How To Set Goals? 8 Useful Tips

How to set goals

Do you have goals? Do you have goals? What do you dream about? Probably all of us, at some point in our long or short lives, have stopped to think about the future.

This future can be full of many things, but what is usually present when we think about the future are the future goals that we want to achieve. In this article We will address the topic of how to set goals what are the most common objectives grouped by categories, and much more!

    How to set goals on a daily basis?

    Before explaining how to set goals, let’s specify what they consist of. Objectives are ends to which our actions, desires or concerns are directed. The objectives can be passionate, work, work development, social, family…

    There are as many objectives as there are types of desires people have, achieving them or not will depend on several factors; motivation, effort, perseverance, coherence.

    In this article we will look at the most common goals and review various useful techniques to learn how to set goals effectively.

    The most common objectives

    As already mentioned, there are as many types of objectives as there are types of desires. Here you will find some more common specific objectives, classified by categories which can help us think about how to set goals.

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    1. Health goals

      2. Family goals

        3. Objectives of meaning and satisfaction

          4. Money goals

            5. Personal development goals

            • Don’t get angry so often
            • Have more confidence in yourself
            • Keep a journal and write every day
            • Know how to manage emotions a little more
            • Know how to empathize more
            • Sign up for a personal growth and emotional intelligence course
            • Read more

            6. Couple goals/emotional sphere

            • Finding the better half
            • Spend more time together (with your partner or romance)
            • Improve the relationship with your partner
            • Have a passing adventure
            • Talk confidently about my sexual identity
            • Experiment more in sex
            • Have sex more frequently
            • Form a family

            7. Social development objectives

            • Have more friends
            • Meet people
            • Meet up with friends more often
            • Get friends together more often
            • Take a great trip with a great friend

            8. Professional development objectives

            • Make a master
            • Learn a language
            • Obtain the X degree
            • Change jobs for another one that you are more passionate about
            • Leave before work
            • Learn to use a computer program
            • Be able to manage time
            • Create your own company
            • Get along better with colleagues
            • Learn to lead
            • Have more vacations and free time
            • Increase profits
            • Increase staff motivation
            • Reduce conflicts
            • Reduce stress
            • Think less about work
            • Improve the way the company operates
            • Ascend

            9. Domestic goals

            • Move flat
            • Buy a plot to build on it
            • Renovate the bathroom or kitchen
            • Buy a mountain bike
            • Put parquet on the floor
            • Recycle more
            • Change city or country

            Techniques to know how to set goals effectively

            Before stopping to think about how to set goals, The essential thing is to think if there really is a real motivation to obtain those objectives

            We must keep in mind that there are a series of characteristics that are important for the objectives we set for ourselves.

            Thus, to prepare a list of specific objectives, it is important that they are clear and specific. If these are also measurable, it is a positive constant, since this allows us to quantify the level of achievement and thus when we want to measure that objective, we will be able to know if we are on the right path and thus obtain positive feedback to continue working on it. it.

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            Besides, The objectives should be, as far as possible, achievable They must have a high part of realism and there must be a part of real possibility of achieving them – that they adjust to our capabilities and limitations -.

            And lastly, It is important that the objectives we set are, to a certain extent, temporary That is, they are limited to a certain period. Setting a temporary goal may increase the motivation to achieve it.

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            Steps to follow when setting goals

            But how to set goals, in a more practical way? Here you can see a series of steps to do it.

            1. Make a detailed list of objectives

            In every aspect of life you can set goals A good idea is to write a list with everything you want to add, change or modulate in your life, and have it visually.

            2. Establish a specific time period to achieve the objectives

            Qualifying a certain deadline is important to continue not diluting that goal and focusing as much as possible on it knowing that it has an ‘expiration date’.

            3. Specify and clarify the objectives as much as possible

            As we have already seen, it is important to limit the times of the objectives that you want to achieve. For example: “I want to study French four days a week”, “I want to go to the gym from 8 to 9 every day”.

            The fact of specifying favors the acquisition of the habit, because you know exactly what you want: how much, where and when. Furthermore, it is important to leave aside generalities; “I want to improve my professional career”, “I want to eat healthier” and focus on specific aspects; “I want to do this master’s degree”, “I want to eat vegetables five days a week”.

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            4. Identify the purposes that support the objectives

            Another step to follow on how to set goals is to identify the purposes on which they are based. So, It is essential to think and remember the reasons that have given rise to that objective Having reasons to support the pursuit of the objective is very important.

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            5. Break down each objective into tasks to perform

            Designing a plan to follow to achieve that goal is in itself very motivating to continue with the mission since you can evaluate your degree of pursuit of the objective.

            For example: to get in shape and lose extra kilos, you must:

            • Find information and sign up for a gym that suits your needs (time, location…)
            • Select the classes or machines that best suit you
            • go regularly
            • Replace certain foods with more energetic ones

            6. Take action immediately:

            After searching within yourself what motivates you, what you dream about, and why, it is time to take action. Focus on what you want, internalize it, and start acting!

            7. Do something every day that brings you closer to your goals

            The next step in relation to how to set goals is to do something every day that brings us closer to them.

            In this way, a good way to get closer to your goals is through discipline: Do something every day that guides you towards your goals and allows you to maintain that initial momentum. Periodic action increases determination and energy.

            8. Think about goals daily and track progress periodically

            It is important to be fully aware of what your goals are. Think about them, and the positive consequences that can derive from those objectives and doing it periodically, is an undeniable stimulus to not abandon your conquest process.

            Furthermore, it is known that the subconscious is programmed automatically when you think about something repeatedly, intentionally, and if it is with high doses of emotion, the better.

            • Marinak, Barbara A.; Gambrell, Linda B. (2008). “Intrinsic Motivation and Rewards: What Sustains Young Children’s Engagement with Text?”. Literacy Research and Instruction. 47:9–26.
            • Zeus, P., & Skiffington, S. (2002). Complete guide to coaching at work. Madrid: McGraw Hill.