The 8 Best Coaching Apps (to Improve Your Life)

Coaching Apps

The apps that we can find for mobile phones or other smart devices are increasingly sophisticated and specialized in the different fields of human activity in which they specialize.

The truth is that anyone who wants to obtain coaching advice to improve in a certain area of ​​their life or start a process of personal or work development, can download specific apps to achieve these and other objectives with which to achieve their goals with the help from your phone or other device.

In Spain and Latin America we can find new applications specialized in personal growth and coaching advice that are gradually making their way among the most popular apps among the general public and have an increasing number of downloads due to their usefulness and for the service they offer, most of them being free.

The 8 most recommended Coaching apps

So, if you are interested in knowing the best Coaching apps that exist for both Android and iOS, check out the selection we present in today’s article. In it you will find in a summary the main characteristics of all these apps so you can choose the best one for your particular case.

1. Oorenji


Oorenji is the new app that has revolutionized eating and healthy lifestyles with which each user will be able to improve their eating habits by following the application’s instructions that fully adapt to their needs.

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Developed by a Barcelona Start-up, Oorenji offers a large number of services; from personalized diets designed especially for the user, daily menus adapted to the nutritional needs of each day, the recommendation of certain foods or the possibility of analyzing the person’s genes to incorporate more information into the system’s artificial intelligence.

This analysis is carried out using a genetic kit that users can purchase and is based on a saliva collection, which once analyzed in the laboratory, will provide more information about each user and an even more personalized service.

    2. WorkOnIt


    WorkOnIt is an application in English that helps to clearly define our objectives and also to achieve each of them in the shortest time possible. The system offers 75 default goals in 4 specific areas (personal development, development of others, personal well-being and work well-being), but allows us to include other personal goals chosen by ourselves.

    In addition to that, this app has a database with professional advice with which we can guide ourselves in each of the objectives that we want to achieve and a set of instructions that will guide us when setting goals.

    3. Pocket Mentor

    Pocket Mentor

    In the Pocket Mentor application we will find a digital mentor who will advise us at all times to overcome any obstacle or achieve our goals that we have set for ourselves, through professional advice and useful tools with which to manage our lives in the future.

    An application that will undoubtedly be useful for personal growth, and will help us train ourselves in our personal and work lives with which we will achieve our goals in a short time.

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    4. ICC on the Go!

    In the application of the International Coaching Community, one of the largest non-profit professional coaching entities, We will find a multitude of articles published on their website, as well as unlimited access to videos and various information about coaching to learn on our own or collect tips for our personal life.

    The app is free and can be an excellent option for those who want to enter the world of coaching or wish to obtain useful information about this field from a professional source.

    5. Mentormy

    Mentormy is another free coaching app in Spanish with a very particular philosophy consisting of the person themselves managing their personal growth achievements, with behavioral guidelines and professional support, compiling their successes in three different sections.

    These sections consist of a personal diary in which you can save the coaching sessions, a section to compile successes and another for discoveries. The application also has a directory of professional coaches that you can contact at any time.

    6. Personal Coaching

    Personal Coaching is an application in which we can find more than 100 questions with which we can rethink our lives, consider alternative life options and change, whenever we need to, our current course, directing us towards the expected success.

    In addition to that, the application also allows you to access the best questions grouped by objectives, save our answers and create a list of favorite questions, among other possibilities. All of these opportunities will allow us to take control over our lives and change what we want to change.

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    7. Mindbloom Game Life

    Mindbloom Game Life is an application that will allow us to become aware of our most desired aspirations and dreams as well as our personal development and evolution to achieve them in an efficient way.

    In this app our life is symbolized as a tree that we must help grow, with the leaves being the different areas in which we want to improve and the decisions that we must make so that this happens and our tree grows strong and healthy.

    8. Mood Ring

    Mood Ring is another application that we must take into account, belonging to the company Aon Hewitt for iOS in which we will find motivation strategies to achieve any goal we set, in the best possible way and with all types of professional and specialized support.

    Without a doubt, this can be another application that helps us learn to organize ourselves, optimize our time and resources and establish goals in any company or work in which we find ourselves.