Purposes Without Extensions

Purposes without extensions

We start the year with the intention of making changes in our lives. We begin the month of January with the enthusiasm of undertaking new projects; However, sometimes it happens that As the days go by, our purposes begin to blur and they feel increasingly distant

What happened? If we were determined to achieve them and committed to giving life to new projects…

    Why don’t we maintain the conviction of going for what we want until we obtain it?

    There may be various reasons that lead some people to postpone their resolutions, but today we address the story of Regina, who found it very difficult to stay firm when it came to starting some of her desired projects.

    Regina is a 38-year-old woman, single, and a fashion designer. Her mother was a dressmaker, and she taught Regina her trade from a young age.

    Her father was an alcoholic and abandoned them when she was 6 years old. From a very young age, Regina helped her mother with work to cover expenses. As a teenager she began creating her own designs. She was very clear about what she wanted to do as a profession; She always saw herself as a great designer To achieve this she had to travel to another city, and with the support of her mother she managed to study at a prestigious fashion design school.

    New Year's resolutions and goals

    Regina works at a renowned fashion design house. She is highly valued by her bosses, because her designs are highly valued. Regina loves what she does and feels very happy in this firm, and she also has some colleagues with whom she gets along very well, it is a space where she feels fulfilled. However, For some years now she has wanted to create her own clothing brand

    It has become a ritual to have your list of New Year’s resolutions, and the first resolution is to start your own brand project, but you can’t take the step to make it a reality. Since she started making her creations she has saved for her own project, but Regina is afraid of failing. AND does not decide to take the step, because you wonder: How are my bosses going to see it? How am I going to coordinate the people who work for me? I have never had people in my charge… What if I am not able to manage the finances? What will I do if I am not successful and lose all my savings?

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    In short, every time you think about getting down to work and are about to make the decision, In your mind it seems that the dream turns into a nightmare

    On New Year’s Eve, Regina reflected on whether this time she was going to gather the courage and start her own clothing brand project.

      The limiting thoughts

      Before continuing with Regina’s story, you may think that Regina should not be afraid to start her project, because she has the experience and talent, and also has the money she needs to do it. So… What’s stopping her?

      Maybe you, like many people, find that you have everything you need to achieve what you want, but for some reason, You don’t realize that you already have what it takes to successfully achieve your dreams

      Continuing with Regina’s story, that end of the year she experienced an unexpected event. She received a visit from a man who, when she saw him, gave her the impression that she knew him. And she was right, that man was her father. He was totally surprising. She had a mixture of emotions, because even though her mother never spoke good or bad about him, she suffered her absence and it was clear to her that she had abandoned them.

      Her father, named Guillermo, began to explain how much he regretted the mistakes he had made and that they had caused so much suffering to her mother and her. Regina was so surprised that she just listened to him attentively.

      Guillermo explained how difficult his childhood had been Because he, like her, suffered the abandonment of his father, who was also an alcoholic, and his father also constantly beat him and did the same with his mother and siblings. She told him that when she married her mother it was normal for him to live among violence and alcoholism; However, he knew that this was not right and he even confessed that the reason he left home was because he could no longer bear to hurt his family.

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      He told her that when he left home things were more difficult, that he almost always lived with anger and guilt on the surface. He told her that on one occasion they put him in jail because, being drunk, he got involved in a fight and seriously injured a person. In prison was where his life took a radical change.

      Guillermo tells Regina: When I was in prison, I met a person who made me see that no matter what the situations are or what we have had to live through, we are not predestined to make the same mistakes as our parents, or to think that the Failure is the only way because circumstances did not favor us. I also understood that Every human being has the possibility to decide what they want to do with their life who can set his sights on opportunities and obstacles.

      Guillermo says excitedly to Regina: I’m happy to know that you are doing what you like and that you are also successful, it fills me with happiness.

      At that moment Regina felt moved by what her father told her, she experienced great emotion at telling for the first time about this paternal presence in her life. And she told him: It is true that I love what I do and I know that my work is valued, but I also have great fears and I get frustrated for not trusting myself and going for my goals.

      To this, Guillermo responded: Daughter, if you observe you will be able to realize that you are focusing on your fears, and this could be preventing you from moving forward to achieve your goals. Think about this: What would happen if you set your sights on what really matters to get what you want so much? In this way fears will no longer have control in your life.

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      And if failure comes, remember that it always brings with it a learning that will make you advance faster and with greater security There are endless opportunities for those who know what they want. There may be times when thoughts of uncertainty come, I have learned that we can replace them and meditate on what they encourage us.

      I am not proud of my past, but I want to tell you that today I come with you as a better person. I have accepted the opportunities that life offers to change. Even when my father already died, I decided to forgive him, I forgave myself for all the damage I caused you and your mother, and today I want to ask you to forgive me.

      Regina understands and understands what her father is telling her, and chooses to forgive him.

        Tackling new goals

        The new year has arrived, Regina knows that it is time to start her own brand project, she gathers her courage, and undertakes her long-awaited project.

        Three years later, his brand was being marketed very successfully throughout the country, and he was already working towards its internationalization.

        If you have postponed your resolutions, yes You know you have what you need to succeed but your fears are stronger.Don’t you think it’s time to take the opportunities that are waiting for you?

        If you want to know more about how to achieve your purposes and goals, I invite you to contact me.