The Importance Of Coaching In Today’s Changing Environment

The importance of Coaching in today's changing environment

Does coaching training develop the ability to overcome challenges and achieve the life you want, in a world full of contrasts and changes?

Every era in which human beings have lived has represented a real challenge. It is not easy to survive, grow and develop. As very special beings that we are, we have, within us, the most wonderful and also the most destructive. We have a magnificent spirit, and also a powerful animal part.

We have LOVE with capital letters, and also EGO with capital letters Sometimes we are aware that we are Spiritual Beings living a human experience, and many other times we believe we are Human Beings, who from time to time have spiritual flashes.

Facing decisions in a changing world

Although we could say that we have come a long way as a species, in my opinion we still have a huge existential dichotomy within us. And this takes on special relevance in a time like the one we are living in right now, in which We have greater levels of freedom and choice, therefore we must assume much more of our own responsibility when facing the challenges of life, positioning ourselves in one part of our interior, or in the other.

For me, one of the greatest contributions that coaching can make is to help you know who you are, recognize the different selves that live inside you, and take the reins of your life from your highest consciousness. Only then can you have the feeling that you are acting from your freedom, and not from the automatism of your mental, emotional and physical patterns.

    What is coaching and what does training in this discipline entail?

    Training in transpersonal coaching is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, because you yourself will become your greatest gift. By learning and internalizing deep coaching, you will gradually remove that heavy character that you have created to protect yourself and fight against life’s challenges That character, whose name is like you, doesn’t let you see who you are. You have identified yourself so much with him that you no longer distinguish yourself. You look in the mirror and you don’t know if it’s him, or you. That character knows how to survive, knows how to fight for food, shelter and sex, knows how to protect his family from the dangers of the environment, knows how to grow in a hierarchical career, knows how to have moments of laughter and fun… But he doesn’t know that your life shouldn’t be like that of a chimpanzee.

    Identifying your character allows you to take charge of your life. If you are able to distinguish yourself from your character, you can use it whenever you like or it suits you, but you can also put it aside if you want to touch your children, your partner or your own heart, from Being to Being. Not all coaching training They teach you this. But I invite you to think about the following:

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    The vast majority of the problems that we humans have are in our minds. And that is precisely where your character nests, making you think, feel and react in a certain way, in any situation.

    If our desire is to help others, and we train ourselves in coaching for this, what good will what we do if we are not able to turn off the source that feeds the torment? What good will our techniques or tools be if they only scratch the surface? What will be the point of setting goals and creating action plans, if in the end it is our character/saboteur who is going to carry them out? What’s the point of trying to help the character, knowing it’s not real?

    Deep down, we can only help someone if they realize who they really are, and start living life from there. But to be able to do that help, you must start with yourself first. If you don’t know who you are, you won’t be able to help others know it. Right now, your character is most likely telling you that you do know who you are. And it relies on all your memories and experiences to argue it. But deep down, you know that there is a voice that invites you to continue reading.

      Experience the inner journey that in-depth training in transpersonal coaching offers you.

      When you delve into your mind, you realize that all your memories are the result of interpretations that your mind made when having these experiences. We could say that your experiences were real, but your memories are not. Your memories are colored by your emotions and beliefs of each of those moments

      If you have been quite afraid in your life, and have felt somewhat inferior to others, your memories will be colored by that. And each new colored experience will have fed that fearful and insecure character that lives inside you. You know well who your character is. What you need is to know who you really are.

      Imagine working deeply within yourself for a whole year. Exploring your mind, your emotions, your beliefs, your way of perceiving the world, of perceiving yourself, your great concepts in life such as love, family, children, your partner, your professional career…

      Imagine giving yourself the most extraordinary journey of self-discovery you can take.

      And that it also serves to shape your life purpose of helping others, truly, with something that really works.

      Benefits of training in coaching in this world we have created

      This world needs a lot of help. I imagine you will agree with me. There are no longer living among us (at least in an incarnated form) great true gurus who guide us on the right path, like Jesus, Buddha or Krishna. And the gurus of now… well, we are all on our way somewhere.

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      In the absence of authentic guides, it is very important that we grow up, assume our responsibility in the game of life and awaken our wisdom and help from our most loving consciousness, he leitmotiv of our lives We have a beautiful mission in this life. We do not possess the truth, we do not have the answers to the great existential questions, we are not yet enlightened, but we have wisdom and a method to move towards it.

      If you help others become more aware of who they are, how much they love their lives, what is enslaving them, where they are deceiving themselves, in what aspects they allow themselves to be anesthetized so as not to see, to what extent they are living life as if they were waiting for death, where they have thrown in the towel, what desires of their Being they have postponed for their next life, what is the panic that prevents them from being themselves, then you will help them live life from their authentic and genuine uniqueness.

      If you help them kiss their children feeling good in their own skin, caress their partners feeling complete, valued, safe, if you help them go to work convinced that they have a lot to contribute, aware of their gifts and talents, with the courage to take risks and the intelligence to limit them, if you help them discover and apply the learnings of the great losses in life, be they deaths, layoffs, old age, heartbreaks… then we will be REALLY HELPING, in a way effective, practical, sustainable, material, mental, emotional and deeply spiritual.

      Your life will be full of meaning and satisfaction, and you will be a living example of a Spiritual Being living a magnificent human experience.

        Developing the courage to LIVE with capital letters and overcome challenges

        There are coaching trainings in which you break arrows with your chest or walk on fire, to promptly inflate your courage. And obviously, you receive a huge jolt of courage and conviction when you achieve it. But in my opinion, courage must come from a deeper and more rooted source, if we want to have it in the face of the challenges of life or our mind.

        What really is courage? Courage is an emotional and mental antidote to a poison called fear.

        If you observe the very deep psychological roots that our fears have, it is easy to understand that any courage that seeks to confront them needs, at least, the same depth of root. A sudden, explosive burst of bravery, provoked by a risky sport or a therapeutic technique, has an effect similar to that produced when you tip a glass of water over an incandescent stone. The water explodes and through a surge of energy is converted into steam.

        This effect manages to momentarily cool the surface of the stone, but nothing more than that. The interior is still red hot, and that powerful stone, with a defiant look, laughs in the face of the glass. The antidote power size should be slightly larger than the poison power size.

        Powerful Transpersonal Coaching Tools and Techniques

        For this reason, the tools and techniques of transpersonal coaching aim to get to the root of the poison. It is not enough to have a conversation with your clients about what is happening to them and how they imagine they can solve it. That’s just superficial mental blah blah blah. You have to discover the mental and emotional loop that causes the poison, and apply the antidote to that same place. If the poison comes from something that happened to us as a teenager, we must apply the antidote to the interpretation of that memory. If the poison comes from a harmful mental concept about our partner, work, or life, we must apply the antidote to the concept. same.

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        And how is this done? Unfolding our client. Converting it into two parallel realities: one is his character and the other is his true BEING. The poison is in your character, the antidote can only be applied by your Being. If your true Self can see how your character is disorienting or destroying your life, you will be able to act on it easily, because you have known it since it was born. He will know exactly which key to play. That’s the power of transpersonal coaching! Help your coachees (that’s what we call our coaching clients) to unfold, so they can readjust any aspect of their life from your highest wisdom and consciousness Only from there can you know what you really want to do with this life that you have been given.

        How training in coaching changes your life

        How could it be otherwise, if you want to be able to do this with others, you must first experience it in yourself. That’s why, a year of transformation is the ideal time to prepare

        If for a year you live in yourself each and every one of the tools, techniques and methods of transpersonal coaching, experiencing them both as a coach and as a client, you will have carried out a very profound work of inner transformation in yourself.

        Have you ever been to a weekend retreat? Or do you know someone who has done it? If so, you know how powerful it can be to work on one aspect with focus for two consecutive days. Well, imagine for a whole year, working on all the important aspects of your life!

        Conclusion: Training in coaching as the key to waking up, being happy and helping in a world full of challenges.

        In all the years that I have been working as a coach, I have been able to see in 100% of my coachees how important it is for the Human Being that his life has meaning. And this is not an easy task.

        Building a life with meaning is one of the greatest desires of our Being, perhaps the greatest But tell me, how much time do we really dedicate to it?

        How much energy do we invest in cultivating our mind to be able to make wise decisions that are truly aligned with our essence?

        What are we doing with the gift of life?

        What would you do with it, if you could free yourself from your doubts and fears?

        Remember one thing: We can only be happy by living a meaningful life! Obviously, building a meaningful life is not done in coaching training, but in life itself. But this training is a very powerful beginning of awakening!