Why Men Love Bad Girls

Those girls who never answer calls and leave you on “read” on WhatsApp. Those girls. Even if we do things well, there are women who rarely pay attention to us: To them we seem almost invisible

In the end, we get into a mess and we keep thinking that we are to blame for the situation: “Why doesn’t she call me?”, “I’m too little of a man for her,” “I don’t understand anything,” and similar complaints.

Bad girls, guide to understanding them

There are many women who believe (and they are right) that the female sex has been treated unfairly for centuries, and that even today girls must deal with many prejudices and comparative grievances with respect to men. It is a frustrating feeling to see that you have fewer opportunities in life for something as arbitrary as being born a woman.

In the section of romantic relationships, women have also suffered a lot They have been treated little more than like objects, used to procreate, violated and neglected. With all this cultural background, it is not strange that inequalities continue to exist and that some believe that they must act as a “complement” to their boyfriends or husbands. Totally wrong idea, but one that continues to exist even in the 21st century.

Obviously, More and more girls are shedding these stereotypes and deciding to act with autonomy and freedom

Women who assert themselves… maybe a little too much

Have you ever met a “bad girl”? They are those women who take their independence to the last consequences. Okay, it may sound a bit harsh to refer to them with a negative adjective (“bad”): after all, they have the right to act in the way they think is most appropriate, right?

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But, what is undeniable is that the boys (or homosexual girls) who try to have a romantic relationship with these bad girls end up completely unhinged, bewildered and not knowing what is happening around them.

Why do some men pine for bad girls?

In another article of Psychology and Mindcalled “Dark Triad: Why Women Prefer Tough Guys,” we already realized that there is something about the personality of “bad” men that especially attracts women.

But this may be a phenomenon that not only helps men to be more attractive and captivate women. It can also happen the other way around, there are also “Dark Triad” girls who are beginning to impose their rules.

The attraction to complicated relationships

Human beings tend to try impossible undertakings. We like to play as protagonists of the Odyssey and try to achieve absolutely heroic goals. It may be that there is something in that psychological background that drives us to have a predilection for those love relationships that are more complicated.

In fact, Nobody likes something that everyone can have without effort We are like this: we like the exclusive, what has cost us sweat and tears to have. It is a bit unfortunate that we have this taste for the exclusive, especially when we talk about material goods. After all, a utility car takes you to the same place as a spectacular sports car. But…

This works similar when it comes to finding a partner. We become obsessed with those people who make it difficult for us, that make us suffer and that give us one of lime and another of sand. We have this point of masochism, and we cannot avoid it.

Good women and not so good women

Many women have realized that being good and accommodating to their boyfriends is bad business. The only thing they achieve is to be ignored and manipulated by them. “Not so good” women have simply learned to play with other cards

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These types of girls are usually characterized by being more independent, autonomous in their love life, proactive and free of complexes. They have a life beyond being tied to a man, they have varied hobbies and passions. If we look at it a little critically, we can also say that mean girls can be elusive and detached

How do these types of girls act?

I would like to clarify something: I do not want to make any value judgment about “good” or “bad” girls, despite the labels. Anyone has every right to act as they want, and no one should judge another person

Nor is it about promoting the habits and attitudes of “good” or “bad” girls. I simply want to describe some trends and reflect on them, or at least serve as a starting point for you, as a reader, to question some things.

Romantic relationships are always difficult. It is possible that, if we stop to think about the rise of bad girls, we realize that, perhaps, we have sometimes been victims or executioners of this type of relationship.

Through a total of five keys, We can try to understand the psychology of difficult women and the reason why we find them more attractive, in general. And, of course, we will learn why they hurt us so much.

In the end, women who meet these characteristics have incredible virtues: they love themselves, they are demanding with their interpersonal relationships and they know that, in this life, the most important thing begins by taking care of yourself.

Law 1: Attraction is based on authenticity

They don’t have to be women with super exciting lives for us to be crazy about them. They are simply girls who do not give much importance to the fact of having a boyfriend They are natural, they are what they are and they are not going to adapt to you to like them. In any case, adapt to them.

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Law 2: Challenge

What challenges us is more valuable When we feel like we have control over something or someone, we may lose interest. But when being with a person presents us with a daily challenge, attraction increases. Some girls know this and use it.

Law 3: They like each other a lot

Bad girls like each other, a lot This attitude allows others to also perceive them that way: as very valuable, self-confident, and seductive. This is the basis of everything: women with this personality know how to attract dozens of men.

Law 4: Accept loneliness

The women we have described are also differentiated by one characteristic: They are not afraid of being alone This differentiates them from “normal girls,” who tend to believe that they must be with a man to be happy. They, the bad girls, know that their life is more important and that their life should not be based on the company they have.

Law 5: They assert themselves

Men know that there are some “friends” who can be available for a long time to meet us and satisfy our desires. There is nothing wrong with that. But bad women never agree to that If you don’t prioritize them, you have nothing to do. It is impossible for them to agree to see you if they notice that you are using them.

Some conclusions about these women

There are several guides and books that talk about these girls. Each person is different and bad girls are neither better nor worse, just different. They are so different that they can make many of us lose our minds over them.

Have you met any “bad girls” in your life? How was your experience? You can explain it to us in the comments section or on our social networks.