Flirting, Girls, Self-concept And Sex: 8 Tricks To Convince Them

Us guys are a bit rough when it comes to flirting. We are in a hurry to reach the goal and we forget that they think and feel differently than us. Their self-concept and ours are different; We have to take this into account to be able to communicate assertively and be able to move forward in our relationship.

Attracting a girl: 8 (practically) infallible keys

We must learn to read the context and non-verbal language to try to detect which points we should work on in our communication.

Luckily, our culture is changing and, although gender roles are becoming more homogeneous, thanks to sexual liberation of women It is true that they still receive many social burdens that make them care more about their selfconcept For example, many people still think that a girl who goes to bed with many boys is just any guy and the man who has many girls is a winner.

Little by little these fallacies will be destroyed but, for the moment we have to understand that girls experience a certain pressure when thinking about how they are perceived by their environment.

How do we guys think?

As we have already pointed out, the boys are impatient and, when we want sex, we blind ourselves and only see the girl and our goal. Our interests make us focus on moving forward without taking into account her environment and her thoughts; We often act in ways not very selective when we crave sex.

How do they think?

Girls take more factors into account when reflecting. They think about him Social context, in the person in front of them and how they are going to feel after sleeping with us. For social and biological reasons, which we will tell another day, the sex for them, has a close relationship with their selfconcept

What is self-concept?

Self-concept is the way a person perceives and feels about themselves; It is closely linked to self-esteem, which is the way a person values ​​themselves.

Knowing what self-concept is and how the social environment influences girls’ lives, we can optimize communication to make them feel comfortable.

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We have to learn to read the social context in the person in front of them and ensure the comfort and convenience of the interaction.

What do girls want to avoid?

The first point that we must take into account is that, although it is evident, girls are not an object not a trophy or anything similar. It would be good for men to overcome certain sexist beliefs that we have learned in our social development and begin to value and qualify them for something more than their body or their physical attractiveness.

In the 21st century, girls decide who they sleep with and we don’t have to think about hackneyed strategies or tricks that will cause us to be discovered as liars in the long run. Let’s learn to value people so that makes them unique and different from others and let’s learn to communicate what makes others special.

What are girls looking for?

As a general rule, girls want feel special (just like us, wow) and knowing that the boy in front of them will know how to act accordingly and will not make them feel bad about themselves or their social environment. They want to feel that the person they are likely to sleep with is also a special person, of high value, and that they deserve someone who deserves them. Every girl is different and in recent times more women are moving away from these cultural patterns that, in a way, are patriarchal. But Judeo-Christian culture and morality is strongly rooted, and that means that certain patterns of sexual behavior are socially required of girls.

How to convince a girl? Flirting is not everything

Next, we will present eight key points to be able to communicate in a way that benefits interaction and creates solid bonds of real trust. It must be noted that it does not consist of deception. It consists of working on oneself to be able to offer the best of oneself, without falling into manipulation.

It is not enough to appear, you have to be. Become one assertive person and high value will not only help you flirt with girls; All aspects of your life will be positively affected if you follow these eight tips.

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Needless to say, each person is different and I do not claim that these eight points are dogmas or unbreakable rules. They are only tools to create the positivity synergy friendship and attraction that can bring you unforgettable and genuine moments.

1. Cultivate yourself

It is essential to start with yourself. Cultivating our hobbies, friendships and professional career will be the way for us to develop a attractive life and full. Becoming cultured, mature and experienced people will make us be perceived as having high social and individual value. Let’s think about what we like to do and what goals we have in life to walk towards them.

2. Convenience and comfort

Learning to communicate to make others feel good will make people feel good around us. The trust It is one of the most difficult things to generate in a relationship. It is important that we learn to develop social skills that help others feel comfortable around us; touch warmly, learn to listen and say things kindly… it will be a good way to start.

3. Be discreet

Many kids sin braggarts ; We like to brag about our conquests and we brag about the girls we have slept with. This makes girls perceive us as indiscreet people and, consequently, fear sleeping with us. We must learn to remain silent and know when and to whom to tell our intimacies. Having a trusted friend to whom you can tell these things will ensure that our love conquests do not become vox populi.

4. Read the context

In case it is not clear, we repeat it again: no one worth their salt wants to be socially judged as a person. not very selective or easy This means that, depending on the context, we must learn to communicate in one way or another. Talking in private is not the same as surrounded by friends and acquaintances at a dinner. Knowing where and who we are with will give us information about how to behave and what we can and cannot say or do. So that no one feels their self-concept attacked and avoid social judgment.

5. Insinuate yourself appropriately

This point is closely linked to the previous one. The context will give us signs of the how and when we have to suggest that we like them or want to sleep with them or give them a kiss. Saying things subtly so that our message goes unnoticed by others will be of great help so that she does not feel pressured and feels comfortable.

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6. Read between the lines

That we have to learn to communicate discreetly is because they, in part, do it too. Understand why do they say what they say and detecting the reason why they say it is essential for us to know how to communicate with them and master flirting techniques. Girls rarely communicate directly; We have to learn to translate their indirect messages and thus we will avoid looking like “breaded”.

7. Alone, much better

Reading the context and communicating in an appropriate and subtle way are tools to communicate more intimately and directly Away from social pressure, we will feel more comfortable and will be able to express ourselves more freely with ourselves and with others.

8. Have a why

Sex doesn’t have to be a reason in itself. Our sexual interest has to be based on more refined attributes than a pretty body or because we simply feel like it. We can’t force anyone to want sex with us. But we can improve our message so that we are not perceived as someone who only wants sex. After all, if a girl doesn’t want to sleep with us, she won’t do it no matter how many strategies we employ. But if we learn to say things and have reasons, at least we will distance ourselves from people who only see them as a sexual object

In summary

Little by little, society is overcoming and getting rid of the sexist burdens but, in the meantime, know the self-concept of the other person, learning to observe it and value it for its values ​​will facilitate our communication. Developing the noble art of discretion and learning how and when to communicate why we like the person we are attracted to will be very useful to ensure their comfort and will be able to choose more freely, away from the judgment of others.