What Is Positive Sexual Education?

What is Positive Sexual Education

Currently, positive education is opening up more and more space and is much more present when it comes to teaching and accompanying by fathers, mothers and educators.

And the fact is that with positive education it is possible for the little ones to gradually learn and acquire skills in a free way, without fear, respecting certain limits but without punishment and all from a positive point of view.

Each child has his own learning pace and he himself will tell us which one. It is the most appropriate time to talk about certain topics, including sexual ones It’s just about paying attention to the signs.

The keys to Positive Sexual Education

In the sexual field, this type of positive education is also highly recommended, and although we could say that there is still a long way to go, in this article we are going to see certain tips that we can implement and put into practice for this type of positive sexual education.

1. Be present

The first point, which I consider essential and fundamental, is that the adult is available, but truly available. It seems obvious, but it is not always like that. We have to convey to adolescents that they can trust us, that when doubts, fears, insecurities, and sexual questions come to their minds and they really need us, they will have in us the solutions and exits they are looking for. Let us be their models and guides and let them understand that they can come to us as many times as necessary

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2. Naturalness

Making talking about sex at home natural, as if it were another common topic, is highly recommended.

And it is normal and natural to talk about it and it is essential not to be alarmed, scared or try to prolong, postpone or avoid these topics on a daily basis. Naturalness above all.

3. Sincerity and honesty

A very important point is to never hide information nor of course, deceive and be able to speak sincerely and honestly about the doubts or questions that young people raise with us in relation to sexual issues.

4. Clarity and transparency

It is true that sometimes talking to our children and/or students about certain specific sexual topics can cause some embarrassment and embarrassment, but as responsible adults that we are, we have to find the way and the way to leave the shame to a person. side and clarify everything that the minors ask us so that in this way they feel satisfied, safe and with an “extra” confidence in order to be able to share their fears and worries in the future if they have them.

5. Empathy

Empathy, that ability that human beings have to be able to put themselves in the shoes of the person next to them, and Feeling how the other party feels, in the topic at hand here, will benefit us a lot And if we do an exercise of introspection, closing our eyes and going back to when we were younger and doubts of a sexual nature assailed us, there is no doubt that having parents and teachers who are open and willing to talk shamelessly about these topics We would have loved it, or am I wrong?

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6. Mental openness and flexibility

It is advisable to be open and very flexible in order to resolve doubts that may seem shocking, surprising to us, and that attract a lot of attention, but that do not appeal to teenagers and the younger population.

We are different generations and leisure has changed and evolved a lot. In the moment in which we live, with social networks and new technologies at the order of the day, access to information is much more open and accessible. Now they discover and know much more and much earlier, so it is necessary to talk about a broader sexuality

7. Freedom and non-judgment

Another very important point is to try not to judge, impose, or criticize and that in conversations we show a free and respectful mentality about sexuality.

8. Promote equality

It is essential to educate without prejudice, away from stereotypes and equally between men and women.

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