The Solution To Problems Is At A Higher Level Of Consciousness

The solution to problems is at a higher level of consciousness

Wisdom is not the same as intellect. Wisdom is the intelligence of the heart. The intellect is the intelligence of the mind.

The more you love, the wiser or more aware you are of reality. The more fear you have (the opposite of love), the less conscious you are and the more you allow yourself to be fooled by your own ego (or the ego of others).

The heart is governed by love, that is, by the understanding that you and I are not two (just as one wave is not different from another wave, but they are the same ocean). For the intellect we are different waves, period (it does not see the underlying unity), but for love we are expressions of the same essence.

    The difference between wisdom and intellect

    Quantum physics begins to approach the paradigm of wisdom when it demonstrates that “the observer influences what is observed.” What science has not yet demonstrated is that what is observed is really the same observer. Do not try to intellectually understand what I have just said, for the dual nature of the intellect prevents you from doing so.

    The intellect is very good at dissecting reality, just as it can dissect an elephant into its anatomical parts (trunk, ear, tail…) but it is not at all good at understanding the whole (elephant) of reality. To do this you need to raise your level of consciousness and use wisdom.

    The intellect is governed by the ego (which is ultimately a thought that calls itself “I”). Wisdom is governed by love and intuition, which is a direct (and non-dual) understanding of reality without the intervention of the physical senses. Wisdom knows and the intellect knows (or believes it knows). Intellect belongs to the lower nature of the human being, and wisdom belongs to his higher nature.

    In the same way that we can observe different degrees in people’s intellectual capacity, there are different degrees in their level of consciousness. And they don’t necessarily go hand in hand. You can have great intellectual capacity (memory, creativity, logic…) but a low degree of consciousness (or wisdom). The degree of consciousness can be measured by the degree of light and peace that that person gives off. The wiser or more aware, the less you judge because the more you understand. The wiser you are, the more you see the perfection of everything and the more you awaken (with your simple presence) perfection in others.

    The more aware you become of who you really are (beyond what your senses or beliefs tell you), the wiser you are. It is often the case that the more intellect you have (often represented by the number of academic degrees you have) the more you get lost in the ego trees and the less you see the forest. A poet is usually closer to the Truth than a Nobel Prize winner in physics. This is not always the case, but what I mean is that today there is a lot of intellect in the service of the ego and little intellect in the service of what is right or wise.

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      How to measure our degree of wisdom

      Doctor David R. Hawkins was a renowned psychiatrist who developed a map of human consciousness. Consciousness can be measured (through a muscle test) between 0 and 1,000 degrees. A person who does not want to live (and wants to commit suicide) calibrates very low, around 10 or 0 degrees. A person who lives in continuous ecstasy and exudes peace, joy and happiness, calibrates at 1,000 degrees and can be considered the wisest.

      When a human being calibrates below 200, that human being lives in the paradigm of the ego (whose main emotion is fear and the desire for control or power). When a human being vibrates above 200, he begins to be awakened to his higher nature (whose main emotion is love, peace and understanding). A fully “awakened” person like any great Avatar would calibrate at 1,000 (representing maximum wisdom, love and truth).

      Someone humble who transmits peace has tremendous power and has much more strength than 1,000,000 poorly awakened men. Remember, for example, the power that Gandhi demonstrated. Not all the tanks and soldiers of the British Empire could defeat his peace. But not all awakened men end well.

      The majority, in an unconscious world, end up marginalized or murdered. A wise man is a threat to the ego of many because he questions the unsound foundation on which they sustain their lives. And the ego, which prefers to be right rather than recognize the Truth, chooses to want to change others (or separate them) from the system.

      The turning point in the evolution of each individual

      Two hundred is a very important level, because it is from that level of consciousness that one has the courage to see one’s own psychological shadow and go beyond one’s ego. From 200 onwards one begins to look within and assume responsibility. After 200 you stop complaining (or feeling like a victim and living out of fear). After 200, one unconsciously stops following the herd because one has realized that this is a way of ceding responsibility to him.

      In this world the majority calibrate (according to Doctor Hawkins) an average of 207. But a large percentage of the population calibrates below 200, and that is why they are easily carried away by their own ego and are easily manipulated by the egos of others. the rest. That is why we have a turbulent world, full of corruption and injustice. We live in a sheep’s world, ruled by a pack of wolves who are in turn influenced by a handful of vultures. It is a world ruled by people who crave power and use fear as a form of control. But those who calibrate below 200 are not able to see such darkness. They do not have enough light (consciousness) to see what is false as false.

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      The wise person has enough clarity to see reality without the filters or distortions of ego or fear. And when he says what he perceives and questions the official narrative (to control the flock) he is belittled or considered crazy. But they don’t call them crazy but rather “anti-system” or “deniers” or “conspiracy-mongers.” All of these are labels to ridicule (use of passive aggressiveness).

      In a society where the majority calibrates below 200 and is therefore governed by their ego, the wise man does not fit. The wise man does not follow the norm and the majority considers him as the black sheep, that is, they see him as a threat to their sense of belonging to a sick (or unconscious) society.

      The ego seeks refuge in the flock. The ego blindly believes in the shepherd (dad state or dad institution or dad friends and family). The ego projects its fear in the form of aggression when it sees its false security threatened. The ego does not know that it lives in darkness (unconsciousness) and is afraid of seeing its reality based on comfortable lies dismantled. When an ego sees an awakened (wise) person, it defends itself by attacking, judging, accusing and ridiculing. You will never see a wise man attack or ridicule anyone because the wise man lives in contact with love, and he lives peacefully because he knows how to discern between what is true and what is not.


        There are those who prefer the truth and there are those who prefer to be right

        When you calibrate below 200, your priorities are safety, comfort, wealth, or power over Truth. When the intellect is at the service of Truth (which calibrates at 1,000) and not at the service of self-interest (ego), then we have an enlightened intellect.

        Einstein was a brilliant mind, not only because of his high IQ, but because his intellect was at the service of his wisdom. According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, Einstein calibrated at 499. One of Einstein’s most famous quotes was “we cannot solve a problem at the same level where we created it.” By level, he meant the level of consciousness. 100% of the problems are resolved as you increase your level of consciousness and disappear completely when you rise to the level of consciousness of 600 (which represents the first degree of enlightenment).

        The moment of truth for humanity

        Today we are witnessing an important moment for Humanity. We are facing a moment where each of us must decide whether to follow the easy (and safe) path dictated by an authority (and a means of control or communication that propagates a single narrative and censor any other possibility) or follow the narrow path of listening to our intuition, even if that means stopping following the majority.

        We will know which is the right path by the degree of pressure or freedom we feel. If something pressures us (and does not allow us to think freely), it is not the path of truth. If someone pretends to be our counselor and uses threat or fear as a form of coercion, it is not the path of truth. The path of truth never presses, it never scares. The truth will make us free to assume our responsibility and will not ridicule us, but will love us whatever our decision.

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          How to increase our wisdom or level of consciousness

          The mind must be illuminated with wisdom if we want to transcend (solve the roots) of problems. And the easiest way to increase our degree of light (or consciousness) is by expanding our love. As we increase our self-esteem (and therefore love of the Truth that we are), we increase our wisdom.

          Love begins to manifest when we lose the fear of deciding for ourselves (it is called courage). We must learn to love the Truth, even if that means the discomfort of having to make changes in beliefs, habits or relationships. But remember that the Truth is only uncomfortable for our ego, since it lives trapped in a dream of security, of wanting to please and belong to the flock.

          As a personal coach, one of the teachings that I most transmit to my clients is the concept of responsibility. Being responsible is being clear that “only you should be satisfied with your decisions, and only he/she/they should be satisfied with theirs.” That is, let’s not confuse what I just said with “egoism.”

          For example, if it is about health, “I alone am responsible for my health, and only you for yours. Wanting me to change so you feel safe is being selfish. I want you to change so I can be less afraid, it’s being selfish. Letting politicians decide about your health without questioning anything is giving up your responsibility, but, at the end of the day, it is your decision. But wanting everyone to do the same (because that’s how the media bombards us), that is an attack on the freedom of human beings and treating them like an irresponsible sheep.

          Taking responsibility for your own decisions means thinking for yourself and not giving that power to anyone. And to be able to make decisions, it is best to be well informed (intellectually) and, above all, raise your level of consciousness (wisdom). Remember that what for the ego may be a truth, from a higher level of consciousness, the falsehood is clearly seen. If for the ego a snake represents a problem, for wisdom, that snake was nothing more than an illusion of lights and shadows and is nothing more than a simple rope exposed to little light.

          Some practical exercises

          Try a good diet (abundant in fruits and vegetables and reducing meat consumption). Stop watching the news and junk shows (because they calibrate to less than 200). Read more, dance more, sing, play and laugh more. Learn to open and listen to your heart. Learn to calm your mind. Hang out with people who are awake and do not give in to fear. And why not… invest in a coaching process to surprise yourself and awaken the love and wisdom that lives within you.