We Are Creators Of Realities

We are creators of realities

The universe is provided with infinite possibilities, millions of doors with thousands of opportunities to create different realities Once you understand how the universal laws work and integrate them correctly, you will be able to use these laws and benefit from them.

In this article I am going to focus on the universal law of mentalism extrapolated to the reality in which we live.

    The mind is flexible (for better and for worse)

    The mind is a wonderful tool that you can use to your advantage You just need to understand how its nature works, and then you can empower yourself and get what you want.

    We live asleep, we live controlled by thoughts and beliefs that have been imposed on us without us having chosen them. We live conditioned by a society that does not allow us to be ourselves and, for fear of suffering, we go through life with a shell that protects us from the external.

    We live continuously in our minds, addicted to our negative thoughts, we believe them and totally identify with them and consequently We materialize them over and over again without even being aware of it

    But… What if I told you that it is possible to turn the tables and change your perspective?

      Another way to interpret what happens to you

      To fully understand how perspective is changed, I would like to first develop the concept of thinking. Thoughts come from beliefs, and these beliefs are formed depending on how we were raised, past experiences we have had, and the influence of the society in which we live.

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      Effects of limiting beliefs

      Most beliefs we consider them as true without even having questioned whether they are really ours or come from abroad. But if you pay attention and observe yourself a little, you will realize that most of the beliefs you have are limiting beliefs and that they take away the power that is certainly in you (even if you don’t believe it yet).

      In fact, I’m going to give you an example so you can better understand what I mean.

      Imagine a thought that frequently occurs in your head; That thought may be related to money or something else, but in this specific example I am going to develop the topic of money. Imagine that every day you are worried because you don’t have enough money to pay the bills, and that thought repeats over and over in your head

      That thought, as I have explained before, comes from a limiting belief. In this case it may be the limiting belief that there is not enough money in the world for everyone, this could come from the fact that your parents told you that money is limited or perhaps that your grandparents went through hardships, and this feeling passed. from generation to generation.

      Consequently, by having this belief, you are afraid of running out of money due to that feeling of scarcity that is generated by not being able to pay your bills on time. The thought repeats itself daily and creates a pattern that your mind becomes addicted to, and as that thought repeats itself continuously, this causes your reality to materialize in this way. But really that belief does not belong to you, but comes from your parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents.

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        Understanding limiting ideas

        Once this part is understood, we can enter deconstruction of limiting beliefs In this specific case, you could reflect on what your childhood was like, what phrases your parents told you about money and even your grandparents. Then you can question whether this is really the case, informing yourself about how money really works, identifying the thoughts you have regarding money and how these thoughts make you feel.

        You can make a list of the beliefs you have regarding money, you can start to observe yourself when you are going to pay a bill, when you are going to pay for a supermarket purchase or when you organize the money you have for the month. And when those worried thoughts come to you, you can decide not to believe them, understanding that they are not yours and that you now decide to have other thoughts regarding money.

        For example, you can decide to think that there is enough for everyone, you can decide to think that you can start buying consciously and feel good about buying something that you are excited about or paying a bill that allows you to live in your house, enjoy cooking, shower or reading at night when there is no sunlight…

          In conclusion…

          I could go much further in this article, since it is a topic that gives a lot to talk about and I find it super interesting to develop. But what I would really like is for you to stay with the essence of what I want to convey to you today, and that is that you and only you have the infinite power to create your reality to your liking and that You can decide today if you want certain beliefs more in your life or not

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          We are creators of reality, you just need to align yourself with what you really are in essence and your life will materialize just as you want.