Types Of Sexism: The Different Forms Of Discrimination

Although human societies have made great progress in terms of equality, there are still deep-rooted forms of discrimination among virtually all cultures. Sexism is one of these discriminatory practices s, and exists in both actions and thoughts.

However, it is not always easy to recognize. Many times it appears camouflaged in alternative forms, or it appears expressed in attitudes so generalized and assumed that it is difficult to see them as such. That’s why it’s important know the different types of sexism and the way in which they can be found on a daily basis.

What is sexism?

Before moving on to see its types, it is necessary to have a clear idea about what sexism is and the way in which it is reflected through what we do.

A definition could be the following: sexism is a type of discrimination based on biological sex or gender of people.

Types of sexism

There is no single criterion to categorize the different types of sexism which means that there are several possible classifications based on different criteria.

For example, we can look at who the sexism is directed towards, or focus our attention on the way in which it is expressed.

Depending on who it is directed to

Depending on the type of person to whom sexism is applied, it can take the following forms:

against women

This type of sexism is very common, and is directed towards people whose biological sex corresponds to your gender identity (female)

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Against transsexuals

This form of sexism applies to people whose gender identity does not correspond to your biological sex It is especially serious, since these discriminatory attacks add to the anxiety and emotional pain that gender dysphoria itself produces, a psychological phenomenon that occurs in some transsexual people and about which you can read more in this article: ” Gender Dysphoria: Being Born in the Wrong Body.

Sexism against intersex people

This is one of the least widespread types of sexism, since intersex people are relatively few. intersexuality consists of a discrepancy between the design of the genitals and the chromosome load that is owned (XX or XY). This ambiguity about the sex attributable to a person causes rejection in many cultures, including the Western one.

against men

This type of sexism is closely related to the concept of misandry that is, the aversion towards men in general.

According to the way in which sexism is expressed

If before we have seen a classification of the types of sexism based on its content, now we move on to its forms.

Hostile sexism

Hostile sexism is reflected in attitudes and actions based on hostility, aggressiveness and physical or symbolic violence For example, beating someone because of their gender is a clear form of sexism of this kind.

Some subtypes of this kind of sexism are the following:

Benevolent sexism

This is one of the types of sexism that goes most unnoticed, since it is seen through acts that could be understood as kindness initiatives

For example, explaining a very basic topic to someone as if they had no way of understanding more elaborate speeches could be sexism. The interlocutor is a woman, since the female gender has traditionally been away from intellectual tasks.

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In the same way, coming to the woman’s aid so that she does not have to make any physical effort can also be an act framed in this type of sexism, if it is done in a systematic and generalized way.

Normative sexism

This type of sexism is also not expressed through violence, but it also has nothing to do with apparent kindness or condescension. These are actions that, due to their forms, tacitly express an affirmation in traditional gender roles without any other justification other than custom.

For example, asking a woman about when she plans to find a husband to support her is an example of this type of sexism.

This kind of sexism is frequently supported by an essentialist view of biology applied to human beings. For example, it is understood that since historically women and females of most mammal species are more involved in parenting than males and males, there is some type of link between the feminine and the care of children.

However, this perspective Not because it is reductionist and biological, it is more scientific If this were the case, for example, it would not have been the case that millions of women began to leave the house to dedicate themselves to tasks that go beyond the domestic and the home, as has happened in less than a century in the Western societies.


Mansplaining is a very specific form of sexism that incorporates elements of the previous two, since it involves both condescension and the desire to deny others the ability to participate in an equal relationship.

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It consists of minimizing another person’s opinions (female or not identified with the male gender) and present their own as if they were a description of reality presented in an easy way for everyone to understand.