The 6 Signs That Show Physical Attraction Towards Another Person

On many occasions, and possibly most of the time, Deciphering what is going on in the other person’s head is practically impossible Now, when a person shows attraction towards another person, he usually expresses it unconsciously. If you want to know if that person you like and who has been stealing your thoughts for a few weeks is looking forward to spending time with you, keep reading this article because it will interest you.

The person who is attracted to you will rarely tell you, but it is possible to detect the signals they give off. A study carried out by Albert Mehrabian concluded that when we talk face to face with a person, verbal communication is only 35 percent, while non-verbal language occupies 65% of our conversation. As Mari Smith, a coach specialized in interpersonal communication, says, with a little observation you can determine whether someone is attracted to you or not.

Since communication is a determining factor in the success of our interpersonal relationships, thanks to our article “10 basic communication skills” you can improve it.

The chemistry of love: a powerful hormonal cocktail

The truth is that when we feel attraction for someone, it is extremely difficult to hide it. We have already talked in our article “The chemistry of love: a very powerful drug” about the neurochemical cascade that occurs in the brain when we fall in love. In fact, you just have to observe how people change their own behavior when they are “caught” by that special being that becomes their great motivation.

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Heartbreak can also lead us to depression if we do not know how to correctly channel the emotions that are generated when we want to be with someone. And like the same drug, When we fall in love or feel physical attraction for a person, a series of physiological and psychological reactions occur that we cannot avoid.

The signs that reveal that you are attracted to someone

If you like someone or someone likes us, it is difficult not to smile or show characteristic eye contact, since we want to melt into the other person’s body, and no matter what happens, that is our goal.

David Givens, an anthropologist specialized in non-verbal communication, states in his book Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship: “Despite the technological advances and development that human beings have undergone in the last century, when we talk about the silent signals of physical attraction we are no different from other species in the animal kingdom. Since the origins of living beings, animals have always used certain signals that are intended to communicate interest in the opposite sex.”

But what are these signs that tell us when we like someone? How can we know if the person we like wants more than just friendship? To find out you just have to keep reading.

Signs of physical attraction

According to Givens, There are four unequivocal signs that show that someone is attracted to you If you see any of them, it’s a good sign, but if you see all four, then you’re looking at evidence that the other person likes you and is looking forward to being alone with you.

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1. Shoulders raised

The biologists They call raised shoulders the “sweet response.” because it reveals a tender part, that is, it shows signs that you are open to the other person.

2. Pigeon fingers

Moving your feet inward is a sign of physical attraction but it also shows that the other person feels intimidated, so it is a way to shrink the body to appear in a less threatening posture.

3. Palms up

A person who is generally interested in you has palms facing up when relaxed This gesture generates an attitude of openness and vulnerability towards the other person, which translates into a friendly and accessible attitude.

4. Arched forehead

If a person lowers his head slightly and looks up at you from below his forehead, he invites you to come closer It is another sign that can warn us that someone feels a special interest in you.

Other signs that show physical attraction

In addition to the signs set out above, also There are other signs that can denote physical attraction Let’s see what they are below.

5. Dilated pupils

If someone looks at you and is attracted to you, your pupils dilate (get bigger), according to the conclusions of a study carried out by the University of Chicago. It is a completely involuntary response, and according to Dr. Eckhard Hess, one of the researchers who carried out the study, this reaction has nothing to do with the amount of light in the place where the two people are.

6. Bodies aligned

According to Lisa Daily, author of Stop Getting Dumped! All You Need to Know to Make Men Fall Madly in Love With You and Marry ‘The One’ in 3 Years or Less, people who are attracted unconsciously try to align themselves with the other person Where the feet point, the heart follows.

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Men and women give different signals when they feel physical attraction

Although they usually agree on some signals, men and women can behave differently in some aspects. Men also tend to do the arched forehead posture just like women and both smile more when they are attracted to a person.

When a man is interested in a woman usually:

On the other hand, women may show the following signs:

Now you know what to look for the next time you meet a girl you’re interested in. Before finishing, you should know that alcohol makes you feel more attracted to another person.

If you want to know more about this, you can visit our article: “Why do we find other people more attractive when we drink alcohol?”