Video Game Addiction In Adolescents: What It Is And What To Do

Video game addiction in adolescents

The development of new technologies is noticeable in the most unexpected areas of life.

Although scientific, urban and industrial transformations are normally the ones that attract the most attention from the media, the improvement of the techniques and tools used by human beings is also clearly reflected in the leisure sector. In fact, one of its consequences has been the appearance of addiction to video games, a problem that occurs especially in childhood and adolescence.

Along the next lines We will see what video game addiction in adolescents consists of what are the implications and effects of this psychological problem when it affects this age group, and what can be done in these cases.

Video game addictions in adolescence: mechanisms of dependency

In most cases, the developers of the best-selling video games put a lot of effort into extending the hours of playability of their products, that is, the ability to keep players entertained with the video game for many hours.

A short title is usually designed to be played for about 5 or 6 hours, while long titles can be played for more than 150 hours. If we go to extremes, we find video games that can be replayed over and over again, and that can seduce the youngest to the point of keeping them glued to the screen for months, and in some cases for years, as is the case with some games designed for online competition

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This does not mean that video games themselves are addictive; There is nothing in them that allows them to be considered products that necessarily generate dependence, and in fact most of the habitual consumers of these products do not develop addiction, contrary to what happens with most chemical drugs.

However, it is true that due to its characteristics are capable of combining with the psychological predispositions of some young people to make it easier for them to “get hooked” on video games.

Below we will see what are the main factors that contribute to developing addiction to video games by adolescents who use them, initially, for entertainment.

1. The use of explorable items and environments as reinforcement

The main resources with which video games keep the player with the expectation that they will receive rewarding experiences are mainly two: the items and the explorable environments.

Items are virtual objects that either offer new gameplay possibilities (e.g. lifting heavy rocks) or are collectible Explorable environments, as their name suggests, are new “scenarios” that the player can explore and that contain a set of new experiences: this is what in classic video games from the 80s and 90s we call “screen switching”.

Most video games present at least one of these two elements, and from the beginning they make it clear to players that, If you continue interacting with your virtual world, you will periodically obtain these rewards In this way, players feel more interested in the video game, knowing that if they overcome certain challenges they will obtain new content.

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2. The possibility of escaping from the real world

Adolescence is a stage that many young people experience in a problematic way, sometimes needing to “disconnect” to not think about their problems.

Video games fit perfectly with this need, since they provide narratives, virtual environments and specific goals with which it is easy to connect and let the attention remain focused on what is happening on the screen. Even when they are not playing, adolescents with video game addiction problems are usually fantasizing about the virtual worlds with which they have become accustomed to interacting, and they even socialize with other young people interested in that type of video game, dreaming about gaming sessions, etc

3. The narratives of some video games

Many video games not only offer worlds to explore and satisfying game mechanics that offer a challenge and rewards for completing it; besides, They tell interesting stories

The desire to know how these narratives develop is capable of enhancing the addictive effect that games have on some adolescents, especially if they identify with one of the main characters.

4. A way to combat boredom

It must also be taken into account that during adolescence there are many young people who have difficulties making friends, either because they have not yet fully mastered social skills, because they have few opportunities to meet other adolescents with their interests, due to moving situations and change of school, etc.

So, Video games are a way to “fill” your free time, given that they are not offered other stimulating activities. In this way, a habit linked to low self-esteem begins to form.

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Symptoms of video game addiction during adolescence They are normally the following:

To do?

Fortunately, More and more psychotherapy professionals are trained to know how to help adolescents with video game addiction as well as their families.

Through a psychological intervention of several weeks focused on evolving the habits and thinking patterns of the young person, it is possible to greatly weaken the strength of this dependence on electronic entertainment, to the point that it practically disappears and ceases to be a problem. . Of course, to achieve the best results, you must act as soon as possible so that the problem does not become firmly established in the child’s lifestyle.


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