How To Help A Family Member With An Addiction?

How to help a family member with an addiction

Addictions are physical and psychological disorders that destroy the lives of people who suffer from them. However, we should not see them as individual problems, since they also significantly harm family members and loved ones around them.

However, in the same way that addictive disorders affect those around the addicted person, these people can also positively influence their treatment by helping to overcome the pathology.

Family support is of great importance in cases of addiction for the large number of benefits that its help offers and for the fact that its mere presence works as a therapeutic element in the addicted person.

Ways to support a family member with an addiction

There are many ways in which the family of a person with addictions can benefit their treatment and accelerate the healing and detoxification process, below we present the most common ones.

1. It does not treat the subject as a taboo

It is common for families with cases of addiction to decide to hide the problem and treat it as a taboo subject for fear of having to face reality or to avoid bothering the person with the addiction.

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Avoiding treating the subject as a taboo will help us avoid misunderstandings and also combat possible prejudices that may exist in the family about the situation they are experiencing. In addition to that, it is also important to combat possible deception or attempts at manipulation, something very common in people with addictions.

Family member with addiction

By talking openly about addiction we will be able to provide the person with the help they need and we will be able to convince them that their problem should be treated as soon as possible and placed in the hands of a professional.

2. Do not base support on moralization

Support must be provided in a selfless manner, without moralizing and without increasing the feeling of guilt of the person who is suffering from a case of addiction in their daily life

It must be clear that addiction is something that goes beyond willpower and that increasing guilt can lead the person to further self-sabotage, going even deeper into their addiction.

With sincere support and without reproaches, we will ensure that the person overcomes their addiction much sooner and feels that their family supports them no matter what happens.

3. Encourage him to continue going to therapy

Another piece of advice that the family can follow is to encourage the person and support them to continue going to therapy, as well as to continue doing all the guidelines indicated by the therapists on a daily basis.

Serving as a source of encouragement and motivation in these difficult times is essential, especially on days when the person feels without the strength or desire to continue carrying out your detox treatment

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4. Make it easier to express yourself

As in any psychological problem or alteration, the expression of concerns and feelings in general is of great importance for the person who is suffering; That is why we must ensure that it finds a safe place in your home where you can transmit everything that causes suffering or discomfort

Providing emotional support at all times when the person with addictions may need it and actively listening to everything they have to tell us is one of the best supports we can provide.

5. Assess your progress

Valuing and recognizing their progress during therapy also provides strong support, as well as an incentive to move forward and not disappoint their own family members.

Talking about the person’s progress both in front of them and to other people also greatly helps the person feel that their effort is recognized by those around them.

6. Maintain communication with therapists

Maintain good communication with the therapists, asking at all times what we can do from home and where we are in the treatment It shows that we are involved in the process and that we support our family member at all times

As numerous studies have shown, the active and continued support of the family is essential for the correct course and success of the detoxification process.

7. Help promote healthy social relationships

During addiction treatment, the establishment of healthy social relationships is essential, as well as the breaking of those relationships that predisposed to addiction.

That is why the family must help at all times to promote new healthy relationships that have nothing to do with previous consumption or any other type of addiction.

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8. Inform ourselves about addiction

Being informed about the nature of the addiction that our family member suffers will also help us to be able to provide them with the addiction they need at all times.

In addition to that, we will learn to offer individualized support taking into account your personal, character and personality characteristics

9. Be affectionate but firm

Professionals specialized in addictions agree that support for people with addictions must be loving and attentive but firm, always establishing clear limits.

This means that if the person lives with us, they must abide by the family’s rules of coexistence, such as day and night schedules, rules of cleanliness or common coexistence.

10. Not systematically agreeing to their demands

In this regard, we must keep in mind that people with addictions often find it very easy to deceive or manipulate their loved ones.

That is why we should never agree to their demands for money or any request made to us for the addictive substance they need to consume.

11. Face denial together

In the early stages of addiction, It is possible that the person follows a strategy of denying their problem

It is in these cases when the entire family must join forces to help that person realize the reality and the problem they present.

12. Remove the person from their toxic environment

As indicated, the environment where the person develops their addictive habit It should be changed as soon as possible to another healthy environment without addictions

Entering a detox center is one of the best ways to isolate a person from their harmful environment.