How To Create A Relationship Between Equals In A Couple?

How to create a relationship between equals in a couple

Relationships based on equality are the most durable and resistant of all, and they are also the least likely to suffer marital or courtship crises. That is why we must daily enhance this essential element in human relationships.

And it is that symmetry in relationships Not only is it a good thing from a moral point of view; It is also an element that provides stability to that bond of love and coexistence, something that prevents the accumulation of power in one of the parties and the appearance of intense conflicts arising from frustration, resentment, anxiety or even fear of abandonment.

Tips to create a relationship between equals

To have a loving relationship between equals, it is necessary to work every day with the goal of prospering both personally and jointly with our partner, and without seeking an accumulation of power.

Below we briefly present the main guidelines of conduct that we can follow to promote equality within the couple, a series of tips that we can apply in our daily life together.

1. Foster respect

As in all existing relationships between people, respect between both parties is essential for this to function and always constitutes the essential foundations to achieve real equality on a daily basis.

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A couple that treats each other with respect will be able to establish a relationship of equality ; On the contrary, in a couple where there is no respect, toxic relationships, inequality and based on subordination will be established.

Being respectful means observing and obeying at all times the most basic rules of education and civility that exist, such as: respecting the turn to speak, listening openly, being empathetic with what the other person says. Be kind and respect the other person’s boundaries.

2. Avoid controlling others in their decision making

Control in relationships is another of the classic signs of lack of respect and a toxic relationship on the part of one person towards the other.

It is evident that in a relationship in which control relationships are established there cannot be real equality; that is why For this to exist, the freedom of choice of each member of the couple must prevail

This means that you should not control what the other person does or says; as well as our partner’s friends, their calls, their daily activities, nights out or weekly plans.

3. Encourage communication and avoid taboo topics

Encouraging communication at all times will also help us base our relationship on respect and equality.

Relationships based on communication They are those in which any problem that may arise between both members is discussed and in which there is a constant and systematic predisposition to always resolve eventual conflicts or arguments.

Symmetrical relationship in the couple

On the contrary, a relationship in which secrets are hidden or communication is not encouraged may, in the long run, be based on coercion, submission or submission of one person to the other.

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4. Ensure that there is the same level of commitment

Commitment is also essential for relationships to function correctly and last. That is why it is so important to ensure that both people are at the same level of future commitment

Joint commitment has to do with having the same aspirations, goals and vital objectives as the other person and also with the fact that both people want the same thing in their relationship and want to achieve all that together in a common way.

Some of the basic elements that the couple must agree on in relation to the future commitment are whether they want to have children or not, what the joint route time should be with respect to each member’s work or what future plans should be made jointly.

5. Coordinate interests

Just as it is necessary to coordinate the same level of future commitment, it is also necessary to coordinate personal interests, that is, all those activities that fill us up and make us feel better when we do them in our free time

A couple will know how to find equality in their relationship when both people have the same interests, both in terms of leisure and free time, as well as intellectual, family or professional interests.

6. Share your daily life as much as possible

Another of the fundamental keys that will help us build a couple based on equality is the fact of sharing the most significant moments of everyday life, either because we include her in those experiences or because we tell her what happened if she was not present.

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Sharing means spending time together, opening up to our partner at all times always help each other, talk everything, get to know their friends and family, support them in any problem and always be attentive to any need or difficulty.

7. Don’t always delegate decision making

We must avoid the temptation to assume that there is one person who decides for both of us in certain areas of life, because theoretically he knows more about the subject: domestic finances, the purchase of appliances, etc. If it concerns both of you, you should both be involved in those decisions.