The Face Of Inflation

How to survive in troubled times in the face of inflation

The recent energy shortage triggered by the invasion of Ukraine has led, among other things, to a series of very harmful chain reactions in the economies of all Western countries; But even if we focus on the economic aspects of this phenomenon, we will realize that there is no socioeconomic crisis without another that occurs in parallel and is complemented by it: a crisis in the area of ​​the population’s mental health. And in times of uncertainty, anxiety skyrockets.

What to do for overcome this stage characterized by inflation and adapt to the lack of references about what will happen? Here I will give you several tips about it.

    Tips to face the months of uncertainty and inflation

    These are several general emotional management and anxiety management tips that we can put into practice before the widespread uncertainty caused by the current economic instability.

    1. Train emotional management techniques

    Learning emotional management techniques is essential in times of widespread social unrest, as it allows us prevent the most negative emotions from becoming a burden or a fear that paralyzes us so that we can use those sensations as motivational material to look for opportunities and solutions to our situation.

    Emotional management tips in the face of inflation

    There are many ways to learn to manage our emotions more positively, some of the most notable may be to go to a psychologist specialized in emotional management or to put into practice techniques specifically designed to enhance self-motivation, combat pessimistic confirmation bias, and keep borders on procrastination or “I’ll do it tomorrow syndrome” that arises due to the avoidance of what worries us. Many of them are based on, fundamentally, subdividing our goals and tasks into very small blocks of work, sub-goals that we can achieve in a matter of minutes or a few hours. In this way we will stay going and productively channel all the energy linked to that latent stress or anxiety produced by the crisis.

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      2. Share concerns

      Psychology professionals place special emphasis on sharing with friends and loved ones everything that worries us and causes us discomfort or anxiety during our daily lives. And it is that put words to what makes us feel bad or what worries us It helps us not to give it more importance than it has, something key to avoid falling into dynamics of avoidance in the face of problems that must be addressed.

      Meeting people who are important to us and letting off steam by communicating our deepest concerns, knowing that the other person is listening to us, has a very important therapeutic value and helps us feel better at the end of the interaction.

      It is scientifically proven that the mere act of talking for a long time with friends, family or people special to us can contribute decisively to improving our mental health and reducing cases of anxiety, stress and discomfort in general.

        3. Maintain an active social life

        Likewise, during turbulent periods, both politically and economically, it is highly recommended to maintain an active social life and not staying locked up at home for long periods

        We must avoid a sedentary lifestyle at all costs in these times of uncertainty, since staying at home alone will only encourage the confirmation bias that arises from our pessimistic way of interpreting what is happening around us, and will promote greater discomfort in us, which In turn, it will predispose us to maintain a passive attitude due to hopelessness. On the other hand, keeping in touch with other people and meeting new people allows us to have other points of view, something necessary to enrich our mental frameworks and not travel the same routes of thought over and over again.

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        4. Practice relaxation techniques

        Most relaxation techniques have been very useful for people who want to integrate them into their daily lives. strategies that help them overcome their states of stress, anxiety or excessive activation Some of the most effective relaxation techniques come from Mindfulness, which is used today as psychological therapy even though it has its origins in Vipassana meditation, conscious breathing, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation.

          5. Go to a psychologist if what is happening surpasses us

          Going to a psychologist in situations of unsustainable stress is the best option we can take when the reality around us is unbearable and has given rise to a psychological disorder such as a phobia, generalized anxiety, or of course, depression.

          6. Avoid media overexposure and “infoxication”

          Excessive exposure to the media, especially in periods of economic, social and/or political instability or unrest, usually results in a feeling of saturation on the part of the population. This is due to the emphasis placed on news that can be used to contribute a dramatic narrative about times of crisis speaking only of the discomfort it generates (or even going so far as to exaggerate it), and not of the opportunities that arise in transitions of this type.

          7. Consider a change of direction

          As I have anticipated, a crisis is, by definition, a phenomenon in which many doors that were previously closed open. For this reason, and taking into account that it may no longer make sense to continue reproducing over and over again the routines that you have internalized and that you took for granted, stop to reflect and study the possibility of radically changing your future plans and projects It may be what you need to channel your concerns and not let uncertainty keep you in a state of helplessness and passivity.

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