Sober Dating: What Is It And Why Is It Beneficial?


If you go to a restaurant and start looking around, you will quickly realize that it is common to find people having cocktails or sharing a bottle of wine on a romantic date. Alcohol may help you loosen up, start conversations more easily and, ultimately, it is a good ally to avoid those awkward moments that appear in the early stages of dating. Nevertheless, Experts say that meeting someone in an environment where alcohol is not present can make first encounters less stressful and even more fun

More and more people choose to go on dates without drinking a single drop of alcohol since with a clear head, they can better gauge whether the connection that has been formed is real or, on the contrary, is the result of the state. Mentally altered by drinking. In fact, specialists on the subject say that accompanying each date with alcohol can harm the quality of the emotional bond with the other party.

If you are used to consuming alcoholic beverages in your romantic encounters, “sober dating” may seem strange and even uncomfortable at first. But, a date without alcohol and subsequently what can become a relationship without alcohol does not have to be complicated or boring. In today’s article, we’ll talk about the benefits of keeping the drinks out of your love life and who knows, maybe you’ll find a reason to start delving into the world of sober dating.

Benefits of Sober Dating

Abstaining from alcohol while getting to know someone has several advantages that we list below:

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1. Do you fit in well?

Dating without alcohol really allows you to take another perspective and see if the chemistry or feeling between you is real It cannot be denied that alcohol makes us feel less anxious and consequently, our funniest and most talkative side comes out. Alcohol has the ability to depress the central nervous system and therefore, the disinhibition and suggestibility that appear are completely normal.

However, these effects, which are pleasant at the moment, are temporary and come with side effects. In short, with alcohol involved you can’t really know if you like the person for how they are or for what the drink has allowed them to be. Don’t be surprised if you meet the same person again but in an alcohol-free environment and it seems like you’ve made the wrong date.

2. You can feel more confident

Experts say that excessive alcohol consumption is related to the practice of unsafe sexual relations. As we mentioned previously, alcohol disinhibits behavior, increases impulsivity, causes loss of self-control and decreases the ability to evaluate risks and make decisions. Therefore, by going to an appointment sober, this risk disappears and you can feel safer and calmer. Besides, Without alcohol you can realize where the other person’s limit is when it comes to sexual relations and stop before it becomes uncomfortable

3. You don’t settle easily

When we are drunk, we accept things that would seem completely unacceptable to us without drinking. Being under the influence of alcohol, you easily conform without thinking too much about whether you agree or not. In case it is not obvious, this is not a good way to start a romantic relationship since you may not prioritize yourself and be able to put your thoughts and opinions first.

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Compliance due to alcohol brings with it serious problems for our mental health. Consequently, many people choose not to drink on dates to be more awake and realize if they really like what the other party is saying or are simply settling for the mental cloud that the drinks generate.


4. You notice the “red flags”

Red flags are warning signs that can indicate that something is not right with a person Among all the effects that alcohol has, it is also found to reduce our ability to differentiate between threatening and non-threatening stimuli. Therefore, we may find ourselves laughing at jokes that we find offensive while drunk, or overlooking certain comments that we would not have allowed without drinks.

It is clear that the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not allow us to realize the alarms that we cannot ignore with a person. However, the truth eventually comes to light and we may realize how many danger signs we allow while under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol-Free Dating Alternatives

It seems that many times inviting someone on a date where alcohol is not the protagonist is naive. Nevertheless, We want to clarify that everyone has the right to choose the date they want and the other person cannot make you feel bad about it Remember that if this happens, it is a huge alarm signal. Here are some romantic date ideas for those who want to start experimenting with sober dates:


It is known that approximately 30% of the population does not consume alcohol, therefore, there are various applications where you can find people looking for other types of plans apart from going to a bar or restaurant to drink and get to know each other. Thanks to our electronic devices, there are no excuses anymore. We have at our fingertips the opportunity to meet people who are more similar to your tastes, who do not like alcohol and, at the same time, support a healthy life like you.

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Our society has taught us that when it comes to meeting someone, alcohol is a good ally It seems that drinks help to get through the awkward silences and lack of conversation that make people so nervous at the beginning of a relationship in a more enjoyable way. Although this may be true, after reading this article, you may have realized the benefits of sober dating. If you are willing to try something new, we assure you that your date can be just as romantic and fun without having to drink. When alcohol doesn’t cloud your judgment, you can find out a lot more about a person and have meaningful conversations. In short, it is clear that there are many other ways to achieve the same effect or even discover new levels of a shared bond if we are willing to apply a little creativity.
