Boys And Girls, Adolescents And Divorce

Boys and girls, adolescents and divorce

When we end a relationship, we usually perceive it as a failure in our life.

But If we have children with the person we are going to separate from, everything is much more complicated and we are plagued by numerous doubts about how to manage the separation process.

Will divorce affect my children?

The answer is simple: Yes, it will affect our children, it’s going to hurt them. You have to do it, because it is an unwanted and sad situation for everyone, but we can cushion the blow that it means for them and it is a situation that they will overcome and it will teach them that sometimes relationships do not work and can end in a cordial manner.

This is a fundamental learning for your future relationships Many times there are couples who do not separate so as not to harm their sons and daughters; However, they argue, shout and do not have a cordial relationship. This model of relationship that we transmit to them is much worse than separating us. Sometimes we believe that they are not finding out anything because we do not argue in front of them. But the reality is that they perceive that something is not right and they suffer from it anyway.

What can we do for the well-being of our sons or daughters?

The good news, while the situation is not pleasant for any member of the family, is that We can carry out a series of behaviors to promote the well-being of our children They are the following:

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What does my child need during the separation?

Keep these in mind needs that you must know how to address during the divorce process and in the new stage that begins.