4 Tips To Overcome Anxiety And Take Control Of Your Life

Tips to overcome anxiety and take control of your life

What is anxiety? Throughout my experience I have been able to reach different conclusions about what anxiety means to me. But one of the definitions that I like the most is: anxiety is the accumulation of a series of emotions not transcended and not managed at the time

Below I am going to develop this phrase that I like so much a little more so that it can be understood and integrated more clearly.

    Understanding anxiety

    When we are very little, no one teaches us what emotions are, what role they play in our lives and how to recognize them in order to manage them at the time and prevent them from being accumulated in the form of stagnant energy in our body.

    And what happens next? Well, we become adults, and suddenly We wake up living a life in which we do not recognize ourselves ; one that we live automatically and without stopping for even a second.

    We get up, we automatically look at our cell phone, we soak up information external to us while we eat breakfast, we go to a job where we cannot express ourselves authentically and where we do not feel valued and we return home extremely tired and without a bit of energy to continue with the rest of our day.

    Until one day, when you least expect it… BOOM! You explode! Your first anxiety attack on the way to work. Although at the time you didn’t know it was a panic attack because you were too busy trying to figure out what was happening to your body, and probably believing that you were going to die at that exact moment.

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    And what do you think has happened to your body? Well, I couldn’t take it anymore! After the fifty thousand signs that it has been sending you throughout your life and which you ignored, a moment has come when He told you either you stop, or I’ll stop you

    intrusive thoughts

    The body is the subconscious, and the subconscious is the body. Your subconscious has been sending you signals through your body all the time, but you have not known how to recognize them.

    It’s not your fault; As I mentioned before, Nobody teaches us to identify these signs nor do we come with a manual on how life works On the contrary, we live in an egoic society in which we are valued for the job we have, how much we earn or the social status we have.

    In the end, all of this unconsciously generates a lot of pressure and demands, and we feel “obliged” to continue in a job that we hate (even experiencing high levels of anxiety or panic attacks daily in the workplace) because if we do, we leave, It seems that we have already abandoned everything we fought for in our day

    But really this is just another lie that your ego is telling you so that you don’t face your demons and continue in your uncomfortable comfort. The truth is that you don’t want to face those demons because you have fear of change and you are afraid of uncertainty, and that prevents you from taking action in your life.

      To do?

      It is not your fault that you have reached this point, it is not your fault that anxiety has appeared in your life, but it is It’s your responsibility to do something about it and take charge of your current situation. And to do this, I am going to explain below the 4 steps to follow to take responsibility for your reality and live a much more full and authentic life.

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      1. Be aware of your thoughts

      Your negative thought patterns come from limiting beliefs that have been created by past experiences, by the society we live in and by mom and dad (the way you have been raised).

      Identify if those beliefs are really yours or come from other sources and begin to dismantle them to really know where they come from.

        2. Don’t identify with those thoughts

        When we identify with our ego and believe those thoughts that do not allow us to move forward, that is when limitations exist. It is true that no one has explained to us what the ego really is and how it operates in our psyche, but I assure you that it always operates from fear and never from love.

        3. Be aware of your body

        Emotions or sensations in the body are preceded by thought, so in this way we can identify when we have created anxiety (because we have observed the thought). It is also true that sometimes thoughts go so fast that we do not realize it and we already feel anxiety; Nothing happens, I explain it in the next point.

          4. Connect with the sensation

          When you already find anxiety in the body, Notice which part of the body you feel most intense and connect with that area Simply allow yourself to feel it without ignoring it, distracting yourself with something, or avoiding it; Try to find a quiet place and sit breathing in and out deeply and letting it be. You can also repeat to yourself “everything is fine within me, this is momentary or I have the resources to get out of this situation.”

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          I hope that this article has helped you delve deeper into yourself and that you begin to practice the four steps so that anxiety does not limit you in your daily life. Remember that this is a process and that how you talk to yourself is very important when it comes to overcoming the different challenges that life presents you.