7 Psychological Tips For Organizing At Home Before Going Back To School

Psychological tips for organization at home before going back to school

Returning to school after the holidays can become a critical moment for any family with young children, since they do not always feel able to adapt to the new school period during those first days of readjusting to the routine and opening a new course.

The sadness of leaving the vacation period behind and having to face school responsibilities is a relatively common phenomenon in children; The same goes for stress at the thought of meeting some new classmates, or maybe even a whole class of kids who don’t know each other, in some cases. Not to mention cases in which one goes from primary to secondary education or from preschool to school, something that in many cases implies material changes in everything that is necessary to prepare for the first day of school. And this can test us as fathers and mothers. Therefore, in this article we will give some psychological tips to prepare our little ones for back to school

Organization tips for returning to school after the holidays

With the aim of achieving greater adaptation for both parents and children in this new period, below we present a series of general home organization tips that can help us better cope with going back to school as a family.

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1. Encourage a return to the previous schedule

Returning to the normal schedules of the school year should always be a priority for every family that wants to adapt to the return to school in the best way possible.

Back to school

Starting to get up in the morning at the regular time and always going to bed at the stipulated times at night should be one of the first measures to be taken related to the children’s schedule.

This will make it easier for children to reacquire their usual schedules and be able to rest at night the necessary hours to perform at your best in the morning.

2. Encourage communication

Fluid and constant communication with our children will allow us to know at all times if they have any problems with the start of classes, whether on an academic, personal or relationship level with their classmates.

Ask If there are new subjects that may worry our children and helping them at all times with any problem or doubt they may have will help us establish a satisfactory and fulfilling relationship with the little ones in the house.

Likewise, proposing simple exercises so that they become familiar with the subjects in which they have problems can also be of great help to overcome those small academic deficits.

3. Ensure good eating habits

Ensuring that our children have a good breakfast, especially in the first days of returning to school, is also another issue on which we must pay more attention, since correct nutrition is essential for their academic performance.

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Maintaining healthy eating habits is one of the lessons that we must transmit to our children from a young age and in addition to that, it is also of great importance. ensure they receive a healthy and balanced diet

4. Buy school supplies on time, marking deadlines

Buying school supplies for our children days in advance so that they feel more prepared is another strategy that we can follow to help generate states of well-being, tranquility and a feeling of control.

This will help us especially for those children who get nervous shortly before starting the new school year.

5. Don’t put too much homework on vacation

During the days before returning to school, it is advisable not to give our children too much homework or academic tasks, since We are facing a period of adaptation that requires more time to rest

Much of the free time that children have should be used to rest and recharge energy for the next school day; Furthermore, if children associate homework time with an uncomfortable situation in which the rest of the children play and have fun, this usually means that the first day of school is seen as a source of frustration and anxiety.

6. Act as a role model

As parents we must act as a role model at all times, this means that we must adopt a positive and optimistic attitude when returning to school.

If we show ourselves calm, motivated and willing to fulfill all obligations, we will set a very positive example for our children, who They tend to imitate what they see their parents doing

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7. Make them participate in the organization

By involving our children in the post-vacation organization, we will make them feel loved and see how their opinion is taken into account at all times.

This contributes very positively to their mental health and helps them be more relaxed, optimistic and happy during the return to school.

Are you looking for psychological assistance for families?

If you want to rely on the services of a team of psychologists with years of experience in intervening in problems such as stress, anxiety or lack of time management skills, we invite you to contact us.

In UPAD Psychology and Coaching We can assist you in person or online.