The 5 Key Tricks To Increase Your Intelligence

There are multiple techniques to measure human intelligence Some scientists understand the concept of intelligence as an entity that is based on the capacity for logical and linguistic reasoning (which is usually measured by standardized tests), while others conceive intelligence as a globality made up of a series of categories independent of each other.

This last idea of ​​intelligence was formulated by the psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner and is called The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

Five scientifically proven ways to increase your intelligence

There are other theories that attempt to define intelligence, such as the Theory of Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman Spearman’s G-Factor Theory.

Be that as it may, and without adopting the interpretive framework of any specific theory, the truth is that there is no scientific consensus on the definition of intelligence, but we do know that cognitive ability is strictly linked to it. So, What can we do to be smarter?

In another article of Psychology and Mind that we recommend reading, we found that there are 5 foods that help increase intelligence. Today we are going to try to recommend five scientifically proven ways for this purpose. From healthy habits that improve the quality of our brain connections to small scientifically supported tips and advice.

Let’s increase your intelligence you are ready?.

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1. Meditation and Mindfulness

Although the practice of meditation It can take different forms and specific techniques, in general what is sought is to surround oneself with a relaxing environment, work on breathing (inhaling and exhaling deeply) and ultimately achieve a calm mental state. If you do not believe that meditation or Mindfulness (full consciousness techniques) can take you to a state that some define as “nirvana”, what is incontestable is that Relaxation generates many benefits to increase our intelligence

In fact, MRIs performed on people during a meditative state have shown that this practice, if done regularly, can cause positive changes in the brain improving the capacity for attention and concentration, increasing memory, and even increasing the activity of certain regions of the cerebral cortex.

2. Train the brain

Our brain also requires regular exercise to operate and function optimally To keep our cognitive abilities fresh, it is interesting to do activities such as assemble puzzles, solve sudokus or entertain yourself with classic pastimes based on word games Only by dedicating half an hour a day to this type of exercises and games can we keep our brain in top shape. It has also been reported that playing “Brain Training” video games can increase intelligence.

In addition, mathematical or geometric exercises are very beneficial. But there are more routine ways to train the brain: try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand to the one you usually use It is also often said that there is no better way to exercise our abilities than to have fun and have a good mood.

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3. Sleep well and the necessary hours

We have already talked in previous articles about Psychology and Mind about the great importance of resting enough hours, and we even discovered a controversial study that related the position in which we sleep with our personality. But let’s focus: How does sleeping properly help increase intelligence? The truth is that when we sleep, our brain does not disconnect, but rather structures and gives shape to all the stimuli, ideas and emotions that have happened to us during the day.

Not resting the hours we should rest can cause some cognitive and health problems, as you can see in our article 7 psychological signs that you are not getting enough sleep. Thus, getting adequate sleep helps increase cognitive and brain functions, as well as the ability to concentrate. Experts point out that The ideal is to rest around 8 hours a day

4. Mens sana in corpore sana: Taking care of your body

If we take care of our body, we will achieve benefits for our brain Moderate physical exercise is very positive for health, including mental health, because it facilitates better blood circulation, allowing all regions of the body to receive more oxygen and glucose, and the brain is no exception. The way we eat and the quality and quantity of what we eat is also closely linked to brain health. Some foods that improve our intelligence They are fish, eggs, green vegetables or nuts and also some drinks such as herbal tea.

Do you want to delve into this point? I recommend the following article:

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5. Bacteria

It may sound like a joke, but it’s totally true: Eating bacteria can help you increase your intelligence What is the reason for this strange relationship? It has been shown in several studies that some types of bacteria are capable of calming anxiety and increasing our ability to assimilate new knowledge. These bacteria also They have the ability to optimize neuron growth and serotonin levels

It is also often said that having an active sex life increases intelligence an interesting topic that we will probably develop in a future article.