My Partner Does Not Fulfill Me: Possible Causes And What To Do

My partner does not fulfill me: possible causes and what to do

With the passage of time, it is relatively common for both members in a relationship to not feel as they did at the beginning, thus leading to a process of falling out of love, something natural. However, when this situation is taken to an extreme where one or both partners feel that their partner does not fulfill them ; This may bring with it sadness, heartbreak, and even uncertainty.

If your partner is not fulfilling you, this could be due to several reasons, and there are certain signs that could make me think that things are not going as they should. Thus, in this article we will see the signs that allow us to identify the reasons why a person might feel that their partner does not fulfill them and we will also see some tips to take into account in these cases.

Why do I feel like my partner doesn’t fulfill me?

These are the causes most associated with the feeling of “emptiness” in a relationship.

1. Reduction of common projects

If your partner does not satisfy you, one of the main reasons could be the fact that that there would have been a reduction in common projects over time when it would be normal for more projects to be shared, such as certain goals in life.

That is why a sign that warns that the relationship is not working as it should is that each of the members spend less and less time together, because each one is focused on a series of projects that do not fit with those of the other. so that there is increasingly less space to spend as a couple; especially, when neither member of the couple is willing to seek common ground with the other, thus becoming even more distant as time goes by.

My marriage does not fulfill me

The fact that there is a lack of affinity in terms of tastes, interests or concerns, as well as on an intellectual level, could influence the fact that there is a reduction in common projects.

2. Lack of acts of affection and loss of interest

Another possible reason could be the fact that lately there are few or few signs of affection between us, so Those details of affection that we used to show before have been disappearing and we barely give each other kisses or caresses Plus, we don’t have as much fun as we used to when we were together.

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Nor are there usually praise or details from both of us and all those manifestations of love that had previously been replaced by certain gestures of indifference, our moments as a couple having become routine, since we always do the same things, we hardly go out nor do we usually go out. innovate in terms of plans or details; In other words, we always do the same activities together and we always give each other similar gifts on the designated dates.

Another cause for concern within the couple could be the loss of interest in the other on the part of one of the members, or even both. In these cases there is no longer interest in what is happening in the other’s life, which increases the distance between them.

3. Lack of communication or impoverishment of it

One of the possible reasons why someone feels that their partner does not fulfill them could be a lack of communication or an impoverishment of it. Although not all people have the same communication skills and there are couples where there is usually less communication than others, a warning sign could be the fact that communication between both members occurred to a lesser extent than usual and that in addition Don’t try to reach an understanding.

When interest and love is running out within a couple, it is likely that communication problems begin to appear so it is also more difficult for points of disagreement to be resolved peacefully, and it is more common for discussions to begin with greater frequency and intensity.

In some cases, this lack of communication could mean that only the right amount of conversation is spoken, and the conversation is even reduced to monosyllables, so that both members of the couple feel alone when they are together even though physical presence is shared.

4. Lack of tolerance towards certain behaviors of the other member of the couple

When one member of the couple does not fulfill the other, it is possible that a fall out of love is occurring and, in this type of case, there could be an intolerance towards some behaviors of the other member.

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This usually begins to occur when a person begins to see that they are distancing themselves from their partner and that they share fewer and fewer interests, so they are beginning to see their partner from a different prism, so that Each time you will pay more attention to certain behaviors of your partner that you do not like and can even be magnified from their perspective of those apparent imperfections.

5. Lack of sexual desire

Among the causes of this problem could be a lack of sexual desire, one of the signs associated with a process of falling out of love. With that There is usually a general distancing between both members of the marriage or courtship disappearing the need for physical closeness and intimacy that used to exist between the two.

In this type of case, the couple’s sexual life can become monotonous or even scarce. Kisses and displays of affection could have become routine acts that are carried out automatically and feel the same as before.

6. Lack of fun

Another sign that things are not going well in a relationship is when one or both of your members feel like they are no longer having fun doing things together, and it is very important that when both members of the couple are together they do not need anyone else to spend fun and pleasant moments. By this we do not mean that everything is fun and you have to always be having a good time, since a couple is much more than that, considering that they should also be there to support you during difficult times.

However, when you don’t spend fun moments as a couple like you used to before, we find ourselves facing a sign that something is not right, especially when you need the company of more people to be distracted and not see reality.

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7. The idea comes to mind that perhaps you would be better off without a partner

If your partner does not fulfill you, it is likely that thoughts and ideas will come to mind related to a hypothetical future in which that person is already by your side and that you consider that you would be better off being single. This usually occurs when a person does not feel happy in their relationship and she begins to feel more and more like being alone it is common for them to make most of their plans without their partner, even preferring to be with other people than with their partner.

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What to do if my partner doesn’t satisfy me?

When someone feels that their partner does not fulfill them, they should analyze the previous points and reflect to what extent they occur to them with their partner and If she thinks it’s reciprocal or only happens to her

It should also be kept in mind that being in love is not the same as loving, since the former is a process that is deeply mediated through brain chemistry because during this period of time lovers release a wide variety of hormones. (e.g., oxytocin or vasopressin, among others), causing the sensation of “having butterflies in the stomach” and “being in the clouds.”

On the other hand, love is something deeper and has greater solidity than falling in love; is a process that normally lasts longer over time This is when each of the members of the couple have a more realistic view of the other person and their relationship. Therefore, we must keep in mind that falling out of love could disappear, but love remains, being a bond that sustains the most resistant and mature relationship, which allows both members to accept the other for what they are, keeping in mind their virtues, but also its defects.

Therefore, when there is falling out of love but there is a certain degree of love or affection, the relationship can work. To do this, it is necessary that both members commit to their relationship and have the desire and interest in it, thus being convinced that it is worth trying and moving forward together.

A highly recommended option in this type of case would be for both of them to agree to look for a therapist or psychologist specialized in couples who could help both of them find a way to get their relationship back on track, thus leaving behind the possible problems that they could have had. brought to that point where they are.

When someone feels that their partner is not fulfilling them, they should also ask themselves if it is something temporary, if they are going through a bad time or if it is something that has been going on for a long time. In these types of situations We must analyze the facts exhaustively and not try to deceive ourselves since if you consider that your relationship has no future, the more you let it go, the more difficult it will be to end your relationship.