Apps For Psychologists: 10 Tools That Cannot Be Missing From Your Smartphone

We live in the information society. The technological advances of the last century have allowed humans to establish contact with anyone and obtain information of any kind with a single click.

Although the constant use of information and communication technologies poses some disadvantages, There are numerous applications for this type of technology that can make our lives easier, even at the work level.

Among the many advances and applications that have emerged, many of them can be very useful and have been designed to help psychologists and/or psychology students in the exercise of their profession, allowing access even from a smartphone. . Therefore throughout this article we will see a series of applications for psychologists that can be very useful for learning and professional practice of psychology.

11 useful applications for psychology professionals and students

Below are a series of apps for psychologists and psychology students that can help you practice your profession from the comfort of your smartphone.

1. Eholo

Eholo is the definitive application for centralized organization and management of information especially designed for psychologists and psychology centers who need visit management software, virtual session agenda, and more.

With this application you can schedule sessions both in person and online, create files for each client in the cloud, allow them to schedule their visits individually with a public agenda, set reminders, automatically transcribe what was said in the online sessions, organize billing optimally and efficient, send digital informed consents, assign personalized medical records to each client and make secure and encrypted video calls at all times.

In short, Eholo is one of the most versatile tools that therapists can use, both to save time and to avoid unforeseen events. You will find more information on this page.

2. Syncrolab

The games that Sincrolab incorporates consist of a personalized stimulation system generated with a base of Artificial Intelligence, and its technology is scientifically validated as a resource to intervene in various neuropsychological alterations. Additionally, with this digital platform you will get automatically generated reports on the needs and progress of each client. On this page you will find more information about Sincrolab.

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3.Wake UP

If you would like to be able to understand the world in a much more conscious way, you think that the practice of yoga can be useful in your daily life or if you want to discover which relaxation techniques are the most efficient, you should not hesitate to visit this website.

4. PIR (Akaro)

Many psychologists and/or psychology students intend to dedicate themselves to the clinical branch. To achieve this goal, they can complete a Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology that will enable them to practice within the private sector, or they can try to access the public health system through PIR (Resident Internal Psychologist) training, which requires pass a complex exam test type in order to compete to obtain one of the few available places.

This free application developed by Akaro for Android is very useful when preparing and training for said exam, containing and allowing you to answer the questions asked in the PIR calls from 2002 to 2015. It is one of the apps for psychologists. and students that serves as a review and study tool of great value, as it allows you to exercise answering questions and instantly indicating the number of correct answers, errors, and points obtained in each exam.

In addition to each year’s exams, the application allows you to ask questions by thematic areas, answer questions randomly or view statistics on the scores, successes and errors made in each attempt so far.

5. AirPersons

  • Price: Free (registration required)
  • Available on: Android and iOS

This app acts as method of communication between psychologists or other types of professionals and clients allowing consultation through video chat or video call. In a similar way to the use of Skype for the provision of remote services but with the advantage that it allows you to charge directly.

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At the time of registration, the psychologist establishes the conditions of his services such as time availability and remuneration, so that he can later be contacted by video call when online. Everything is done through the internet, with the client not knowing the professional’s private telephone number.

6. NovoPsych Psychometrics (NovoPsych Pty Ltd)

  • Price: 49.99
  • Available on: iOS

An app for psychologists in which they can find themselves different evaluation tests applicable to patients The program includes automatic correction systems that speed up the process, with the results only being visible to the clinician who applies them.

7. iGrade for psychologist (Zysco)

  • Price: €2.99
  • Available on: iOS

Through this and other similar apps for psychologists, professionals in this discipline can have a useful tool that allows them** to organize their patients’ information**. Among others, the administration and management of citations, profiles, reports, evaluations and notes is allowed.

It is possible to manage an unlimited number of clients and sessions, as well as evaluate their progress. However, it must be taken into account that patient information is private and highly confidential, so the use or non-use of this type of application must be assessed with extreme care based on the degree of security of the application in question.

8. 3D Brain (DNA Learning Center)

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android and iOS

The study of the brain and the nervous system in general is the field of study of neurosciences. However, it is not easy to understand in detail how the organs that make up the brain work, since it has so many parts and they are so close together that depending on the perspective from which we look, the same structure can appear very different. In short, getting an idea of ​​the three-dimensionality of this set of organs is complicated.

Fortunately, today there are technological solutions that allow creating very faithful and detailed 3D images, such as 3D Brain.

We are looking at one of the apps for psychologists and other disciplines linked to the study of the brain which allows you to observe and study the different regions and structures that are part of it. In addition to offering a 3D model of the brain, it allows you to learn about the different functions and injuries associated with different structures.

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It also allows access to different studies carried out from the field of neurosciences. It should be noted that this application is in English.

9. DSM-5 Criteria (American Psychiatric Association)

  • Price: €53.66
  • Available on: Android and iOS

One of the two main reference manuals within clinical psychology and currently considered the most widely accepted, the DSM, collects and classifies the different types of mental disorders at the same time it establishes the main diagnostic criteria for each of them.

It is one of the apps for psychologists specialized in clinical practice that allows access to the different criteria so that we can view the different typical symptoms of each disorder and their classification, as well as different videos in which the main changes are indicated. compared to previous versions of the DSM. Of course, this is a paid application (at the time of writing this article its price was €53.66).

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10. Cite this for me (Imagine Easy Solutions)

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android and iOS

When carrying out research regarding the different phenomena studied from psychology, the search for bibliography related to the topic and its subsequent referencing It is a fundamental and very important element. This free application allows you to quickly and easily cite the different books and web pages on which we rely when publishing and preparing our texts, being able to apply different regulations such as the APA or Harvard.

It also allows you to scan the barcodes of books and publications through the smartphone camera, as well as export bibliographies via email in order to be able to incorporate them into subsequent works. Although it is not only an application for psychologists, it can be of great help to speed up the process of preparing bibliography.