Toxic Habits: 10 Behaviors That Consume Your Energy

Toxic habits are a series of behaviors that make you an unhappy person. through your routines. It is common for some people to blame their bad fortune for certain unpleasant events, and although sometimes this may be the case, other times it is our habits that lead us down the path of bitterness.

In today’s article, we review ten toxic habits that may be hindering your well-being and emotional balance.

Behaviors that consume your energy

And there are a series of toxic habits that are only there out of inertia, but that really do not bring us anything good. They are those habits that The more we practice them, the more difficult it is to turn our backs on them and change If things are going well it is easy to feel great; On the other hand, when things go wrong, it is difficult to get out of that vicious circle. Therefore, we often think that misfortunes always come together. If everything goes wrong for you, isn’t it that you are doing something wrong?

It is clear that being happy all the time is not possible, but you can adopt habits that promote the well-being and happiness of each person. Fighting for one’s dreams, spending time with family or taking care of friendships are behaviors that benefit us in the long run.

Toxic habits that make you tremendously unhappy

But what are these toxic habits that steal our energy? What customs or behaviors make us unhappy? You will find the answers to these questions below:

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1. Focus on what you don’t have

One of the great evils of the human being is constantly wanting things you don’t have It often happens that we undervalue what we have and, on the other hand, overvalue what we do not have. This happens not only with material things, some people also suffer this even with their partner.

True happiness is found within ourselves, because when we are good with ourselves and fight for our deepest desires, we don’t need anything else. That is the way to find inner peace, although, of course, we need to have certain needs met.

2. Deny reality

Denying reality is something that people who are afraid of uncertainty tend to do a lot and who avoid facing problems This fear is fueled by insecurity, which makes the person unable to overcome the challenges they face by predicting inevitable failure.

High self-confidence will determine whether we carry out an action with courage, and not everyone trusts in the possibilities they have of emerging victorious from situations that life presents them. People with grit and high self-confidence are happier, and these types of individuals do not deny reality.

It may be more about making excuses if you get fired from work than acknowledging that perhaps you have done something wrong. So stop systematically looking the other way and assume that part of the responsibility for the things that happen to you may lie with you.

3. Blame others

Denying reality also includes blaming others, since it is a way to not have to recognize that we are the ones who must change

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For example, if you have not been successful in a university subject and have failed an exam, it is easier to blame the professor and his teaching method than to recognize that you did not study hard enough or have the seriousness and persistence to dedicate 20 minutes to the subject. day to review some concepts. Blaming others prevents you from learning from mistakes and, therefore, is a toxic habit.

4. Don’t leave your comfort zone

The comfort zone is a mental state that makes you prefer to stay in a place that you think is safer, but this place does not allow you to grow and develop It may seem like a nice place but in the long run it will make you unhappy; In exchange for not experiencing specific moments of stress and frustration, we will land squarely in emotional stagnation.

The comfort zone is a zone we get stuck in, and staying in that place out of fear of what the future holds is a toxic habit.

5. Spending a lot of time fearing “what will they say”

Unhappy people are dependent on others, because They always seek the approval of others They spend too much time thinking about what others will think of them and whether what they do will be liked by other people.

This goes against well-being, because to be happy one must pursue their goals and not those that others have. For example, it is a bad option to study a degree just because your father wants you to study it, since he will never satisfy you.

6. Live on autopilot

Nowadays, it is common to live on autopilot. This means that we go through life without stopping to think about what we are really doing, without paying attention to the present moment

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This type of behavior makes people tremendously unhappy, as it makes us live far from reality, immersed in our expectations and far from being able to enjoy the here and now. To empower yourself in life it is necessary to find connection with yourself.

7. Holding on to negative emotions

If it is bad to live on expectations, that is, on the future, It’s also bad to live from the past Anger and resentment are emotions that are usually linked to living in moments that have already occurred. Experiencing these emotions is negative for our well-being, and they do not steal much energy. To be happy, you have to accept past experiences and move forward.

8. Not sleeping well

Poor sleep hygiene has very detrimental effects on our health; not only in terms of the physical aspects, but also in relation to the psychological effects. Not sleeping well affects our performance at work, to our state of mind, to our humor and, obviously, to our general health.

9. They play victims

Being a victim is a toxic habit People with this type of behavior always complain and have a negative attitude towards problems. This toxic behavior does not allow us to learn from past experiences and stagnates us. To face life, it is necessary to take responsibility for the situations that may arise and it is necessary to put aside victimhood.

10. Eat badly

If not sleeping well has a negative effect on our daily performance and energy level, Eating poorly also negatively affects our emotions and our health In fact, poor nutrition causes obesity and many serious physical problems, such as heart problems, which can also lead to self-esteem problems, insecurity, etc.