The Importance Of Comprehensive Sexual Education Adapted To Age

The importance of comprehensive Sexual Education adapted to age

Comprehensive Sexual Education It is an educational approach that seeks to provide people with the information, skills and values ​​necessary to make informed and healthy decisions about interpersonal relationships and their sexuality. This deals with psychological, social, biological and ethical aspects of the sexuality of human beings.

Establishing Comprehensive Sexual Education usually creates debates in different communities since it is a delicate topic but there is evidence that recommends that its contribution can contribute to the well-being of people, as well as their health and the construction of healthy relationships. and consensual. For its success, collaboration between parents, caregivers and educators is crucial.

How to apply integrated age-appropriate sexuality education

Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) adapted to age recognizes the needs of each student and maturity, in their different stages of development Some principles must be taken into account to carry out comprehensive sexual education according to ages.

This should be presented progressively, addressing important topics according to age and level of maturity, since this allows a natural progression in the understanding of sexuality. Furthermore, the content of the ESI must be adjusted to age, for example when students are in the first years of schooling the focus must be more adapted to topics of anatomy and respect.

As for the language, it must be clear and adjusted to their age, thus avoiding complex or overly technical medical terms so that they can understand everything that is transmitted to them.

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A methodology that seeks to break taboos and stigmas

The methodology is recommended to be participatory so that students get actively involved and can discuss in groups or carry out interactive activities, in this way the topic will be more interesting for them.

In the early stages of school it is advisable to talk about social skills such as empathy, conflict resolution, effective communication, among others since they are aspects to consider for healthy relationships. As they grow, Comprehensive Sexual Education can address the promotion of autonomy and making thoughtful and informed decisions, dealing with topics such as respect and consensus. In adolescents, addressing issues related to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases is also necessary.

Also when they advance in age, topics about abuse, violence prevention and giving importance to establishing limits in relationships must be included.

Before you start giving information or asking questions, it is advisable to create a climate of trust where students feel comfortable asking certain questions and expressing their doubts. Trust is an important factor for sexual education to be effective and parents at home must also create that alliance to be able to discuss issues related to sexuality with their children and so that they have enough confidence to ask them what worries them.

Nowadays it is important that CSE is inclusive, it must be approached with sensitivity and without prejudice, always respecting gender identity, different cultures and the variety of sexual orientations.

Parental involvement should be a requirement when dealing with these topics because apart from working with students in the classrooms, it must be reinforced at home with previously prepared resources. Parents should also train and seek information on these topics so that their children receive it in the best possible way.

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Positive reinforcement is used to emphasize healthy and open communication, as well as mutual respect. You must be prepared to answer all the questions asked honestly and accurately, but if you do not have clear information about the doubt, a commitment is necessary to seek contributions and continue providing them.

Lastly, implement formative assessments to know if students have understood and feel comfortable with the topics covered, in addition to adjusting teaching as necessary.

Challenges of comprehensive sexual education in the classroom

Although Comprehensive Sexuality Education has multiple benefits, there can also be challenges and criticisms. Some associated disadvantages:

It is important to address disadvantages in a dynamic way by creating educational practices that promote inclusion and respect for different perspectives and experiences, in addition to collaboration between parents and teachers being key to overcoming difficulties.