The 3 Reasons Why Coaching Will Continue To Gain Importance In 2022

Reasons why coaching will continue to gain importance in 2022

The latest Global Coaching Study carried out by ICF in 2020 showed that since 2016 the trend of the coaching industry had been in a progressive increase oday that, despite the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, this upward trend would continue in the following years.

    New trends in the field of Coaching

    Our position as “direct witnesses” of what is happening in that market allows us to affirm that this study was not wrong and that, indeed, interest in coaching and its demand have continued to grow in 2021. Something that, observing the data from the last months, It will continue to be this way during 2022 and, without fear of making mistakes, in the following years

    This may be due to different factors or reasons, but the 3 reasons that emerge as the main ones would be the following.

    1. Coaching as a weapon against uncertainty

    The coronavirus pandemic has brought a wave of uncertainty in society not known in recent decades. Fluctuations in the progress of the disease, changes in vaccination guidelines, virus variants… along with the collateral damage that all this brings on a social and economic level, mean that there are continuous moments of not knowing what is going on. happen to increase insecurity regarding the most immediate future.

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    In this area, there are many people who are unmotivated and lost Not seeing even the nearest future clearly means that they no longer have a clear focus on their life, where they want to go, what to do or how to continue.

    And this is where Coaching stands as one of the great hopes of next year (and those to come), since it allows individuals not only to find again the path towards which to redirect the steps of their life, but, most importantly here, it makes people develop their internal tools and their potential so that , among other things, can efficiently solve other situations of uncertainty that will surely arise throughout their lives.

    Importance of coaching in the future

      2. The consolidation of the change in the type of leadership

      The leader, understood as a superior being who commands and orders and whom others “follow” more out of fear than because he knows how to guide them, has no place at this point in the 21st century. If we once again take into account the current uncertainty that we mentioned in the previous point, it is necessary for leaders to become authentic guides who know how to guide teams towards the desired objectives, attending to and understanding their needs more than their own

      This reality is what will continue to increase the demand for coaches in organizations, companies and institutions of all types in 2022: the people in charge of them want to really “learn” to lead, and not just to ‘command’. In times of restlessness and demotivation, successful teams will be those that have a leader who knows both emotional intelligence, NLP and conflict resolution as well as data and economic objectives.

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        3. New jobs for a new society

        The increase in demand for coaches at both the business and personal levels will result in a necessary increase in the number of people trained to serve as professional coaches That is, 2022 and the years that will follow can be seen as the years where coaching will definitively establish itself as one of the best professional opportunities.

        Here it is worth emphasizing that, although from what we have mentioned in the previous paragraph the number of people trained in coaching will grow because more coaches are needed, there is something deeper in this formula that transcends the simple law of supply and demand.

        The new paradigm of society that is being imposed not only due to the coronavirus crisis, but also due to the increase in social and ecological awareness, along with a greater understanding of how people’s emotional level is key to the future of their lives. , has made those people who are more aware of it feel the need to train in coaching. both to make a 180º turn in their professional career and dedicate themselves to accompanying people and companies in this paradigm shift, and to transform themselves and be more efficient in the face of challenges that may arise.

          Do you want to train in coaching?

          As we said at the beginning, in D’Arte Human & Business School We are direct witnesses of these 3 reasons that will make the coaching market continue to grow in 2022 and, therefore, we work to continually improve our training program in order to guarantee that all those professional coaches who will be trained in the following years , can practice the profession with all the guarantees.

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          If you want to be one of these agents of change, do not hesitate to consult our school website to find the training that will allow you to start achieving it.