The Family In The Face Of Addiction To Video Games And Digital Media

The family in the face of addiction to video games and digital media

Lately, with the pandemic, not only have the new generations focused much more on digital media and electronic devices such as video games, tablets, iPad, computers, laptops, smartphones…

People of all ages have become very fond of digital platforms, which, if produced in excess, is a big problem that deteriorates the quality of life.

The contextual characteristics of addiction

Addictions usually develop and develop due (even in part) to a lack of meaning in life, an existential void, which leads to not adopting healthy habits that we all know in advance that we should promote in our daily lives.

Thus, addictions have a trigger in the present of the subjects, but they have a root in their life history and education. Therefore, a key that can help people who suffer from some type of addiction is to become aware of What goes through your mind when you resort to that addictive habit?

Surely you can identify emotions, ideas, sensations or contexts in which the idea, sensation or emotion and context trigger the addictive habit in the person, leading them to repeat over and over again what has already become harmful to their life.

When overcoming a problem of this type, There must be a genuine interest in the person who suffers from a certain addiction to abandon that bad habit, that is, acceptance

To combat addictions of any type, the most effective psychotherapy so far is cognitive-behavioral, which in simple and common words involves identifying dysfunctional ideas in relation to the different times of the day and in which the addiction manifests itself. Of course, it can be complemented with some other type of psychotherapy depending on the case, considering factors such as the level of condition, age and type of addiction.

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smartphone addiction

Focusing on the family in the face of addiction to new technologies

Returning to addictions to video games and digital media, I consider it very useful address the problem with support from the whole family ; That is, determine why the young person or adult became increasingly involved in this addictive dynamic in relation to the family context.

In the case of adolescents, it may be due to omission or negligence, since for this to happen, the guardians were surely not able to realize it in time and therefore could not assign productive activities for their benefit, perhaps because they do not know enough. to your child, which usually happens in families whose communication is not ideal, positive and/or direct.

Obviously, the way to live together as a family does not exist, there is not only one way; However, it is clear that all family members can try to do their best in supporting the person suffering from addiction. But since it is not easy to provide sufficient support without having training in mental health or knowing how to identify when people begin to “deviate” their behavior, It is essential to go to psychotherapy professionals

If people have clear goals in the short, medium and long term and we also put “hands to work”, addictions will surely be difficult to achieve. That is, if we have something to do and think and a purpose that motivates us, life will go much better away from risk factors associated with addictions.

The complicated thing then is to know why a certain person failed to identify what motivated them. There can be several causes: the family context and its dynamics, a self-esteem problem, low level of emotional intelligence… And of course the combination of all these factors results in a multifactorial and absolutely variable predisposition.

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Amazingly, addictions and their multifactorial origin can be avoided and largely stopped by having productive occupations that give meaning to our lives.

Something so complex and of multifactorial origin It can be avoided with something extremely practical and relatively simple, as long as there is sufficient support from the environment. When the cases are very pronounced, it will be necessary not only to engage in productive activities, but also to ask for multidisciplinary support: psychiatry, psychology, nursing, social work… and of course, support from the immediate social circle so that friends and family can cope. the same meaning and are consistent with the objective of this or that person who needs to abandon their addiction.

With professional and family support it is possible to overcome the problem

Discovering what motivates us to do it productively also requires introspective, reconstructive work, talking about emotions and self-esteem something that is not easy to accept or clarify, because it can be clouded by many factors that are obvious to psychological professionals, but not at all obvious to those who are involved in this or that addiction, that is, family, friends of the currently addicted person.

You have addictions, so you get rid of them…