11 Vital Study Techniques To Learn More

The school and university stages are characterized by causing a lot of nerves, stress and anxiety among students.

Many are wondering: How can I approach studying to optimize my academic performance? Are there any study strategies or techniques that can help me?

Study techniques that will help you pass exams

It is proven that memorizing entire texts from top to bottom is not effective at all, traditionally it has been considered that this was the way to study, but this idea is completely outdated.

Fortunately this is no longer the case**, we currently have more modern techniques that offer better results**, and they are also much more dynamic and entertaining. These techniques improve performance and learning capacity.

Next We offer you some of these techniques, a total of eleven effective strategies to study better

1. Always underline

The best known and simplest is to highlight, with a marker or a pencil, the most important part of the syllabus This does not mean eliminating information but synthesizing it, separating the chaff from the grain.

We can also use different colors if we prefer, so it will be easier for us to organize reading. First we must read the text globally to extract its meaning and then highlight the most relevant and then continue with the study.

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2. Make your own notes

Another very common technique along with underlining is making notes. It consists of summarizing the text extracting the most important, noting all the key parts. We can use our own language so that it is easier to understand what we have pointed out. You can use pencil and paper or, if you prefer, a word processor.

3. Make your mind map

Organize and synthesize ideas by creating a mind map A well-made mind map will help us better manage the time we invest in studying and establish our ideas effectively.

4. Draw

Associating concepts with drawings makes it easier to memorize them; it is good advice for people with good visual memory It’s a great idea for most subjects and a great mnemonic method. You can also complement these images along with your aforementioned mental map, this will multiply your assimilation capacity when studying.

5. Prepare a file

Use study cards, they are remarkably effective for absorbing specific data, for example numbers, words or dates. In this way, learning is much more dynamic and simple since they can be easily consulted.

6. Use mnemonic rules

A mnemonic method or rule is relevantly useful when memorizing lists of words or sets This method consists of associating a concept or a list of words with a term that is easier to remember and that is more familiar to us.

There are endless mnemonic rules, practically like people. A trick, to give an example, would be to use the invented word “CHON” to remember the chemical elements essential for the existence of life, that is, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen.

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7. Do practical exercises

Very often The theory becomes more understandable if we illustrate it with a specific practical case This system is essential for subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry or logic, and in general all those subjects that contain numbers, symbols or problems.

So as we learn the theory it is advisable to complement it with a practical case at each moment to understand how it is applied. As with logical problems, an example would be the following exercise:

It’s sunny or it’s cloudy.

It’s not cloudy.

Therefore, it is sunny.

Whose solution would be:

↓ p ↓ q


Therefore, e.g.

8. Take tests to evaluate your knowledge

At the end of everything it is very interesting to test yourself by doing tests The tests will help us identify those parts that we are weakest, in this way we can focus on the area that we should strengthen.

Furthermore, if we take test exams or exchange them with a classmate, we can make sure which points we have overlooked. So create tests, take mock exams and exchange them as a final method before taking the exam.

9. “Brainstorming”

We can do this technique in a group and it is very fun Brainstorming, also known as “brainstorming” and literally “creative meeting”, consists of getting together with other colleagues to add questions and ideas related to a specific area.

It is important when we do group work, this way we take all perspectives into account. However, it can be used in the same way to prepare for an exam, exchanging the roles of examiner and examinee, especially if the test is oral. In any case, using a mind map (see technique 3) is ideal to better organize ideas.

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10. Make a study plan

Finally It is essential to organize yourself through a study plan Usually, many students do not take this into account, making a huge mistake.

Create a study calendar keeping in mind the previously set objectives and the time available. So to speak, it is a way of managing oneself. In the same way that a mountaineer does not ascend Everest in one go, you must establish your base camps and determine specific objectives within a time frame in order to finally reach the goal. This is the first step and the key to success in any subject.

11. Tricks to train the brain

If you still want to get more and better out of your mnemonic skills and your ability to optimize your study hours, we recommend that you read this article. Good luck on your exams!