The Top 10 Advantages Of Being An Extraverted Person

The advantages of being an extroverted person

Within the different personality types, one of the most characteristic traits of each individual is introversion or extraversion.

We are going to focus on the second of them to discover which factors of this condition are most beneficial for the person, at different levels. For this we will have different examples of advantages of being an extroverted person that will help visualize all these phenomena.

What is the personality trait of extraversion?

In order to start making a list of the advantages of being an extraverted person, we must first make a brief theoretical introduction to properly understand what exactly extraversion is. It is a psychological concept introduced by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung and later It has continued to be used as a personality trait in different models, such as the PEN model or the big five model

Extraversion corresponds to a sociable character. Extraverted people enjoy spending time with others, are very talkative and show a lot of energy. In contrast, introverted individuals prefer to spend more time alone or in the company of very specific people and tend to be much quieter and more reflective than others.

Surely, when reading the title of advantages of being an extroverted person, many readers will have had a common linguistic doubt arise, since it is common to find the term extroverted in its place. So what is the proper terminology? The truth is that both terms are accepted, although the most widespread would be extroversion, but the original and therefore cultured form is extraversion, since it uses the Latin prefix extra.

It is important to keep in mind that, when we talk about personality traits, it does not mean that a person is totally extraverted or totally introverted, since It is a continuous scale in which one of the two conditions will usually predominate, without this meaning that features of the other pole do not manifest

It may even be the case that we are faced with an ambiverted person, who will therefore show signs of extraversion or introversion depending on the situation in which they find themselves, without either of the two extremes predominating.

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Advantages and benefits of being an extroverted person

Once we know what extraversion means, we can start talking about the main advantages of being an extraverted person. Let’s start with them.

1. It is a predictor of well-being

Probably the most important advantage when we talk about extraversion is that this trait is an indicator of well-being in the individual. According to the study by Jeromy Anglim and his collaborators, from 2019, people who score high in the extraversion trait best predict the person’s well-being.

This statement allows us to anticipate that an individual who especially enjoys social situations and other conditions typical of extraversion will probably feel somewhat happier than people who do not have this trait. Logically, All of these issues are dealt with in statistical terms, so there will be particular cases of all kinds

2. Trust

Another advantage of being an extraverted person is the confidence that these people have in themselves. These individuals tend to be daring and have less difficulty facing situations that make them leave their comfort zone And, due to their condition, they need constant stimulation, which leads them to seek new experiences.

Therefore, when faced with a challenge, subjects with extraversion have, at base, a slight advantage over the rest, since they have less concern about the results and more confidence in being able to face the challenge, which feeds back the probabilities of success against it. , since they are not blocked by indecision or pessimistic predictions.

3. Leadership

It has also been proven that extraversion correlates with qualities such as leadership. It makes sense, then Sociability and dominance are common characteristics in people who score high in extraversion and these properties are also some of the most common in people who perceive themselves as leaders.

Extraverted individuals will tend to seek affirmation when they are in social situations, which corresponds to the characteristics of leadership. When faced with a conflict, they are usually more inclined to present their vision, offering a path of action that leads the team to success.

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4. Promotion

Continuing with the advantages of being an extraverted person and, in line with the previous point, the probability of achieving a job promotion is greater for these individuals. This issue is based on the fact of being perceived as leaders, the have the confidence to seek new challenges and also the visibility that these individuals generate, compared to introverted people, who prefer to go unnoticed

Thanks to these qualities, the chances of extraverted individuals reaching positions of greater responsibility are greater. A different issue is the performance they achieve in these positions, but the path to reaching them will be easier than for other people, who may encounter more difficulties.

5. Speed

Speed ​​is another advantage of being an extroverted person. Obviously, it does not mean that these individuals are faster. This characteristic refers to the speed of action and thought. Extraverted subjects are comfortable with new situations, they provide them with the variety of stimuli that they seek

Therefore, when faced with an unforeseen event, instead of paralyzing or collapsing, they will be more inclined to carry out a quick analysis that allows them to make a decision in a short time and act against the problem that they have found in their path. The decision made may be more or less effective, but the time invested in making it will have been less than that of other people.

6. Speakers

If we talk about the advantages of being an extroverted person, we cannot forget that they are usually excellent speakers, a quality highly appreciated in certain sectors. It seems logical to think that, A person who loves being in shared situations with other people and even being the focus of attention will feel comfortable speaking in front of an audience

It will even be a challenge and an extra motivation if the speech in question is of special relevance, is made in front of people who represent an authority in some sense or is being evaluated. These types of situations will provide additional stimulation that will provide you with the new sensations you need.

7. Persuasion

In line with the previous advantage, we could affirm that extraverted people not only like to talk and are also good at it, but this makes them individuals with a high power of persuasion, another of the characteristics of leaders, a quality that we saw previously.

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These individuals enjoy talking but also convincing For this reason, they are especially skilled in commercial tasks, since they are not afraid of facing “no” and will always find a way to counterargue to achieve their objectives and change the interlocutor’s mind.

8. Stronger immune system

One of the advantages of being a more curious extraverted person, since it has nothing to do with psychological factors, is that They have a stronger immune system, as studies such as that of Kavita Vedhara, in 2015, seem to show The explanation is not entirely clear, since a priori one might think that, precisely because of their higher degree of exposure, they could tend to contract diseases more easily.

But perhaps it is precisely this overexposure to the environment that has allowed the immune system of these individuals to strengthen enough to show a lower degree of infections than the rest of the subjects.

9. Social circle

Obviously, among the advantages of being an extraverted person we also find the logical consequence of have a wider social circle By their very nature, these individuals will tend to make friends easily and increasingly expand the number of people they trust.

However, it is important to keep in mind that introverts, although they tend to interact with fewer people, will perfectly be able to count on people they trust most closely, even if they are not as abundant. These individuals will prefer a smaller circle but with high-quality relationships.

10. Energy radiators

To close the list of the advantages of being an extraverted person, we cannot forget that These individuals tend to be authentic radiators of energy for others With their energy, enthusiasm and leadership, they can somehow infect other less proactive people, who thanks to them will embark on projects and situations that they probably would not have dared to do if they had not had that extra drive.