Methaqualone (Quaalude): History, Effects And Uses

Methaqualone, commonly referred to as “Quaalude,” one of its trade names, is a sedative that was very popular as a recreational drug in the 1960s and 1970s. References to this drug can be found in films such as “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Scarface,” as well as in songs by David Bowie or Frank Zappa.

In this article we will talk about The pharmacological properties, history, effects and uses of methaqualone Although it has been replaced by other less addictive anxiolytics and is currently not manufactured legally, this medication played a striking role in the development of pharmacological therapy that is worth analyzing.

What is methaqualone?

Methaqualone is a drug with depressant effects on the nervous system which is classified in the category of hypnotic and sedative medications, as well as anxiolytics. It is part of the pharmacological class of quinazonlinones.

Anxiolytic and sedative psychotropic drugs are used to treat symptoms such as anxiety or insomnia, and some of them have effects that make them susceptible to causing physical and psychological addictions. The most used currently are benzodiazepines, although azapirones are gaining popularity, especially buspirone.

The best-known trade name for methaqualone is “Quaalude.”, an abbreviation of the words “quiet interlude,” which can be translated as “quiet interlude.” Other nomenclatures that refer to this drug include “Mandrax”, “Sopor”, “Malsed” or “Renoval”, although these products are no longer legally manufactured in most countries.

What was it used for?

From a medical perspective, methaqualone was primarily used to treat physical and psychological symptoms of physiological hyperarousal, such as anxiety and tension. In particular Methaqualone used to be prescribed to people with insomnia problems and also as a muscle relaxant.

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However, the fact that methaqualone is still known today is because it was very popular as a recreational drug in nightclubs in Anglo-Saxon countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. In this sense Quaalude consumption was associated with hippie and glam rock cultures

On the other hand, methaqualone is also one of the sedatives that have acquired a bad reputation for their use as “rapist drugs.” Especially well-known is the case of comedian Bill Cosby, who during his testimony in a rape trial stated that he had used Quaalude to abuse numerous young women.

History of this drug

Methaqualone was first synthesized in India in the 1950s for use as an anti-malarial drug. It came to the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1960s ; It was in this place where its use became popular not only as an anxiolytic, but also as a recreational drug. It was in the United States where the name “Quaalude” arose.

Due to the obvious addictive potential of this substance and the frequency of its use for non-medical purposes, from the 1970s onwards the regulation surrounding methaqualone began to progressively tighten. In addition Other more effective and safer sedative drugs began to appear such as benzodiazepines and azapirones.

It is currently difficult to obtain methaqualone in most countries in the world, since it has been illegalized. Some relevant exceptions include South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia, as the use and abuse of methaqualone (often marketed as Mandrax) is very common in these regions of Africa.

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In other places, although there are products containing this drug on the black market, in many cases it is mixed with barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opiates (particularly codeine) and other substances with depressant effects on the central nervous system.

It’s known that In Latin American countries such as Mexico, Colombia and Peru there are illegal laboratories that manufacture methaqualone; The same thing happens in the United States, in Canada, in Lebanon and in other places.

Adverse effects and reactions

Methaqualone enhances the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which explains its physiological effects, mainly the reduction of blood and respiratory frequencies, which in turn leads to an intense feeling of mental, as well as physical, relaxation.

Although it was introduced on the market as a substitute for barbiturates with a lower risk of side effects and addiction, it soon became evident that methaqualone not only It was very addictive and generated a high risk of dependence but consequently the interruption of regular consumption also caused withdrawal symptoms.

Overdose of methaqualone causes excessive depression of the activity of the nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems. This translates into signs like muscle hypertonia, seizures, nausea and vomiting, delirium (acute confusional syndrome) and even coma and death.