How To Prepare A Successful Online Coaching Session

How to prepare a successful online coaching session

Coaches and personal development professionals have been able to take advantage of the numerous advantages that the online world offers at the work level

Society is constantly evolving. First there was the telephone, then the radio and, finally, television. But without a doubt, if something changed it completely, it was the appearance of the Internet.

And its invention not only allows us to communicate bidirectionally with any corner of the planet, something that the telephone already made possible, but also to see the face of our interlocutor, share files, interact in real time with several people at the same time or assist to live in-person classes at the most prestigious institutions. And all this without leaving the couch. Definitely: We are only separated from the world by a screen

    The potential of coaching in the online environment

    These advances also have repercussions at the workplace level. Not in vain, they make it possible, among other things, to work from remote locations, create a wide portfolio of clients in different countries, as well as facilitate their expansion for companies. Coaches and personal development professionals have been able to take advantage of all its numerous advantages

    Although it is true that at first many were reluctant to hold sessions online, the situation caused by COVID-19 has forced them to do so; thus demolishing that fear. And their main concern was that they were not as effective as in-person sessions, especially when it came to carrying out dynamics. However, despite having confirmed that they are, not everything goes.

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    So that, A series of steps must be followed and very careful when preparing these online sessions Not in vain is it about the brand image and sign of quality.

    Steps to follow to prepare a successful online coaching session

    These are several key ideas to keep in mind when preparing an online coaching session.

    1. A computer, webcam, microphone and speakers are not enough

    There are several aspects that must be taken into account before organizing an online coaching session, starting with a good internet connection

    This is fundamental when it comes to quality of service; It depends on it that the session is agile and not interrupted (thereby leaving the client “hanging” in the middle of a dynamic).

    Therefore, although it is often not given importance, it demonstrates professionalism and concern for offering good service. Furthermore, if possible, It is recommended that the connection be made via cable, since with Wi-Fi there is a risk that the signal may fail. When this happens, the session thread is lost and the client’s state is broken, something disastrous for the desired result.

    2. Choose a comfortable space

    Choosing a comfortable and intimate space (and inviting the client to do so as well) helps create an environment conducive to carrying it out.

    You should not forget that the coachee is seeing you, so choose a background that creates a good image (the kitchen, for example, does not transmit it) is essential.

    In case you do not want to show the room for privacy, some applications allow you to create virtual backgrounds. In this way, whoever is on the other side of the screen will not know what is around them.

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    Be that as it may, The space from which the client connects must allow him to stand up, as some dynamics used may require it

    3. Take care of the wardrobe

    The same goes for the way you dress. Even if the session is done from home and you remain seated in a chair, you cannot wear just any piece of clothing. Let us remember that part of professionalism is transmitted visually and the clothes are part of the set.

      4. Choose the digital platform well

      Another important point when preparing a successful online coaching session is to: choose a good video conferencing application There are both free and premium, with perhaps the most popular being Zoom, Skype and GoToMeeting.

      However, regardless of the one chosen, it must be one that does not include advertising and that allows you to carry out the session without keeping an eye on the clock, as some cut off the video call after a certain time.

      It is also important that you enable file or screen sharing, since it helps when interacting with the client if necessary or if the dynamics require it. If you are in doubt between several, an application that allows streaming connection, that is, you do not have to install any program on the computer, is the most recommended. In fact, these types of apps are the ones that are most popular today.

      5. Take care of the audiovisual aspect

      Finally, we began the section by saying that a computer, webcam, microphone and speakers were not enough, but these aspects should not be neglected. A clear and crisp image and sound They depend on it. This greatly contributes to the session running without interference, thus reinforcing the quality of the service.

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      The importance of training

      Despite the above, there is no point in taking care of even the smallest detail if the content of the coaching session does not measure up.

      Thus, just as online is synonymous with success in them, it is also synonymous when it comes to training as a professional in the sector. Knowing this, in D’Arte Human and Business School We are committed to the streaming system when it comes to training future coaches who will lead the world. More information about our training offer at