What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Coaching Training?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online Coaching Training?

In today’s digital era, marked by growing virtuality, greater connectivity, predominant teleworking and widespread flexibility, it is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of opting for a online coaching training

Benefits of Online Coaching Training:

There are 5 very important advantages that should not be missed.

1. Geographic Freedom

Online coaching training offers the valuable advantage of ubiquity. You are no longer limited to a physical space; You can embark on your training from any corner of the world, as long as you have a strong Internet connection. This freedom is invaluable for those who enjoy traveling, temporarily change residences, or have commitments that require constant mobility

2. Time Flexibility

The flexibility of schedules in our online training is a key aspect. With different options available, you can select the time that best suits your needs, whether in the morning, afternoon or evening. This flexibility makes it easier to balance training and your personal and professional life. Plus, the ability to change your schedule based on your circumstances, such as moving or traveling, adds an extra level of convenience.

3. Affordable Cost

Another notable benefit of online training is its reduced cost. By avoiding the expenses associated with physical facilities, these trainings can provide the same quality and content as their in-person counterparts, but at a more affordable price

    4. Virtual Competition

    The current reality of professional coaching implies the possibility of serving clients around the world through videoconferences. Online training prepares you from the beginning to carry out deep and highly effective coaching sessions through virtual means. This skill is crucial to entering the market once you obtain your certification.

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    5. Global Contact Network

    Online training attracts individuals from diverse countries and cultures, enriching both the training and your personal experience. Without geographic restrictions, groups can include participants connected from Spain, Latin America, the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia simultaneously. This offers two great advantages:

      Requirements for Effective Online Coaching Training:

      All of the advantages mentioned above are meaningless if your coaching training does not fulfill its primary function: preparing you to be an exceptional coach. Achieving this with online training is not an easy task. To be effective, online training must meet the same five requirements as in-person training

      The absence of any of these fundamental requirements would make in-person training lose its validity, in the same way that online training would cease to be effective, wasting your money, time and energy. Let’s examine each of these requirements in detail:

      1. Cohesive Group of Students

      Just as it would be unthinkable for each student in in-person training to start and finish at their own pace, the same applies to online training. Our online training starts on specific dates and ends on specific dates. Closed groups of students are formed who go through the entire training together, participating in weekly videoconferences and living the experience with the same intensity as in in-person training.

        2. Interactive Classes with a Certified Teacher

        In face-to-face training, it would be unthinkable to learn without the guidance of a teacher present in the classroom. The same applies to our online training, where you have real classes every week with your classmates and teacher. Interaction, dialogue and feedback are maintained, recreating the experience of a physical classroom

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        3. Uniform Methodology for All

        Just as it would be unimaginable in in-person training for some students to attend class while others do not, or for some to interact physically while others do so through a computer, the same applies to online training. All students follow the same methodology to enhance their learning uniformly. Consistency in methodology is essential for practical learning of deep and challenging coaching.

        4. Constant Practices

        It would be unthinkable in in-person training to receive only theory and be sent home to practice on your own. This principle is applicable to online training. Theory inspires, but real learning comes from own experience Practices should occur in class, as constant practice is essential to becoming a master coach.

        5. Supervision and Support in Real Time

        It would be unthinkable in in-person training that, when the time for practice arrived, the teacher would leave, leaving you completely alone. This requirement also applies to online training. In our online coaching training, The practices are carried out with real-time supervision by the teacher During the practices, you can ask questions or request help, and your teacher will support you immediately, since he or she is with you in real time via videoconference.

        Limitations of Streaming in Coaching Training:

        Consciously considering these five requirements, it is evident that the streaming methodology cannot be effective for your coaching training. Although it is presented as a live broadcast, it is actually only half true.

        Some students are physically present in a classroom, interacting “directly” in a very different way than those who are connected via streaming. Can you imagine seeing on your computer screen, as if it were a movie, a physical class full of students talking to each other, touching each other and whispering things in each other’s ears… living all those experiences that occur during in-person training, while Are you thousands of miles away, watching everything from your screen? At the same time, would there be more people like you, watching the same thing from their own screens? Who would you talk to? Who would you look at? To the crowd in the physical classroom or to one of the small windows on your screen with people connected via streaming? Would you dare to ask questions to the teacher who is at the end of the physical classroom, barely visible among so many physical students? Who would you talk to during breaks? Would you feel comfortable in a training like this? Of course, not me.

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        Disadvantages of Online Coaching Training:

        If there is any disadvantage that can be found in our online training, it could be the lack, at certain times, of physical contact with your colleagues There are people who need to physically touch the other person, who need to feel the body heat of the person next to them. Without a doubt, these bodily sensations cannot be experienced through a video conference interaction. However, these sensations are irrelevant to carry out deep and effective coaching. They may be pleasant, pleasurable experiences, but they do not contribute to the effectiveness of our profession. Our training courses train you with the same effectiveness, whether online or in person, since that is precisely its purpose: to perfect the best coach within you.


        How to choose between one of our in-person or online training? Very easy! If one of our in-person training takes place relatively close to your home, and you are one of the people who likes to experience the bodily sensations of a training, then choose the in-person format. In all other cases, I recommend our online training.

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