Paradox Mentality: What It Is, How It Helps Us, And How To Enhance It

Paradox Mentality

Do you find it difficult to find the solution to different problems? The only way to innovate and find new possible solutions is to take into account all alternatives, even those that may seem contradictory.

When we face different demands we tend to consider one solution, not considering other possibilities that may be equally valid. The paradoxical mentality consists of considering all the alternatives, even the opposites between them, since it has been proven that this conflict is what opens our mind and helps us to innovate, thus becoming more creative.

Stability is not bad, but sometimes it can mean getting stuck on an idea and not finding a solution. Expanding options gives us greater flexibility, thus increasing the possibility of achieving success. It has been seen in different studies that the exercise of this skill increases the probability of finding the correct solution.

In this article you will learn better what is meant by paradox thinking how useful it can be, what studies support its effectiveness, why it is considered useful for job success and what we can do to increase it.

What is the paradox mentality?

To better understand the concept of paradox mentality, let’s first look at what words make it up. Paradox is defined as a fact that is believed to be contrary to logic, in other words, one in which two opposite poles are constituted that seem not to be able to occur at the same time or that make no apparent sense for them to occur together, but it is not impossible.

This contradictory approach gives a new perspective on the situation, something that can help solve the problem or to the presentation of new alternatives that had not been taken into account before, helping to expand the possibilities and present a more divergent, lateral thinking, which gives rise to new ideas that break with the usual consideration.

Thus, The mentality of paradox consists of combining, accepting, opposite alternatives, since this improves mental flexibility and creativity and thus productivity. When we find ourselves blocked without finding new alternatives that can solve the problem, a good strategy is to present opposing versions in order to expand the possibilities.

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The human mind has a tendency to select a solution, the one that comes to us most easily, canceling out other possibilities. For this reason, When this alternative considered in the first place is not the correct one, it is difficult for us to change direction and we tend to get stuck in that idea. To break these limitations, it is appropriate to consider opposing alternatives since they allow a new vision of the situation, innovating the alternatives and making their resolution more likely.

How to enhance the paradox mentality

Investigations of the paradox mentality

The first to propose the concept of paradoxical mentality was the psychologist Albert Rothenberg after obtaining the results of a study he carried out at Harvard University with the purpose of knowing the mentality or way of thinking of the most relevant geniuses of the time, subjects who had been worthy of the Nobel Prize.

After interviewing more than 20 authors and taking into account the biography of others who have already died, he concluded that the majority, in the verification and constitution of their theories, had made different formulations of opposites at the same time that is, they had contemplated contradictory statements at the same time.

A typical example of this paradoxical cognition is that experienced by the well-known scientist Albert Einstein, who proposed that depending on the place from which the same object was viewed, it could be considered moving or still.

To understand it better, let’s imagine we are traveling by train, on the little table in front of us we have left our bag; Well, according to our reference the bag will be still, but if someone who is outside the train sees it, while it is in transit, they will perceive that the bag is moving.

Given the usefulness of this type of thinking among subjects who have made important contributions to our society, it remains to be seen whether this cognition can also appear in the general population, that is, in individuals with average abilities. For this purpose, different experiments have been carried out, such as the remote association test or the candle test, which aim to understand or find the hidden connection that different ideas or thoughts have, being necessary divergent thinking

Before carrying out these tests, the participating subjects were asked to think of three contradictory actions or statements, such as “sleeping is more tiring than being awake” that are perceived as contrary, but that may be possible. Well, when the two tests were presented to the individuals, it was observed that those who had previously practiced the three contradictory statements showed a higher percentage of success in solving the tasks compared to the control group that had not done so. done the previous training.

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Thus, we can see how a simple previous task, where paradoxical thinking had been exercised, allows greater efficiency in the execution of subsequent tests, encourages greater creativity and a greater number of possible solutions

What is the purpose of this way of thinking?

Although as we have seen, this cognition can be useful in different areas of our lives, it has been seen as especially functional for success at work. This type of thinking generates a conflict between two alternatives that seem contrary, choosing to affirm both and thus leave our comfort zone. We should not understand conflict as something to avoid, but rather it gives us the possibility of changing, acquiring new perspectives and growing.

It has been observed that paradoxical cognition allows one to cope with different demands in a more optimal way, that is, the worker manages to adapt to different situations more easily and is efficient under pressure. It is important that this capacity is present in the leaders, since in this way the entire group will benefit.

Companies can choose different ways of acting; For example, they may focus on productivity that will benefit them now, but will make it difficult for them to adapt in the future; or in innovation that does not generate as many profits at first, but through which it is easier to adapt to change. The Paradox Mentality It consists of not choosing between one of the actions, but adjusting them to fit the situation in periods of greater job stability, be more productive and before change opt for innovation.

How to enhance the paradox mentality?

As with other skills, although we may have a greater or lesser prior predisposition, we can train them and work to increase them. Let’s see what strategies can be useful to achieve such an increase.

1. Paradoxical mentality used in everyday situations

For this type of thinking to appear more easily in more complex situations, it is necessary or can help to first pose it in simpler situations. It is logical to think that as we use it more, if we use it more frequently, it will be easier for it to finally be implemented. present automatically.

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It is believed that Einstein himself trained his paradoxical capacity by facing the contradictions of everyday life Thus, being attentive to the oppositions that arise during the day and considering the two possibilities as equally valid allows us to exercise our necessary flexibility for resolution.

2. Don’t avoid conflict

As we have already said, conflict, the consideration of opposites, helps our growth and development of creative capacity, paradoxically facilitating the conception of new perspectives and being able to propose other solutions. So do not avoid these contradictions, accept them as possible and nourish yourself with them Understanding that not everything in life is black or white we can find the two colors together.

3. Consider the different possibilities of the situation

Choosing the first solution that comes to mind, the solution that seems obvious, does not help us at all, making it difficult to truly find the correct answer. When faced with a lawsuit, consider all the possible alternatives, even those that contradict each other and seem impossible to conceive together, since this way we open our minds and it is easier to come up with the correct resolution.

Stability can be good at times, but it can also cause us to stagnate and that we do not see beyond the same solution, innovate and take into account possibilities that may seem contrary to you.

4. Activate paradoxical cognition

Three steps have been proposed to follow to activate paradoxical thinking and, therefore, be more creative: first ask the question in different ways, do not always repeat it in the same way, since we will only block you more, Try stating it positively and negatively or changing the terms ; Don’t be afraid of conflict, it may seem that by proposing opposites we are making the resolution difficult or we are acting against ourselves, but far from being like that we are benefiting; and get out of your comfort zone, opening your mind and accepting other possibilities is the only way to innovate and find new answers.