What Is Emotional Education For?

What is Emotional Education for?

There has always been a certain preponderance of reason over emotion; at least, in our Western culture. Perhaps the reason is that emotions always emerge first and can make us feel somewhat out of place, if not downright upset.

And, despite the fact that emotions are an essential part of psychology, for many people the emotional still has an obvious negative charge, since it often comes between what we want to achieve and ourselves. Furthermore, emotions are not always pleasant, so it is normal that we sometimes feel uncomfortable.

But the function of emotions is not, in the least, to make our lives difficult. On the contrary; They are a tool that our psyche puts at our disposal to be able to advance and survive. The problem, in reality, is that we don’t always interpret them well.

In this sense, Emotional management is basic to understanding what our body is trying to tell us We talk about it below.

Emotional education: what it is and what it is for

Thus, emotional education is essential when learning to manage our emotions, but what is it about?

Emotional education is a type of mediation in learning, aimed at teaching a correct interpretation of emotions The objective is for people to know how to recognize what they feel at each moment and why they feel it, in addition to teaching them resources to manage the situation in the most beneficial and productive way possible.

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A correct emotional education leads to a better relationship with yourself and with the people around you. It is a basic element to build what is known as emotional intelligence, consisting of the basic emotional skills for a correct knowledge of our internal functioning, our needs and the way of expressing them to others.

To achieve an optimal result, emotional education should not be limited to theoretical content, but should focus on the everyday situations that the person lives and experiences. There is also no specific age range when it comes to teaching it. It is true that early emotional education in childhood allows children to learn the appropriate skills that will facilitate their development as adults. We must not forget that children lack the necessary tools to manage themselves emotionally, and inadequate education in this regard can cause trauma, fear and disorders.

What positive consequences does emotional education have?

The most common contexts of emotional education are the school environment and psychological consultation, but, as we have already mentioned, this learning can be developed in many more situations. It is especially effective when it is aimed at fathers and mothers, as it is a very effective resource for raising children. The methodology (individual, in groups, etc.) will depend on the area in which it is applied.

And what positive consequences does the application of emotional education have?

1. It teaches us to detect emotions properly

It is the basis of emotional education. If we do not know how to distinguish what we are feeling, it will be difficult for us to manage it correctly Detecting and recognizing our emotions allows us not only to know ourselves, but also to foresee possible conflicts and complications. A correct identification of what we feel prevents us from placing ourselves in situations that overwhelm us and make us act in a disproportionate and even harmful way.

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2. It is an effective tool to prevent harmful behavioral patterns

Emotional discomfort is a very unpleasant thing, that’s clear. But if we do not learn to identify where it comes from, we have many possibilities of ending up “covering it up” with behaviors that, in the long run, will only bring us complications such as alcohol consumption or binge eating.

Emotional education

3. Strengthens self-esteem

Managing our emotions correctly gives us a feeling of satisfaction, coherence and security, and this is very important for good self-esteem. Furthermore, emotions that are not managed properly can cause us to fall into negative and highly toxic feelings, such as guilt or frustration.

4. Increase our assertiveness and our communication skills

If we know what we feel, we will be able to express it better. Thus, our communication style will be much more assertive which will improve our relationships.

5. We learn to live with the negative emotions that generate discomfort

And, therefore, we stop fighting against them. Emotional education teaches us that we cannot get rid of our negative emotions, since they have a specific function in our life. Thus, we will stop trying to suppress the unpleasant sensation that they cause us and we will simply accept that they are there, without dramatizing the situation.