5 Keys To Enhance The Achievement Of Personal Goals

Keys to enhance the achievement of personal goals

Achieving goals is a complex process that must be adapted to each particular challenge but despite this there are some useful strategies that can help promote this type of projects.

Here we will see the most important and useful ones, which are those used in coaching, explained in summary so that you can apply them to what matters to you and what you want to achieve.

    Tips and guidelines to enhance the achievement of personal goals

    Follow these strategies to make it easier for yourself to achieve the goals you set for yourself and that are important to you.

    1. Start formulating your goal

    At this stage it is not necessary to go into much detail about this objective (we will do that in the steps after this), but the requirement that it must meet is to be beyond your comfort zone. The comfort zone is the area between the limits that separate what we know we do well and is familiar to us and what is little known to us and that presents a challenge when it comes to adapting to it.

    Having a rough idea of ​​what it is in our case and what type of experiences and skills it includes is essential to improve ourselves and boost our personal development.

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    If you don’t think specifically about this, you will tend to lower your expectations and, by inertia, it will make your goal get closer and closer to mastering those things that you already know you are capable of doing without any problem, because you have already done them before. But what it is about is improving your results or taking a qualitative leap in what you do, either because you have never done anything similar or because it involves taking on a very significant challenge for you in those things that you are good at.

      2. Define your vision

      Detailing what you want to achieve is necessary not only to achieve it, but also to make it easier for this process to motivate you

      2.1. Set your preferences and priorities

      This will help you know where to invest more resources, time and effort.

      2.2. Set concrete goals

      Go from the general to the specific, so that later it will be easy for you to measure your progress and know if you are doing well or not.

      23. Establish the values ​​from which your project will emerge

      This way you will not find yourself in situations that put you in the dilemma of going against what seems important to you and what you believe in.

      2.4. Define what you can and cannot sacrifice to achieve it

      This way, you will have a rough idea of ​​how far you can go if you notice that you need to dedicate yourself to that project even more than you had initially planned.

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      Personal objectives

      3. Share with others your purposes and your determination to achieve them

      Doing this will serve to make your own social context, those circles of people to whom you are exposed in your daily life, act as a motivating element by frequently reminding you of everything related to your project and at the same time they can give you interesting ideas or even advice.

        4. Create an action plan

        Having not only one medium or long-term goal, but also several short-term ones helps to point the way clearly, not to distract you, and to motivate you.

        The action plan should include a well-defined chain of tasks and activities that takes you towards your goal including the necessary times that you estimate you need to meet to achieve it.

          5. Visualize what it is like to achieve your goal

          There are several visualization techniques, which They serve both to not give in to fears or let them paralyze us, and to be used as self-motivation tools

          They consist of vividly imagining what it would be like to achieve the general objective you aspire to achieve or one of its main sub-objectives. Furthermore, some of these techniques are relatively simple and can be used by oneself, in sessions of a few minutes.

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