The 7 Keys To Choosing A Partner Or Knowing If You Are In The Right Relationship

The keys to choosing a partner or knowing if you are in the right relationship

Have you spent time in a relationship that didn’t give you what you really wanted? Surely you have ever asked yourself “what am I doing here?”

Many people have had the experience of finding themselves in relationships that don’t make much sense they don’t quite understand how they got there and they still don’t understand how they stay there.

Key ideas to know if you are in the right relationship

In this article we will give you 7 keys to choosing your partner or that will help you assess if you are with the right person for you.

1. Work on self-knowledge

Before entering into a relationship, it is wise to do our self-research homework and build a healthy relationship with those who accompany us at all times, ourselves

Be very clear about who we are and the characteristics of our personality, both positive and negative, knowing well our tastes and what we base our beliefs on. Learn to manage our emotions by understanding everything that affects us, what we do not tolerate and therefore we are not willing to negotiate. We have to clarify everything we want and don’t want in a partner.

We must give ourselves the time and opportunity to cultivate self-esteem, confidence and respect for ourselves, because, what love and comfort can I give and make others feel if I don’t have it with myself?

2. Reflect on shared values

It is well known that the pillars in a relationship are based on love, respect, trust and assertive communication; and yes, it is the values ​​that support a healthy relationship, so we must compare our values ​​with those of the other person and evaluate if they fit

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How to know if you are in the right relationship

Of course, where love exists and we act from love, the person we have at our side will be impregnated with its fragrance, with the affection, attention, tenderness and details that it brings with it, and if we speak and act from love for ourselves, consequently the person next to us will also receive it and will feel loved, safe and confident.

Respect for ideas and individual spaces is essential there is nothing that makes us feel more fulfilled in a relationship than having the feeling of freedom and confidence to be yourself as well as being able to enjoy separate plans.

In the same way, the communication style of the other, since healthy and assertive communication is essential so that we can say what we want or what we don’t like out of affection and with the intention that the other feels comfortable with what we say. We are expressing it, in addition to being able to say no to something without feeling guilty about it.

3. Measure the degree of attraction

Another area to take into account when choosing our partner is attraction, the one that brings us together from the first moment and that makes us look at the other with emotion, in that physical form with the release of their qualities, when speaking, when moving, when walking, when eating, how it smells and everything that makes us feel the chemical spark and say: that person has something, I like that person!

This is an important part in the future relationship because you will be involved in the sexual sphere of the couple and no, sexual life will not depend entirely on whether the spark remains as intense as at the beginning, but it is undeniable that we have to like our partner or we will not want to be with them.

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Do the practice of closing your eyes and thinking about that person without their physical form, think about what they say, how they say it, think about their sense of humor, the way they react to unexpected situations, so we know if the person they are you really like it or you don’t.

4. Pay attention to preferences

It is convenient to reflect on the tastes we have in common because it is one of the issues that keep the couple active, sharing moments and creating memories

Trends in food, music, hobbies, activities, sports, dances, types of content we consume through reading and the media, etc. All of these make up the orchestra with which we write our song, from here the moments we share where we have fun are born and they become part of why we like to be with this person.

5. Investigate beliefs

Another important topic to consider is the beliefs we have about things.

What is inside our head constitutes our mental structure ; We must be clear about where our ideas come from about religion, work, about our political position, what relationships and family relationships mean to us, about raising children and their education, in addition to our position with regarding the planet we inhabit and what makes it up in general.

In the communion of beliefs with our partner, the stability of the relationship will be established, those basic beliefs on which we are going to build it and probably form a family.

6. The vision of the world

Without a doubt, the way we see the world conditions the way we act and react to it and its stimuli.

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Whether we see it as a harmonious or hostile place, whether we like or dislike it and how we feel inhabiting our space in it. The way we perceive it influences the attitude with which we operate on a daily basis in different circumstances.

Observe how the person with whom we want to establish a relationship reacts and behaves (or that we already have one). The indicator is the way you act, express yourself and relate to others and to everyday situations, whether you always get offended, complain and victimize yourself, creating an irritating environment or if, on the contrary, you live life by yourself. taste and look for ways to get ahead and put resilience into practice by generating a pleasant climate.

This shows us the humor of the sea where our relationship will constantly sail.

7. Value the differences

Detecting strong differences in time will prevent us from entering or staying in a difficult relationship That is, they compromise our well-being and principles.

No, opposites do not attract. All types of relationships, both family and work, friendship and couple; From experience we have realized that being with people who we do not have many things in common, especially in living together, can turn a relationship into boring or toxic.

There will be differences, yes, those that make us laugh and make the relationship humorous and fun. Also those that we do not like so much and that can make us uncomfortable, we must learn to accept the differences or with intelligence and quality communication know how to negotiate them, understanding our limits and understanding that they are differences that do not affect the fundamental bases of the relationship.